
Her Wish Upon a Star

One hundred years ago, the magestic city of Brighthaven faced an insidious curse unleashed by the dark magic of a heartbroken witch. The Princess, Cersie Sierra, though spared from the curse was trapped inside a star. Meanwhile, in the current time, Rowena Alexander, unaware of her own destiny, races against time to save her town from the same malevolent curse. As fate weaves their stories together, a single wish revealed the ancient connection between the two. United by a shared purpose and a curse that now seemed not so bad, Cersie and Rowena embark on a journey to confront the shadows that threaten their world, forging a bond that transcends time.

Miss_FaerieChild20 · Fantasie
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28 Chs

A Kidnapping...

As the moon completed its cycle, Rowena's anxiety grew like a vine coiling around her heart. The Lord's manor, once a place of solace and security, now enveloped her in tension and unease. Every creak of the floorboards, every whisper of the wind seemed to hold an omen of ill news.

An unexpected clamor outside the manor shattered the suffocating silence. Rowena froze, her green eyes widening with anticipation. A frantic messenger on horseback stormed towards the entrance, his chest heaving as if he had ridden through hell itself to deliver his urgent message. "My Lady! My Lady! Please open up!" He pounded on the double doors, desperation echoing in his voice.

 The head maid, a stern woman with graying hair pulled back into a tight bun, flung the door open, anger and suspicion etched on her furrowed brow. "Who are you and what do you want with the lady?!" she demanded, barring the way with her rigid posture.

 "WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!" The messenger bellowed, pushing past the outraged head maid and charging through the opulent halls. "M'LADY! M'LADY! WHERE ARE YOU!"

 Rowena, her nightgown billowing around her like shadows come to life, appeared at the top of the grand staircase. She stifled a yawn and called down, "What is with all this fuss so early in the morning?" Her thoughts started to race, wondering if the news she'd been dreading had finally arrived.

 "Your Ladyship! Forgive my intrusion," the messenger panted, momentarily pausing to bow. "But I have a letter for you, and it's of the utmost importance!" His eyes held an urgency that sent a shiver down Rowena's spine.

 "An important letter?" Rowena murmured to herself, her heart pounding in her chest. As she descended the staircase, her mind raced with possibilities, each darker than the last. Could this be the news she had been waiting for? And if so, would it bring relief or damnation?

 "A letter? It's important? Who is it from?" Rowena asked as she rushed down the steps, her black nightgown billowing behind her like a dark cloud. The silk whispered against the cold stone, sending chills up her spine.

 "Rowena, what's going on?" Cersie called from the top of the stairs, her voice laced with concern. She wore a dark green nightgown that hovered just above her feet, which were clad in soft, plush slippers. The gentle glow of the candlelight flickered across her face, casting shadows along the delicate angles of her cheekbones.

 "An important letter," Rowena replied, glancing back at her friend. Her heart skipped a beat as she noticed the unusual attire Cersie had chosen – why was she dressed so differently this morning? Time seemed to slow down for Rowena, and all thoughts of the messenger flew out of her mind as she watched Cersie descend the staircase.

 "What's wrong?" Cersie asked, cocking her head to one side as her red curls cascaded from her shoulder down her back. They danced like flames against the fabric of her gown.

 "…Nothing," Rowena managed, shaking herself from her reverie. She turned back to the messenger, her voice trembling slightly as she demanded, "Show me the letter."

 The messenger hastily handed over the grimy envelope. Rowena's breath caught in her throat as she saw her father's wax seal, the intricate design gleaming despite the dirt that marred its surface. Her hands shook as she drew a small dagger from her thigh, the cold steel biting into her fingers as she sliced through the seal. It was the first time she had ever trembled in fear – could something truly terrible have befallen her father?

 As she unfolded the parchment, her heart hammered in her chest, each beat echoing through her veins like the tolling of a distant bell. She scanned the words, her vision blurring as the weight of their meaning pressed down upon her.

 "Rowena, are you alright?" Cersie's worried voice intruded, but she barely registered it, her thoughts consumed by the letter in her hands. The room seemed to close in around her, and a cold sweat broke out on her brow.

 Rowena forced herself to take a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. She knew that whatever lay within that letter would change everything – for better or for worse. And in that moment, she had no choice but to face the unknown.

Rowena's eyes scanned the letter, each word like a dagger to her chest. The world around her seemed to fade as the grim message sank in, and her face turned ashen. "My-My father..."

 "Rowena! Is he okay?" Cersie's voice broke through the haze, her fingers gripping Rowena's shoulder as she tried to elicit a response.

 The parchment slipped from Rowena's trembling fingers, fluttering to the ground like a wounded bird. She sank to her knees, a single silent tear carving a path down her pale cheek. Cersie snatched up the fallen letter, her eyes darting across the text, absorbing its cruel contents.

 "By the gods..." Cersie breathed, realization dawning on her features. "It's a ransom note." Her normally soft blue eyes transformed into a storm of rage, directed at the heartless villains who had caused Rowena such pain. "They will only let your father and his wife live if you hand over the title to the town."

 Rowena's mind raced, struggling to make sense of the situation. She had never felt so powerless, so vulnerable. But as Cersie knelt beside her, wrapping her arms around her trembling form, something within her began to stir – a quiet, defiant ember of hope.

 "Listen to me, Rowena." Cersie whispered fiercely, her gaze locking onto Rowena's tear-filled green eyes. "I promise on my life we will save him and bring him home. So don't be sad, okay? We'll prepare and head out first thing tomorrow morning!"

 As the words washed over her, Rowena allowed herself to lean into Cersie's embrace, feeling the warmth of their shared determination seep into her bones. A fierce resolve took root in her heart, driving away the shadows of despair that threatened to consume her. She nodded, clinging to Cersie as she let the tears flow freely, each one a testament to the love she bore for her family – and the lengths she would go to protect them. "Thank you." Rowena whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "Together, we'll bring them home." Cersie smiled as she gently wiped away Rowena's tears.