
Chapter 1

It was night and the darkness was the perfect cover to mask her shadow. Bella stone stood few meters away from Arthur Lorenzo mansion in her cheap but beautiful dress. It was a mansion that housed the biggest playboy in town. It was bubbling and loud music could be heard.

Gaining entrance has been her greatest challenge because of the tight security put in place. She gave out a sigh. She was at saturation point and was breaking down rapidly.

Her eyes were teary but she wasn't going to let the tears drop. She has an important mission tonight and if she was to make an headway, she definitely can't have her make up ruined.

The last time she was there at the gate, she was turned back because she wasn't on the guest list. She wasn't going to make a good out of herself twice. it has taken four weeks of intensive planning to finally think of something that might work and help her gain entrance to Arthur Lorenzo.

She watched with keen interest as different people drove expensive cars that she had only seen in the movies into the luxurious Lorenzo mansion. They were people of high class and top caliber. She wished she could tag along with them even as a bag.

There was no way someone of her caliber would be able to fit somewhere or somehow into the caliber of people that were visiting. She had no money, car, designer clothes, fancy shoes or jewellery to flaunt. There was no way she could afford those luxury and if she could afford them, there was no way she would be standing right there.

Pretending to be what she was not was definitely going to get her exposed. She knows she lacks the grace and charisma the other ladies she had seen gained entrance earlier had.

Though Bella could be described as stunning, she was definitely not a fashionista. Her dress sense was poor and she possesses all the characteristics of a tomboy. She would rather crash her sexy beautiful body in a baggy jeans and top than wear clothes that accentuated her feminine figure.

Stretching the cheap gown she had found herself in, it was obvious she wasn't comfortable and needed to get out of it. The heels were not helping matters as well, she regretted listening to Amira who had suggested she wore a heel to compliment her dress rather than putting on her comfy sneakers. It was almost like she couldn't breath and her feet were ok fire but she was determined to pull through against all odds.

"Tonight is the night Bella." She said talking to herself. "Let's endure it and do a great job."

Her eyes rolled round the mansion once again as she set to execute her plans, despite not being on the guest list, she must gain entrance and seek audience with the owner of the mansion himself.

She was carefully bidding her time to gain entrance because she knew if she carelessly approach the gate, she would be turned back for sure and embarrassed of course.

in her four weeks of careful planning, she had discovered that a group of waitress arrives at the gate at exactly ten at night when the party is at its full peak wearing black nose masks to conceal their faces. Then waitresses walks in through the smaller gate.

She noticed that this was the daily pattern day in day out. She wondered why the bus drops these set of waitress at the gate instead of taking them in. Nevertheless, she was determined to smuggle herself in with them to gain entrance. That was her only chance and she was going to take it.

She was only twenty four years of age but her life experience could be likened to a woman in her fifties. When she wanted something, she goes for it.

She knew it won't be easy to avoid the prying eyes of the bodyguards stationed at the gate but she wasn't going to let them win this round.

Bella checked the time, it's was few minutes to ten. " It's almost time, they will be here soon." she said trying to calm her nervous self. " You'll be fine Bella, let's stick to the plan." She said rubbing her palm together to ease the tension that was gradually building up in her body.

She became worried when it was fifteen minutes past ten and the bus that is being used to convey the walking waitresses was no where in sight.

Did she miss something, she wasn't so sure. There was no way she would have missed it amongst the chain of vehicles that had made their prints known at the gate for that day.

"Am I missing something? Is it the waitresses off day? were they sacked or something?" Different thoughts raced through her mind. "Not tonight, I prepared so hard for this. it took me a great deal of courage to make it down here." she felt tears gathered round her eyes.

Bella was afraid for the first time since she made her way down to her hiding place. She was scared she could give up and giving up would mean losing the only surviving and most important person in her life.

Beads of sweats started forming on her forehead. Her palms were not left behind, she could feel her hands trembling. Momentarily, she forget she wasn't comfortable in what she was wearing, she forget her foot ached badly.

Arthur Lorenzo maybe a playboy but he seems to be the only person she could reach out to for help and would be willing to come to her rescue, of course, not for free. She was more than willing to pay the price.

She made up her mind to approach the gate without any plan in mind. It was better for her to try and be turned down than for her not to try at all. The former seems to be like a better option for her. She adjusted the gown and forced a not so good cat walk steps not minding the pains she was feeling.

She walked out of her hiding place and walked towards the mansion. Her exercise was put on hold by the flashes of light that came from the opposite direction. She quickly ran back to her hiding place.

"Easier said than done." She said to herself. "Why am I always getting fucked up when I'm about to execute my plans? She asked as she watched the vehicle that had flashed lights on her earlier. It was the bus she had been waiting for.

Her joy knew no bounds. "You're finally here." She almost said aloud. Without further ado, she wore the black nose mask she had bought the previous day before carefully making her way to the back of the bus.

She waited for them to get them from the bus before joining the back queue. Just as usual, the girls were dressed in hot, short gowns of different colours and wore a black nose mask. It was dark, so joining them was easy, the bus moved and the waitresses made their way into the smaller gate.

They were thoroughly scanned one after the other before the could gain entrance.

Bella was the last to scanned. She was cleared and she made her way into Arthur Lorenzo mansion.

" I made it in" Bella was so proud of herself as she proceeded into the building. Viewing the mansion from outside was not doing justice to the architectural beauty that was in front of her. She was awestruck at the magnificent buildings that she saw.

"How can someone who spends as lavishly as Arthur own such an estate?" She was puzzled.