
Hero: Regressed with villain system

When the once youngest hero with the highest potential was murdered by the hero federation, he regressed in time with a villain system. What would happen next? What else? The regressed hero with the villain system vowed to take revenge on everyone who wronged him. Chaos ensured. Partial inspiration from the comics and T.V. series 'BOYS.'

Eternal_Ruler_ · Fantasie
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59 Chs

The Truth

The announcement repeated as the Revengers made their way toward the refugee camp.

They saw many dead bodies of both wolves and people alike. Some of them were attended by heroes, while some people with sheer luck who tightly grabbed onto the thread of life are tended to by the healers.

The refugee camp was... Was crowded, of course. There were many fatally wounded and mutilated ones, too.

One of the injured hero's hands was being healed by a healer. A bright light emitted from the healer. The mutilated arm then began to grow back again. First his bones, then his nerves and muscles started to grow from nothing. It was gruesome. It was also gruesome to hear the screaming of the hero in pain.

"And that too, on our first day in the academy. What are they gonna say to the world?" The chiseled Jaw scrunched his face after watching the gruesome arm-mending process.

"...They will have a hell to explain to the parents. They'll have to face backlash from the general media and the people once the news is out." Said Aurelia.

"...This is outrageous. How can they do that to little kids?" Tom clenched his fist in frustration.

"That is how it works." They looked at the owner of the nonchalant voice.

"What do you mean, this is how it works?" Aurelia glared at him. She didn't think about the implications before since she was in a life-or-death situation, but now she felt disturbed knowing the legendary Fenrir aimed at a bunch of kids.

"You think a supervillain like Fenrir, who has mass murdered more than a 28million people, has any shred of mercy towards some bunch of kids, kids who are enrolled for becoming heroes?" He looked dead straight at her solemn eyes. "He is not some valiant hero with chivalry. They are villains for a reason and we are heroes for a reason, too. So quit whining and think about what you can do in the future about situations like this."

With that, he walked away from them.


"...He is correct. We should train ourselves to be better, so things like this will never happen." Tom clenched his fist again, this time with absolute resolution. He, too, walked away from them. Followed by Hannah, who was silent throughout the ordeal.

"...What are you thinking about?" Chiseled Jaw asked Aurelia after seeing her dazed expression.

She was really feeling annoyed with Leviathan, with all his power and perfect hero speech.

"...lia." She heard another annoying voice.

"...Ye-yes, I was thinking about what Leviathan just said."

"Ah, he seems to be a perfect hero candidate, right?"

"...Yes." She walked away after saying that.

"...wonder what happened to her."


On one of the meeting halls inside the academy.

"What are we going to say to the media?" A middle-aged man wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"MEDIA- that is what you're worried about. What the fuck are you gonna do about the dead children's parents?" The red-haired lady barked.

"Language, Shea." An old man with a white beard caressed his long beard.

"...I was just pissed off. How can he just kill some innocent kids? He never had done something like that." She said, repressing her anger. It was proven through her voice that she has high respect for the old man.

"...That's right, this is a first even considering his standards. But that doesn't mean he can't do it. He has already massacred millions of people and this is also possible for him, too." He continued to stroke his long white beard.

"Headmaster, what are we gonna do about this situation?" The lady named Shea solemnly asked.

Even though the Hope academy was supposed to be the most powerful academy in the region, this ambush completely destroyed it. The peaceful years they have enjoyed for the last couple of years have come to an end.

"The federation will take action against us. That is for sure. Also, we'll have to face the parents of the dead children. We've got to release an official statement to the press." The old man continued to stroke his beard.

"What abou--" the middle-aged man was cut off by the sudden gale.


The caped hero with blond hair and blue eyes suddenly stood at the center of the table with a lively smile.

"Everyone except for headmaster out." He heartily said, resting both of his hands on his hips.

Everyone in the meeting room was perplexed seeing him here. Even the headmaster was at a loss seeing him suddenly.

"Home Bringer! What brings you here?" Headmaster asked while remaining on his chair while the other two were standing up.

Home Bringer's happy demeanor changed, looking at the old man. It was only for a second before his smile returned. That was enough for everyone present there to notice the sudden change in his expression. It was clear he was displeased.

"We'll leave you alone." Shea frantically said while dragging the middle-aged man out of the meeting room.

Home Bringer was only looking at the headmaster with his signature smile. He didn't even look at the other two any time after his arrival, even when they were leaving.

"Are you going to just stand there?" The old man pointed to an empty chair after the two exited the building.

Home Bringer slowly levitated towards a chair and sat on it before pulling his cape to the side. The chair was the one opposite to the chair headmaster pointed at.



"So, why are you here?"

Home Bringer didn't answer. Instead, he looked over the window to the outside. He adjusts the seating by sinking back into the chair and putting his feet on the table.

"How is ...everything going on?" He finally looked at the old man.

"Well, we are taking the necessary steps for keeping the situation under control. We are informing the--"

"Why don't you just come under the federation?" The caped hero cuts the old man.

"...They are still on it even during this time..." He clenched his fist so hard. The room started to shake.

"You've lost many young heroes. You can't even ensure their safety on the very first day of their academic life. How are you going to ensure this won't happen again?"

He casually spoke, not even getting fazed by the violent vibration of the room.

"..." The old man just stared at him without speaking anything.

Home Bringer started to shape his nails by biting them, not even bothering to look at the old man.

"What are you gonna do about it? Um... No answer? See, that is why they are going to that length to pursue you."

"...What length?"

"..." He continued to bite his nails. When he completed biting, he meticulously lasered the nails to a perfect shape. Like a kid who got his favorite candy, he looked at his work with delight.

"What length, Chiru?"

The moment the cursed name was uttered, the entire academy shook like a violent earthquake that hit the academy. 100 times more violent than the headmaster's rage. But it only lasted for several seconds.

Home Bringer, who was just admiring his nail, crooked his neck at the old man, smiling wickedly;

"You know, the one with so many young heroes dying on their first day at the academy." He slid his foot from the table and leaned on the chair. Looked straight at the old man "which was, supposedly, orchestrated by the mighty Fenrir himself, but of course, he might only even know about the incident from the news."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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