

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Bitter Enemies by seryon

supahsanic6969 · Videospiele
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24 Chs


Anduin couldn't help the anxiety that plagued his body as he nervously awaited Sylvanas to enter through the portal. He had made sure all the proper preparations were in place, taking note to place the portal in the abandoned poor district of Stormwind. Anduin couldn't help the feeling of uncertainty, he sat there for an hour, praying she wouldn't get caught and at the same time watching his back from any unknown visitors that may find his appearance suspicious.

Anduin suddenly felt slender arms wrap around his back as he suddenly tensed but relaxed knowing it was Sylvanas.

" You have to be more careful little lion, there may be bigger predators around." She smirked as he turned around and smiled.

Anduin saw an ebony haired Sylvanas with purple and blue clothes that adored her body. She looked simply amazing and more importantly, she didn't look any different than any other high elf that would live in the city.

He kissed her lightly on her lips while catching a glimpse of her round belly, from his measurements she had to be four months along by now and her usual angular face looked slight rounder. She no doubt still had a very athletic build but her pregnancy also allowed her to put on some weight. But altogether she was still a site to behold.

" I love the black hair it suits you." Anduin said before he closed the portal.

She smirked while watching the young king blush under her eye, "It's just some simple hair dye Alleria gave me, it's supposed to help me be invisible in plain site. But the real test is when we get around your alliance dogs" She chuckled before taking in his new appearance. "I love your beard Anduin." Sylvanas confessed, running her hands through the now fully grown facial hair.

Anduin looked embarrassed, blushing all the more. " I have been getting that a lot, people seem to say it makes me look more manly and respectable."

Sylvanas ran her hands through her long black hair, she did indeed find it more attractive on herself but her platinum hair would always be her preference. " Let us go little lion I have much to discuss with you." Sylvanas replied.

"Sure." Anduin answered as they both began their journey through the city. It had been very cold with light snow covering the ground around Stormwind. It made the overall dull human city look very beautiful during the sunset.

" I'm glad I got my heavy leather coat, I didn't know it would be this cold." Sylvanas said, seeing her misty breath in the cold.

" Yes, it does get bone chilling cold around the winter season, matter of fact,part of the ocean by the harbour is frozen solid. Some daring citizens even ice skate on the thicker edges." Anduin chuckled.

" Wouldn't that be a risk to their life? You know like falling into the cold water and drowning, humans seem very stupid Anduin." Sylvanas stated plainly, walking past many high elves and humans who seemed to be to interested in the winter festival to even look their way.

" Well we humans have a sense of danger and excitement." He smiled, watching Sylvanas roll her eyes.

" Being a short lived race would do that it seems, better get it all out of your system before old age." Sylvanas reasoned.

Anduin smiled, " Elves seem to be very proper and stuck up, do your people even have fun?"

Sylvanas rolled her eyes, " Not the type of fun you humans have it seems, although elven children write poetry and epics. Also as a child I painted, so I guess you could say I did have fun. However my family often hunted wild game in quel'thalas but I never considered it fun, more like a challenge."

" The mighty Sylvanas windrunner doesn't like hunting how surprising!" Anduin gasped as they walked past a large group of people surrounding a large bonfire.

" If you call sitting in a ditch and waiting for prey to walk past my line of site fun, then I would want your head checked. My sister and I had to wait for hours for even the smallest amount of game to pass by. Movement was kept to a minimum or else the prey would be scared off."

" I see." Anduin said as they finally came upon Stormwind keep, Sylvanas thought it was amazing that no one recognised her. Barely anyone even looked her direction as they moved past the guards. The Alliances greatest enemy was under their nose and no one knew but Anduin. Of course this was because her appearance changed completely, she had retained her creamy white skin along with her golden eyes and pink lips. Lastly she had gained some weight in her pregnancy, noticing that her face didn't look quite as angular as before but unlike most women of her race she didn't care too much about the little weight she gained. Sylvanas was suddenly brought out of her thoughts as a large worgan came into her field of vision.

" My king I'm glad your back we have much to discuss and who is this?" Genn Greymane exclaimed hugging Anduin and eyeing the high elf with interest.

Sylvana's hair on her neck stood up, worgen were renowned for their highest sense of detection. Would she be discovered? " My scent has changed, there is no way he would know." Sylvanas thought inwardly, trying to calm herself down.

Anduin paused for a slight second, sensing her anxiety. " This is.."

" I am Shapira nice to meet you." Sylvanas chimed in with a fake smile.

"Anduin has not told me about you, no doubt embarrassed to show such a beauty to his family." Genn greymane chuckled.

" Yes Anduin does have a tendency to do that, we met a few months ago in the cathedral. I just started the discipline holy priest and Anduin thought it best to train me and I was blown away, the high king of stormwind training me how could I pass it up!" Sylvanas exclaimed.

