
Hero Is Defeated By Evil

The hero fell for the despicable trick of evil. Strong and beautiful heroes were reduced to the humiliating sex-processed vagina slaves of scumbag villains. *Male casting *Not impoverished *No spinning *No NTR *Virgin heroine

NescafeMTL · Urban
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51 Chs

[Episode 30] #7 Department store terror attack (5)

The club is held by the collar in the hand of the spade and is pressed against the pillar.

A state in which it is impossible to escape from that monstrous power.

The club is looking over Spades' shoulder at number 13 as if he were going to kill him, but there is no point in doing so with all his struggling.

Now all that's left is to approach the girl who can't move and cover her mouth and nose with a handkerchief soaked in this brainwashing drug.

That's the end of the game.

I can send this damn arrogant hero down to the bottom of the abyss.

There was only one step left until that happened.

"ah… ."




The spade was held in place by the collar of the club.

He tilted his head back sharply with a powerful sound that made his stomach rumble, and then thrust his head forward.

"uh… … ?"

At first, my heart sank, wondering if they were trying to destroy the club.

The headbutt of the spade, which is incredibly powerful, is strong, scary, and heavy enough to shatter even a stone block.

He pushed forward with all his might, without any response to the headbutt, and I couldn't help but feel cold for a moment.

No matter how unlucky the club was and how many things were piled up, I didn't really want to see her head crushed like a tomato.

To begin with, No. 13 is a person who is extremely afraid of grotesque things like horror movies and hates them.

Can't you waste the precious onahole and sex slave that will be your property from now on?

But should I call it fortunate or unfortunate?

The spade's head did not break the club's head, but only slammed into the pillar next to its face.

It's not something the club has avoided.

I just aimed for spades like that.

"… … Seniors… ? ah… ."


The body of the club, which had been pressed and fixed to the pillar like a specimen, fell to the floor.

Spade's hand that was holding her collar was released.

"… … … … … … … spade?"

This time, number 13 called the name.

Spade lifted his head from the pillar and was wheezing as he stumbled.

"S… 『The Jack of Spades was hung on the gallows』!"

I called out the brainwashing switch planted in Spade again, but there was no response from Spade.

Spade was just sighing and looking into space as if he was exhausted.

I glanced back at number 13.

"… … !"

Fiercely shining red eyes peeking through the rough, disheveled bangs.

Those red eyes, filled with the ferocious killing intent of a wild beast, seem to pierce my heart.


Instinctively, I thought so.

"porridge… I'm leaving… you… !"

At the spade's declaration, at that terrifying death that seemed to make the air sink heavily.

At that moment, in No. 13's mind, 'Ah, X is done…' ' The thought passed through my mind along with frost-like chills.

* * *

"Club, are you okay? Sorry… "What if you're hurt?"

"It hurt a lot! "It really hurt!"

"Ah Okay… Sorry, sorry... . really… What did I do... I'm really sorry… ."

Spade nursed the club with eyes full of regret.

I no longer feel the same strange feeling as before.

The club heaved a sigh of relief as it seemed as if the possessed spirit had fallen away.

They said they were nursing, but honestly, there wasn't anything they could do as a spade.

The only minor wounds on Club's body were a small cut from a broken glass window and a long, deep wound from running towards No. 13.

Rather than saying that the club was good at avoiding it, it was thanks to the spade that he still resisted even while being manipulated and unconsciously refrained from attacking something that could have caused a deep wound.

"really… Nonsense. I'm the worst kind of person to put my hands on a co-worker... !"

Spade said, blaming himself, but anyway, it's already happened.

The club had no intention of blaming Spade for this.

Rather, the blood flowing from Spade's forehead looks painful.

"Ah, it hurts. "It hurts so much."

Nevertheless, as the club acted sternly and made a fuss, Spade lowered his head sullenly like a criminal who had committed a crime.

Anyway, I don't know what happened, but that's not what's important right now.

"First, stand up and club. "I will definitely make up for this later."

"… "Are you sure?"

"… … I will definitely do it. really. Promise."


After applying the special ointment provided by the Hero Association to the deep cut on the thigh and bandaging it,

Club stood up, holding the hand of the spade held out in front of him.

There are only two people on this floor right now.

When Spade regained his senses and threatened him a little while ago, No. 13 had already run away in a hurry.

Should I say that I am very quick at making decisions?

Or should I say it's pathetic that he even thinks about running away without looking back?

That didn't mean he couldn't chase him, but Spade, who suddenly came to his senses, didn't have time to chase him because he was trying to figure out the situation.

It was judged that it was dangerous to chase No. 13 without knowing why he was being manipulated.

