

I could no longer do what I I did but I o day then thrte

Godsent_Odogiawa · Fantasie
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11 Chs

The Dark Night


Helena and Gregon rode on two black horses out of the walls of the darkdom. This night was going to be the darkest night the world have ever seen. lightning struck at regular intervals and it seemed like it was about to rain but there was no attempt of the rain to break loose from its cage.

The darkness in the place was blinding. So dark that it shielded the face like a black vile and normal men had to Walk like blind men, unaware of what lies in wait for them.

But for these dark men, the darkness was their greatest source of strength as their horses galloped in it with a heart-ripping joy. The horses cried evilly as they stormed past the corn farm of the Villagers outside the city gate.

From the east, they wounded up to the paved strength that lead to the city and continued riding until they were at the city gate. The gates that lead to the heart of their greatest enemies just lie in wait for them to rip it out.

The gate was flung open even at that time of the night. The witches were gone and there was no threat of war so it would be logical to keep the gates open as a mark of peace. But this was the greatest mistake they had ever made.

The dark duo stormed past the gate with their flying robe in such a way that the sleeping guards in the gatehouse were forced to wake up from their seats. "What was that," one of the guards inquired with a long yawn.

"I don't know," the other guard returned with another yawn.

"Don't you think we should keep watch," the first guard inquired.

"There is no need to get worried. Besides what possible threat could befall the city? Even the chief guard would be asleep."

The horses of the dark siblings continued hitting their hoves hard on the paved street of the Mogablaka. They headed to the farthest north of the city gate, flinging past everything on their part. The women on their way cried the man caused, they had never seen the strangest set of riders. But even at this, they didn't think that any was about to go wrong with their beloved empire.

Finally, they came to the home or the dwelling of their first prey. He was one of the most prominent men in the city, well recognized and acknowledged. Alongside Lucus, he leads the war. He was a man that bore the burden of old age. But he had the heart of a young man because he had a great knowledge of herbs and roots. He is the ceremonial priest of the Moglans.

But Even at this, he was also the saddest and the loneliest man in the city. Due to certain customs, he was made to seat all alone in the inner part of the temple every full moon and he was not allowed to get married. Such were the details of his calling.

He sat in a beautiful walled room with high ceilings and a mat in the middle of the waiting room. It was the room where it was believed that the portal of good spirits would be opened and the priest would receive messages partnering the new moon.

Priest Garka sighed, this was the most stupid culture of the people. It might use to work for their founding fathers but rights now, it didn't. His father and his grandfather had never received any message and neither has he. He haved a sad sigh. He was way bored seating at one spot for a whole night but he had to do this.

In his opinion, this didn't matter. An academy should be created where he would train young students in the art of casting spells and teach them about the founding of the Empires of the world. Not this odd culture that met nothing.

As he hallowed in his disappointment, a strange wind blew into the temple room. The air was so cold that even after his long years of practicing to control his reaction to weather, he couldn't help but shiver. "This air is weird," he thought.

He closed his eyes and wallowed in the energy of the air around him, trying to get its source. When he was able to get it, he shivered with cold fear as his eyes which were not now opened ached violently. He couldn't even recognize his guardian spirit. But how possible was it that his guardian spirit born to him was afraid? It had never happened before and this only might one thing, there was dark energy around him.

But where was this dark energy coming from? All the transfixed souls had been killed and the darkdomites had gone extinct. The answer was not far from reach, this could only have meant one thing, he had dark companies.

Outside the temple, Helena and Gregon came down from their horses and walked towards the barred doors of the temple. Gregon tried to push it open but it was locked from the inside. This was to avoid the priest from being distracted in any way.

"What is the problem," Helena inquired watching her brother trying fruitlessly to open the door."

"It's locked from inside," Gregon replied.

"Step backward," Helena ordered.

Without saying a word, Gregon stepped back from the door to allow his sister do what she had in mind. His sister had a greater knowledge of dark acts than him, since she was five years older than him.

Helena stepped towards the door, placing her hands on it. She felt the inner lock with her dark spirit, sending a dark wave from her hand through the tiny holes in the door. The waves moved slowly through the holes and slowly pushed the locks open from behind. Then the door parted open.

"Wasn't that easy," Helena said smiling at her brother.

"Sure it was. You will teach me more of your dark spells soon."

"First, you must unlock the dark spirit within you," Helena replied and proceeded into the temple.

The temple was brightened by lights collected from the moon by the perfectly made glass roofs which had little holes in them, that were sealed during the rainy season. And the walls were made of thick bricks, thicker than normal bricks.

"How do we find him," Gregon inquired.

"Shhhh," Helena silenced him.

From her Black robe, she collected some black dust and sprinkled it into the air. The dust seemed to have a life of its own as it began to float all over the place, blacking out the bright lights of the moon.

The black dust began to float slowly in a certain direction while the dark siblings followed its lead. Meanwhile, the priest still sat in the waiting room, awaiting what was he stock for him.

As he waited with his eyes wide open, he noticed that some dark dust began to float all over the room, blocking out the light from the little opening in the room.