

Livian sat down on the floor in awe and pain weeping silently cause she had cried for so long now after receiving the news of her wedding to a vampire prince. She kept thinking about the doom of getting married to a night creature.

' My worst nightmare ever! ' She screamed loudly in her mind which feels like it was about to explode. Fear came creeping in her heart which kept her mind thinking why that is so. 'Besides it's just getting married to a vampire right? So no big deal about it .'Her filthy mind whispered to her which made her jolt back to reality. She unconsciously looked at the two scared maids which were appointed to look after her and gave them a scary glare before turning away from them.

So she is going to get married to a vampire prince which she knows nothing about. Great! all credits goes to her parents for recruiting her life like this. Despite knowing that the Vampire she is getting married to is a reputable prince of the Vampire lord, the most wealthiest and handsome young lord as she heard others say, Sweat kept falling down from her body profusely mixing with her tears of agony. The maids stood still with worry plastered on their faces but unable to move because of what might happen to them. The princess Livian is known to be a gentle, beautiful and shy lady. She is known as the most gorgeous 'diva goddess'in the kingdom. Her long golden blonde hair with black stripes along which reached her waist length, her emerald green eyes that makes people attracted to her both male and female gender. Such beautiful eyes that are very rare among humans. Her long blackish - brown two - stepped lashes that protuded sharply like an aeroplane, her round pointed nose which made her look like an animated cartoonish character, her rosy lips that are as red as blood, her fitted v-line jaw,

straight slim neck, slender waist, an unblemished light pale skin and long legs that made her slightly tall in height. She was indeed a goddess and every man's dream woman but all that shattered due to her current situation right now. She looked sick and withered, her lashes that fell down to her cheekbones because of the wetness ,her light pale skin looked sly and slightly faded if you look closely. Her hair was roughed like it has not been brushed for days now.

As a noble princess of a noble kingdom, precisely she was readily ripe for marriage at nineteen which she is, as kings give their daughters out for marriage to men just for the benefit of wealth, power and allies. Truly, she was aware of it but she never thought she would be handed over to a vampire prince. That feeling created a big hole in her heart which hurts everytime she thinks about it. ' Maybe getting married to a man I love was now a false hope of fantasy ' .She thought .

A loud thud was heard in the room which made the maids spike out on fear and shock. The queen mother which was around her early thirties ran to the room and saw the damages her daughter had caused. The mirror and all other items in the room were smashed which would cause a lot of gold coins. The queen mother could understand her daughter's frustration but there's nothing she could do right now.

"Oh my Livian !" the queen exclaimed almost like a whisper. She was short of words for her. However, Livian looked up at her mother whilst sending her a hard glare. Her eyes as red as blood itself alongside swollen like she had not slept for days. How would she be able to sleep anyways when her life was at the peak of crushing and crumbling down into the ocean, drowning deep until it is no longer at reach anymore. Pain and anguish flashed through her eyes as it engulfed her heart like a disease, which she was no longer able to breathe firmly again.

" YOU!" Livian exclaimed loudly which got everyone in the room to jolt and face her. " You and father made my life this pitiful. I was happy being alone but you both came, stealing my happiness and ripping it in pieces. Making me go into a marriage vows with a blood thirsty vampire just for your own selfish desires. Infact, why are you making me marry him mother? why not a human like me huh? "ANSWER ME! "Livian shouted at her mother with all efforts she could muster. This made everyone silent as it was the first time she ever shouted as such and at her mother. She has always respected her mother but the pain was just too much for her to handle. Suddenly, she took a knife from the table beside her bed and slowly walked towards her mother.They could feel terror and hatred erupting from Livian. But before she could move further, her body suddenly felt numb, she felt a slight but sharp pain across her head, she shivered slightly, her head throbbing loudly with a headache, her feet wobbled and she felt nauseous instantly when suddenly she fell on the floor and everything went blank.