Okay, so now you have to make a decision.

Should we chase after No. 13, who ran away, or wait for additional troops to arrive later?

For some reason now, communication with Apple is not possible, and the location of No. 13 cannot be determined. In the worst case, he may have already taken advantage of the escape from last time and left the department store.

Also, maybe, if you go after No. 13, you might end up being manipulated.

It's painful to miss out on number 13 again, but considering what happens, now...

"Let's chase after him, senior."

On the side, the club proposed.

In that resolute gaze, there was a different spark of anger than when he was running wild a little while ago.

"No, club."

"Let's chase after him, senior!"

"I said no. Because I don't know what's going on. "Let's prioritize safety now."

"still… !"

The club is clearly being swayed by emotion at the moment.

I missed number 13 right in front of my eyes last time, and it would be completely unacceptable for me to miss it this time as well.

However, no matter how much I was swayed by my emotions, it did not mean I had no thoughts.

"You saw it a little while ago! That guy manipulated Senior Spade with 'a certain sentence'! But you overcame it! If you feel anxious, you can at least wear earplugs!"

Besides that, the conditions to control.

Apparently, the behavior No. 13 showed a little while ago...

It was clear that the condition was that the club be made to breathe in the medicine, as it was an attempt to approach the club and take a handkerchief soaked in some kind of medicine.

And as long as Spades is not manipulated, it would be possible to neutralize him from a distance that someone like No. 13 cannot reach with the club's ability.

It was definitely possible, the club confidently declared.

In addition, the communication function is now completely dead. In other words, No. 13 would also have no way to ask for help from outside.

In that case, there is a high possibility that he, too, is blocked by the villain terrorism barrier and cannot escape.

If so, now is the opportunity to arrest No. 13.

But even after hearing that opinion, Spade showed a disapproving expression.

"… You saw that that guy doesn't die no matter how many times you attack him.

We don't know the conditions yet, and we don't know what abilities he may be hiding. "It's dangerous to keep chasing in the current situation."

"If I had thought I could do something, I wouldn't have run away. There was no way she would have used Senior Spade.

Seniors! "There is a clear chance of victory now!"

"club! I'm speaking as a senior! "I don't know what it was like on the island, but the 7th Division's principle is to prioritize safety!"

"I don't know about that! "I was taught to survive by killing the enemy, even if it meant biting off the back of the neck, even if my limbs were cut off!"

"This is Division 7!"

In the midst of intense emotions, the gazes of the two people collided.

The red eyes of the spade and the black eyes of the club intertwine.

"… … "Then I'll go after him by myself."


"Beolchung, you said you would do it! "I'm the minister of punishment, please let me do whatever I want!"

The club looks at the spade with burning eyes.

The intense emotions that cannot be contained and seep out cannot be hidden at all.

"I can't forgive him! Number 13, who did something suspicious to my senior!"

"I don't want to see you dare to let the hero escape for the second or third time!"

"A hero always wins! "I learned that there is no meaning to a hero who cannot win or a hero who cannot apprehend a villain!"

"Even if this life ends, villains… "I don't want to miss it!"

"Because you are a hero, if you are a hero, there is no other outcome than winning! "There shouldn't be any!"

A cry filled with earnest heart.

It's hard to say that what the club said was wrong. However, Spade's own claim is not wrong either.

The club's mindset is clearly precarious, but it can also be seen as excellent.

If you become a hero and lose sight of the villain who carried out such a large-scale terrorist attack, the 7th Division may not be a laughing stock...

At the very least, it is inevitable that your reputation will fall.

But at the same time, as Spade, who has more experience and experience than the club, he knows that sometimes it is necessary to give up.

We strive to choose the best options possible, but we know that things don't always work out 100% the way we want.

Spades, who have experienced failure many times,

A club that is considered outstanding and has rarely experienced failure.

That inevitable gap was now revealed in the opinions of the two people.

In this situation right now, there is no time to fill that gap.

"… … okay. "In the end, I'm going to go."

It seemed like I couldn't break the opinion of this stubborn junior.

Apart from punishment, it is also the senior's job to educate and look after the juniors.

"good… okay. Then let's do it like this. "I will help too, paying attention to safety as much as possible."

"Seniors… !"

"If No. 13 is in this building.

First, we search, check for signs of No. 13, and if we determine that there are uncertainties… At that time, please follow my instructions without saying anything.

This is my order as your senior and your superior. "If you disobey, you will be punished according to the rules."

"yes! All right!"

So in the end, it's something that both people agree on.

Spade immediately instructed the club to carry out an operation to safely track down No. 13.

… Even in this situation, communication with the outside world is still not connected.