" That is amazing, the alliance needs all the priest in the war against the wretched horde and their witch of a ruler." Genn added, noticing the slight roundness of her stomach. " And how far along is this little one?" Genn asked.

Sylvanas looked confused and then understood, rubbing her stomach while smirking." Oh Anduins son is three months along." Sylvanas said, feigning innocence and seeing the shocked faces of Anduin and Genn greymane.

"Anduin what in the nine hells have you been doing! You cannot spread your seed without sense, the nobles will bury you.. Especially having a half elven child.." Genn gasped, seeing the the high elven women laugh.

" Shapira…" Anduin sighed, knowing Sylvanas was playing games.

" Oh calm down Genn I'm only joking, I am actually newly married and Anduin is not the father." Sylvanas lied, chuckling at the reality of the situation.

Genn released a sigh of relief. " Thank the light, I meant no offense at the half elven comment but our nobles of stormwind are how do they say...bigoted toward none human races."

"None taken the high elves also have a bigoted nature as well, hopefully in the future the races can learn to coexist." She replied.

Genn nodded before looking toward Anduin, " The Horde has launched surprise attacks across the eastern kingdoms and we have to respond."

" I understand." Anduin said before locking eyes with Sylvanas. "Make yourself home in my quarters I should be there soon."

"Be about your word Anduin." She replied before a guard escorted her to Anduins private room.

" She certainly has a way with her that most high elven women don't have, almost reminds me of Alleira." Genn commented.

Anduin laughed at the irony, " Yes she does Genn." He replied as they both made their way to the meeting room. Anduin knew a great challenge awaited him but with Sylvanas here it made things a tad bit better.

As the guards opened the door for Sylvanas she reasoned that Anduin must have had a high amount of trust in her to not go through his private papers and war plans. This information could greatly aid the horde but with her people fractured between the forsaken and the regular horde, how would it do any good? But more importantly how would this damage the relationship she had with her father's child?

" If I am to help the horde it won't be by any means of distrust between Anduin and I." Sylvanas thought as the guards began to exit Anduins room.

" We will be outside of the room if you need anything mame."

"Thank you." Sylvanas replied, closing the door behind her.

This had been the first time she had ever seen Anduins room and it looked just as she thought. Books everywhere and of every kind lay scattered all over his desk and bed. His father's sword hung up on the rack over his bed. Her eyes suddenly became fixed on a small patch of fur that lay near the pillow's.

"A… dog? Sylvanas said as a scruffy dog came rushing to her leg, obviously looking for attention and wagging its tail.

" You look very familiar." Sylvanas said as she tried to gather her memories and that's when it came to her. The surrounding area of undercity had a lot of stray dogs, partially due to their past owners being killed or turning into forsaken. Sylvanas reasoned the dogs she often seen while hunting are the very descendants of the pets that were left behind. Being Quel dori her people did not favor dogs too much as they were seen as filthy animals and not nearly as elegant as cats but she had a soft spot for dogs.

" Anduin must have found you before our battle, I'm sure you missed him but I am not Anduin so leave me be." Sylvanas said, annoyed with the dogs persistent jumping on her leg.

As if seeming to understand the dog barked before running over to its bed and layed down.

"Finally." She sighed, before she laid down and began reading books concerning the holy light. Long ago she scoffed at the powers of the light but now they intrigued her. It was after all because of Anduin powers that she regained her physical body and soul back, effectively becoming a living being again. However she also knew that there were light forged humans and Eredar that lived for thousands of years. Perhaps if Anduin could find a way, he to could become light forged and live thousands of years. They never openly discussed it, but she didn't want him to become old and die before her. Although she hated him at first, in her most private of thoughts she knew she loved him more than anyone. He had given her life and a child, something she thought was forever lost to her due to Arthas. But with the main fraction war and civil war brewing between the forsaken, Sylvanas knew that they were not out of the woods yet.

" Is living with him even a possibility, his ridiculous alliance would certainly want to have my head and not without cause." She thought, rubbing her stomach and feeling herself becoming sick again. " Although I am carrying the future of his lineage and I doubt they would kill me before I give birth. Regardless if my child is half elven or not."

Sylvanas laid in bed for what seemed like hours as thoughts swirled through her head. She knew Anduin didn't have any siblings or extended family and it was indeed true that he was the last wrynn, before she became pregant of course. Before Anduin her life was miserable but more simple, she didn't exactly love anyone besides her sisters and Nathanos,although there relationship was rocky at best. She hated the alliance with all of her heart but now she realised that there were more grey areas than she first thought. For her, surviving at all cost meant doing whatever needed to be done but she realised that perhaps she had gone to far. Using war as an outlet for her bitterness and misery.

Sylvanas suddenly heard the door open as Anduin sighed before closing the door, pulling off his large coat. His dog suddenly ran to him wagging its tails and jumped on Anduin. "That's a good boy, Aggie." He laughed hugging the dog before it went off to lay back down.

