
Hell's Parade

"Hear the march of dead men, Crying for the end of their suffering, Never shall they know peace again, For here all are punished for deeds done, Weak are crushed into dust, Strong broken down till no more, Only can the will of battle live on, Here in this place of damnation, So beg and plead for eternity, None will ever hear your screams of agony, For you have entered Hell's Parade."        How long will the darkness last. Ever since my birth as the man Raziel, I have found the world to be chaotic. Nothing comes fairly, someone always paid a high price. Could God truly have wanted this to be his legacy to mankind?      When my death came I was sure I would never be able to ask him why I came to be. In life I was merciless to all before me. I warred against my fellow man, spilling his blood upon the sands of time. I never asked to be forgiven, for I felt that I was doing what was needed of me. My mind clear and decisive with each blow given. Had I known what was to come maybe I would have chosen differently, but what would have been exciting about that? I have passed from the living and have no regrets. Here is my eternity where others fear to be, and I call home with a smile.   Within Hell lay the souls of many who have condemned themselves. Among those are ones whom find comfort in the chaos of others. To them life was hell, and they have been granted the ability to control their destructive nature. With this power one warrior fought his way to surpass all. Here is the story of Hell's strongest General.

Hell_Bound · Aktion
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New Partnership

New Partnership


    She began with her name "I'm Lilith, and I died from being poisoned by whom I guess I will never know". She continued her story from the beginning.


      Born in Rome, she was sold into slavery to settle the debt of her father. Beaten and used for the pleasure of greedy men, she lost her innocence. Once she reached the age of thirteen she had made it all the way to Turkey. Traded from one hand to another like lifeless property, she caught a chance to run. Fleeing for a trade ship at the docks she bargained with a captain to be the ships "stress relief". After the ship "Margo" landed in Japan, she tried to start her life. With no money to her name and no one to support her, she tried everything. From thievery to prostitution, even under the table assassinations. Through the years she earned a reputation and enemies. Wondering all over the country she looked for a place to belong. Many times her past came to claim her. Men shady as every towards a foreign beauty. Some unfortunate enough to try and sell her back into slavery. Upon becoming twenty she had found a farmer willing to provide honest work. He made a deal to house and feed her; if she would take care of the animals' food and the laundry.


      For the next five years she kept to the deal with the man. She said that she hoped he would be the one to treat her like a human. He was kind, wise, and had charm, even for a well-aged man she was enticed. Few, yet intoxicating moments spent embraced she found herself wanting. Though upon asking if he loved her, he laughed in her face. After that she said the man married and no longer needed her help. Since she had been on the farm for so long, the man had built her a shack at the far edge of his land. Thankful that he allowed her to stay there she started a new chapter. Now in need of money for food she began to do odd jobs once more. With luck she found work at a food stand just outside the village.

     Being able to provide for herself, she tried to find a man to love once again. With luck and a year of trying she met one.

     He happened to be a cart runner, delivering goods from village to village. Each time he would come through he would stop to eat, chat, and then be on his way. She took a simply and gentle approach. With a few extra words and some leftovers for gifts she caught his eye. Seeming to be closer in age he made her feel wanted. Through long conversations and warm nights she began to believe in love. A year before her untimely end she was given the food stand. It was because the owner had opened another near the large town to the East. Being able to have her lover quit his deliveries and help cook made her life complete. Of course until the night she was poisoned.

       Looking to go out to a restaurant to avoid cooking; her man and her dressed well for their evening. When they arrived she said that a woman seemed to be waiting for them at the door. With a frantic gaze the woman darted inside. Confused Lilith looked to her lover only to see that he had known her. With anger in her voice she begged how. His only answer was that he had given his love to her long ago. Trusting him they continued with their planned evening. She said that it had been unnerving not knowing where the woman had went. It didn't help the pit in her stomach with him speaking very little. After their meal she began feeling ill. Wishing to head home she left quietly. In a moment of dazed confusion, she heard her lover cry out as the world became black.

     At that point she awoke to being in line for the gate. Waiting for her turn lost in memories of the past. Once she entered Lilith said the heat felt like being back in Turkey. She met her guide and received her judgment. With that I knew the rest, and now saw why she chose to turn & run.


     With Lilith finishing her story I took the chance to get a distance check. Able to see the top of the temple over the trees I believed we had gotten decently close. Lilith with concern of my background asked, "How did you earn being here?" Brushing her question aside I replied, "Don't worry if you stay with me long enough you will find out. Now how close are we to the temple?" With a look of "I really don't want to" I knew we were close enough. Seeing that I wasn't going to stop she mentioned patrols before a bridge.

     Sure enough guards stood at an arch inscribed with "Temple of Judgment". They sure took it seriously for they immediately engaged. The one off to my left looked like an undead Spartan who held a large spear with a sword sheathed on his hip. The other was a horned woman wearing shield maiden armor. She held a barbed whip that had seemed to already have been used recently, for it was dripping blood. Recognizing that the whip would be used first I turned to a tree at the edge of the forest. Breaking off the largest limb I could reach I prepared for some serious fun.

      Within the blink of an eye the whip was in midair. Throwing Lilith to the side I caught it at the ankle. Letting out a cry of pain and filling with the urge for battle I charged. Stunning the woman with my sense of carelessness I was able to get a good swing. Catching her beneath the chin the branch broke. Seeing that his companion was in trouble the Spartan came charging. Yanking the whip from my dazed opponent I was finally armed. In an attempt to make me into a kabob he thrusted the spear towards my chest. Realizing that we would be going hand to hand the Spartan threw his spear at Lilith. To my surprise she caught it with a well-timed side-step.

     Finally gaining a sense of coherence the female guard rushed Lilith. Splitting up the fun I dropped the whip and engaged the undead solider. Leaving Lilith to her own I focused on removing the sword at his side. In a rare display of honor he dropped it behind him then charged. Clashing in a head ram we both held our ground. Once more the smile of a seasoned warrior was in front of me. Reciprocating the gesture I began to let my joy overwhelm me. To break our strength match I dropped to my left knee and spun with his weight slamming him to the ground. With an attempt to see if Lilith was still alive I rose my gaze from the Spartan. Witnessing her plow the female guard into a tree made me smile even bigger.

     With my attention diverted I received an elbow to the jaw collapsing me to the ground. Dazed I put my arms in front of my face in time to catch some weighted punches. With some poor timing I caught one to the jaw, but was able to secure his arm. Now focused back on my opponent I broke the locked arm at the elbow. With a loud crack he let out a howl. Taking the opportunity I rolled him to the ground and began the assault. In the distance I heard a gargled scream reminding me of all my impaled victims.

     Hoping that it wasn't Lilith I continued plowing into the Spartan. With elbow to the head I exposed his throat. In a moment of urgency, I put all my weight behind my forearm to crush his throat. With a growl of victory I lifted my gaze to see that Lilith had pinned her opponent to a tree with the spear. The look upon her face said that she realized what I meant about her seeing why I was here. In an attempt to finally clothe her I pulled the armor from her pin doll.

      With the path cleared and weapons collected; I finally got to enjoy the architecture of the bridge and temple. The arch in front was made of moss, and ash covered stone till half way where it turned to bone. Giant skeleton hands interlocked acting like bars of a gate. As we approached it the hands retreated opening the way to the bridge. A marvelous thing it was for it had been made from what looked to be the bones of a large serpent. Flipped upside down for the ribs to act as walls. Quite interesting seeing strands of muscle still dangling like rope.