Vampires are known to be strange beings since the time of existence. They are told to have exceeded might, powers and strength especially the pureblooded vampires. They came into existence before the evolution of the human beings. Humans are known to be worthless and fragile creatures .They are as friable as an egg which can crack and break at any point in time. Since the vampires were the first rulers of the land, they are being feared and adored because of their overall might and power. This made the emperor lords of the four noble kingdoms of humanity jealous. Kingdom Tthanos which was Livian's kingdom, the most powerful, wealthiest, beautiful,popular and oldest kingdom.Kingdom Wristthea,the second most powerful kingdom, Kingdom tarsus the third and finally Kingdom Fanthia.Due to their enviness, they attacked the Vampire kingdoms despite knowing their inability to defeat them. This caused a serious chaos for everyone as the vampires grew and attacked back with everything they got.

Vampires despite their thirst and power, they hardly killed the human race. But they were mostly used as slaves for the Vampire lords.

Considering the number of humans missed and the grave danger they have put themselves in, they decided to make an agreement with the Vampire lords.

"With all due tendency and respect, all emperors and humans have come to an agreement with your kingdom and race to stop the war happening between us. So this will thereby entail that you sign this treaty and swear an oath of allegiance never to attack us. We will also sign and take an oath of allegiance never to attack your own kingdom . " The head emperor of the kingdoms, sir Naul pleaded.

"of course! emperor Naul, we will accept your will but you know nothing goes for nothing right? Haha"The vampire lord laughed awkwardly that made the council room echo loudly. This caused the council members in the room a little terrified but maintaining a straight face.

"I know that already lord Shick .

'Shick,such a strange name'. The Lord Naul thought. We will offer you anything you ask ".He concluded feeling a bit nervous on the request lord shick was about to ask. Vampires could be cunning sometimes.

"We thereby request for your daughter's hand in marriage to the Vampire prince of Persia kingdom, prince Royce , my son. Only then can we accept to sign this treaty, lord Naul. The councilmen, the head empress, the three emperors and finally the head emperor all gasped loudly at the request of the Lord vampire. The Vampire lord leaned back on the chair and waited for an answer as silence engulfed the room. Finally one of the council men, durik broke the silence,

" We are sorry Lord Shick but we can't accept such... " his words trailed at the answer the head emperor gave

"We accept your request lord Shick" lord Naul left everyone wordless except for the vampires who smiled in contempt.

"Okay. Very well then, where am I supposed to sign?" Lord Shick asked looking happy. After the meeting was over, and the Vampires have left, argument broke between the councilmen and the three emperors leaving the the head emperor speechless. He sat leaning his arm on the armrest of his throne looking strikingly handsome even though he seems to be in his late thirties or early forties. His dark golden blonde hair were waxed backwards, his green eyes and looking lazily at his subjects, his rosy lips and round pointed nose added to his good looking features. He looked like a Demi - god sitting and tapping his index finger on the armrest. Now we know where Livian took her extreme beauty from. After a while of cock and bullshit, he finally had it.

" SILENCE!" The king roared angrily at his subordinates which made the room turn quiet in an instant like a graveyard. "Good. Now I have something to say...." He kept quiet immediately leaving them In suspense for a while before he continued. "Princess Livian is my only daughter and I love her and would surely put my life at risk when it comes to saving her but we can't let all the human race be wiped out of existence because of a simple marriage.... she is indeed ripe for marriage now, and I would say it is a benefit for both her and the entire people. So why don't we just come to terms here instead of arguing nonchalantly over nothing. SHE DESERVES TO NO NOTHING ABOUT THIS ISSUE, ARE WE CLEAR? "He finished with a sign of clarity and authority in his words.

" But your highness .....the empress tried speaking but was silenced by her husband.

"SILENCE WOMAN! I know she is your daughter but my decision is final. I can assure you the Vampires meant no harm.

"But.... "a duke interrupted but was also silenced.

"ENOUGH" he roared angrier this making the room echo loudly. "No further questions. You are dismissed "He concluded and left the council room ,leaving all speechless.