
Chapter One; Part 2/2

I then said "Shadow! Wake up, or else Your girlfriend is gonna dump you! She is coming to the house right now! Hurry!" He gets up fast Yelling "I'm UP! When is she coming! Oh I have gotta look good for her! He wipes his eyes, I start laughing and so does Heath! Then Shadow realizes that there's a boy next to me. "Who's this? Why is he here, in my room?" I explain that he is his roommate. Then he reaches out his hand to shake Heath's... They introduce themselves. Then I ask Shadow if he has another backpack. He nods and goes to his closet, then he pulls out a blue and green one. He gives Heath the backpack. Then we leave to go to my room, which I share with my twin, Onyx. I go to my desk and grab some of my extra supplies. I motion for the backpack and he gives it to me, I put the supplies inside the backpack and zip it shut. "Okay now you need some clothes go and ask Shadow for clothes, get dressed and once done just tell Shadow to come get me. I will be getting the rest of the supplies we will need, okay?" He nods at me. And goes to Shadow's room... Then I heard a knock "End! He is done getting dressed! I happened to have an outfit made already that he liked so yeah he wants to see you, though! So hurry!" I go up to see him. I am shocked at what I see him wearing. He is wearing a black leather jacket, gloves, a blue shirt and jeans. He looks good in them. "You look great!" I tell him before turning towards my brother, "Thank you bro for making this outfit! You are The best!" I hug him before telling Heath to help me wake up my cousins.

"You get Cat, I will get the other one, Her name is Crystal." Two minutes later they are up, Once they are I introduce them to Heath. Then I make sure my twin is up and ready. "Alright, now that everyone is up, We better get going! Heath since you are new, you and Crystal will go with me, and Shadow, Cat and Onyx get to be together. Let's go..."

We make it to Cat and Crystal's school at 5 and at 5:30 we reach our school. Onyx and shadow come with us to the administration office. Where we get him enrolled and get him his schedule. Me and Heath have pretty much the same schedule so I lead him to our classes. First period is my one of my hobbies, drawing! My teacher introduces Heath to the rest of the class and Then he sits next to me. "So, what is it we are doing right now?" He asks. I answer, "We are doing hand studies this week..." I hand him a paper to draw on, "How do I draw a hand? I have only ever drawn landscapes!" I decide to help him by showing him on my paper, I start by drawing the palm, a circle. Then I draw the fingers. He follows me and once done he shows me... "Like this?"

He asks... His hand needs some details but overall not bad I give him a thumbs up, an say "Not bad"