Anduin released a sigh."This war is taking more energy from me by the day." He said with frustration, taking off his boots, leaving him in just his trousers and lenin shirt.

Sylvanas rolled her eyes at his complaining, " At least you don't have to deal with a civil war within your own fraction and another living being growing inside of you.

Anduin raised an eyebrow at her statement. " What happened Sylvanas? What do you mean civil war, none of my spies have reported anything of the sort."

She sighed as she readied herself to tell Anduin of her recent discussion with her people and Nathanos. After some time she began to retail the events that unfolded just weeks ago and how it angered her greatly. Afterwards Anduin was left floored, Sylvanas had been right, she was going through a lot more than he anticipated.

"That Thandor sounds like a real pain in the side." Anduin added.

"He has always been that way even before death, he sees an opportunity to dethrone me and take my forsaken under his rule." She replied.

Anduin saw her nervous appearance, the tightening of her fist. The slight movement of her lower jaw.

"Sylvanas don't let this stress you out, think about the child." Anduin reminded her.

Sylvanas released a sigh of relief. " Your right, besides the forsaken don't even see me as a real ruler anyway. I don't know how much longer I can hold on.

Anduin sat next to Sylvanas on the bed, massaging her shoulders. " The light will work things out Sylvanas and besides maybe your destiny is not with the Forsaken,Horde or Alliance."

She raised an eyebrow at his statement. "What do you mean? If i stay here with you I will certainly be in the Alliance and to be honest with you Anduin I still have a strong disdain for your fraction."

" Yes but we have a family Sylvanas it's no longer just you."

" Then who would I be Anduin? Just live in secrecy for years. I want to walk around stormwind or anywhere for that matter without harassment." She spat.

"Yes Sylvanas but you have great sins from the past, they cannot be erased easily."

" Oh but don't I know that little lion, I may have changed, but the mind of others have not. We all know the end of this will be my head on a pike." She said sadly.

Anduin shook his head clenching his fist. " Not if i can help it, they would have to kill me first before touching a single hair on your head. You hold the future of

Stormwind and I would die for that." Anduin declared rubbing her round stomach.

Sylvanas smiled before giving him a quick kiss. " There may be two cubs in there Anduin, call it a hunch but I'm sure of it." She said to his surprise.

" Thank the light but that could mean a harder pregnancy for you Sylvanas."

She found a place to sit down rubbing her stomach. " Multiple children being birthed by Quel dori is rare which is why my sisters twins where a shock. However her pregnancy was risky as both of her sons were well above the average weight for eleven babies. Hopefully these little ones are average weight."

Anduin touched her cheek and moving his hand under her chin. "Whatever happens I'm here for you."

Sylvanas rolled her eyes not being one for much romance. " Im sure your annoying self would be there front and center." She chuckled, letting herself fall back on the bed as her eyes fell upon the night sky.

" Who would have thought that your greatest enemy would be your wife and the mother of your children. The mighty Sylvanas windrunner tamed by Anduin King of stormwind who is only twenty one years old."

" Well Sylvanas if i remember correctly you started this whole thing because you wanted to…"

" Have sex because my physical body was being restored and that turned into something else altogether."

Anduin smiled, tracing a finger down her beautiful pale face.

" Have you thought about names?" She almost whispered.

Anduin laughed, " I actually have a large list…"

She snorted, " Typical."

"And you will find out tomorrow after the festival is over." Anduin yawned before kicking off his boots and sliding into the covers.

" Anduin all I want to do at the moment is sleep because your children are kicking my guts out of place." She spat before laying her her head on his chest. Suddenly there markings on their arms illuminated brightly as they held each other. Blue mixed with bright red as they sparked and flared.

" Do you know what they mean?" Sylvanas asked.

Anduin shook his head. " I would have to ask Valen but not now, things are still complicated. I want the twins to be born first."

" sounds ridiculous but whatever Anduin." Sylvanas yawned, linking her leg with his.

" You know mother used to read me bedtimes stories when I was a child and there would always be a happy ending. However once I got older and saw the horrors of the world." She paused and exhaled remembering what Arthas did to her people before she continued. " I realised that most of the time happy endings don't happen Anduin. I have a sinking feeling our ending will be the same."

Anduin held her tighter. " We will make our ending Sylvanas,the light has shown me visions in my sleep of a happy family. The faces cannot be seen or are very vague but I sense happiness and peace from the dreams and visions. That is ours to take and we cannot let anyone stop us. We have are children to think about now and I will protect my family even if I know you can handle yourself in a fight." He lightly laughed

She lightly laughed before closing her eyes, " I love you Anduin." she whispered hoping he didn't hear it.

Anduin lighty kissed her head as he dozed off, " Love you to windrunner."