
Ice Empress

It was the next day, Wan Fang woke up at 4 o'clock and took 30 minutes to get ready, Wind Mage Class started at 6 o'clock so he had 1hr 30mins before class started so he decided to try and cultivate. Lu Hu was still sleeping so Wan Fang went to the Boys Dorm Training Room.

In the room were many weights, cardio equipment like treadmills, etc. Also, there were specialized Cultivation Rooms that were open. Since it was early there were only 10 people in the large training room making it look empty.

Wan Fang walked into a cultivation room and closed the door. A voice then played in the room "Please sit in lotus position on the red mat in the middle and face the red dot on the wall."

Wan Fang has never been in a training room before and was surprised by the voice, he calmed his excitement and did as the voice instructed. Wan Fang sat down on the mat and looked at the dot on the wall. The voice was heard again "Initializing cultivation center, select if you are using an academy standardized cultivation technique or you own specialized cultivation technique if you choose specialized cultivation technique, Sancorp will give you a promise that it is not stored in any database in the machine so you will stay completely anonymous."

Wan Fang saw the 2 options in front of him, he was at first worried about having to tell others about the technique but after hearing the machine say it will not record anything, he decided to take a risk, after all, others use this machine and if their techniques got leaked it would be a national story.

Wan Fang clicked specialized cultivation technique and a small red dot in the corner of the room turned off, this was the camera used to record data, not that it is off no one can see what happens in that room. The 8 God Dragon Cultivation Technique rotated in Wan Fang's body as both his enitre body, both his Mage Mana and Knight Physical Power started building up in his body. He felt his whole body burn as the final turns from a mortal to a ancient constitution cultivation.

After an hour, Wan Fang's body felt completely new as he felt the mana and physical power course through his body. Wan Fang thought "I reached Servant Knight and Acolyte Mage, I don't want to say the names over and over again hmmm... okay I'll call this level Stage 1 Acolyte Battle Mage instead of saying Knight and Mage all the time."

Wan Fang was so excited he was truly a step closer to reaching his goal, but he still has a long ways to go. Wan Fang then realized "Oh no what if others can feel both my Physical Power and Mana... wait let me seal the Physical Power in my Physique and then when I need it I can unlock it"

Wan Fang turned sealed his aura and locked away the physical power. He still had 30 minutes so he walked towards his room and saw Lu Hu still sleeping.

Wan Fang grinned with malicious intent, he grabbed the bucket from the bathroom and filled it with ice, cold water. He then put it on the floor where Lu Hu put his slippers.

Wan Fang created a harmless airball which was a basic spell in the textbook and threw it at Lu Hu. He was startled as he jumped up and looked around shocked. He then saw Wan Fang hysterically laughing and realized in shock "YOU CAN USE SPELLS?"

School started yesterday and Wan Fang can already use spells, what talent is this. Wan Fang smirked, while you were sleeping I went to the training room and cultivated. Guess I am better than you.

Lu Hu's face darkened and growled: "Let me get over there and I will show who is better."

Lu Hu was so concentrated on Wan Fang that he instinctively put his feat where his shoes usually were but didn't feel the comfort of the soles on his feet, but an ice, cold bucket of water that froze his toes. Lu Hu screamed, "WAN FANG, I DISOWN YOU, AHHHHHHH, OUCH, I HAVE FROSTBITE!!!"

The screams woke up the entire building. Somehow Lu Hu and Wan Fang didn't get blamed for the noise by the entire dorm room and managed to get to class by 6 o'clock. Teacher Su Lin wasn't in class yet so he walked in and sat by the Xu Tue and Xu Chao. Seeing that they ignored him Wan Fang initiated the conversation "Hello, you too are Xu Tue and Xu Chao right?" They stopped talking and looked at Wan Fang, Xu Chao had an annoyed expression but Xu Tue was more open "Yes, I am Xu Tue and this is my cousin Xu Chao, we are from the Xu clan, a wind mage clan, most of the main clan members are wind elemental mages."

Wan Fang was interested "So do clans all have certain elements or is it special."

Xu Chao this time spoke, with a hint of disdain "Yes and no, certain clans might be like normal people and have a randomized chance of being a powerful knight or mage, or being a normal person with a Mortal Physique, by the way I am interested, why is your right eye green and left eye purple, and why do you have white hair?"

Xu Tue was about to reprimand her cousin when Wan Fang stopped her "It's fine, actually it's weird, previously I had black hair and brown eyes like most people but all of a sudden one night it changed, here I have a picture of me previously."

Wan Fang took out a picture of him, Lu Hu, and Grandma Li. It was before the transformation. Xu Chao looked at the photo and was shocked at the shocking difference between the photo and present Wan Fang, but Xu Tue and Xu Chao looked at the lady behind Wan Fang, they both squinted really hard until they shouted "Ice Empress!!!"

The rest of the class heard this shout and looked in their direction, Xu Chao who was still anxious asked: "Who are you to live with the Greatest Water Mage in the Azure Wind Province?"

Wan Fang was confused "Who are you talking about, it's only me, Brother Hu and Grandma Li in the photo, who is the Ice Empress?"

Xu Chao then showed the class and they all were shocked, at this point Teacher Su Lin walked in and saw their expressions and asked: "What the hell is going on in here?"

Shi Bai who was holding the picture walked over to Teacher Su Lin and showed him the picture, he looked at it with a little confusion in his eyes. In the picture, he looked at Wan Fang and saw that his hair and eyes were normal in the picture he was a little shocked there, then he looked at the monkey looking boy(Lu Hu) and did think much of him, and then he looked at the old lady behind Wan Fang and the Monkey Boy and his face changed drastically and like everyone else he shouted "ICE EMPRESS?"

He looked at Wan Fang who still had a confused look on his face, "Who is the Ice Empress?"