
Side Story Part I

In the Underworld…

A demon's scream echoed out shrilly before being cut off abruptly as Zeke stepped on its neck, a brittle crunching snap accompanying his action, followed by a frightening silence. His cold and piercing dark eyes stared down at the demon beneath his feet as he killed it without batting eyelid. Very much like how one would step on a bug and accidentally kill it without thinking twice about it.

Zeke lifted his head and turned to face upwards. His eyes slowly closed. Inky-dark smoke swirled around him as the short leaf blade sword that was held in his hand which was covered with thick black demon blood disappeared in a whirl of smoke from his hand. 

His hair had grown long, and it had reached down to his waist. When he opened his eyes, the whites were now visible in them. His pupils' color had changed as well. There was now a rim of intense blue circling around his seemingly black inferno irises. 

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