
C29 Harmony

I lean back on the couch and close my eyes with a smile, soon falling into slumber, along with my two little… fanatical sisters?


I 'could' go to Wakanda and take some vibranium, but that wouldn't be fun. Well, maybe—fun—isn't the right word,\ because it would be.

'Fulfilling? Yes. Fulfilling is the right word.'

It wouldn't be as fulfilling to just go there and take it.

As with a lot of things. I could just go and take it, make it, or use my power to have it happen, somehow. But—life would quickly become a bore.

That's why I'm going to achieve what I want without using my strength, and instead, my brains.

At least—if I'm not in Hell. That place is for me to let it all out and go wild.

Earth is for my brains and Hell's for my brawn…

Or, at least that's what I keep telling myself, as I sit in this seminar, I shouldn't even have to be in!

I could teach this damn professor his own damn subject at this damn point in my damn life!

'Calm down Zaddie, calm down. Don't blow everyone up, it's not their fault you're so smart.'

Zaddie, my new nickname, I like it. It's not so—overbearing—as Zadkiel.

After this year, I shouldn't have to attend any more seminars for my bazillions of majors anyway, as I'll be doing actual studies, and I can focus on them instead.

Obviously, I won't be giving them—

Oh, would you look at that; it's my turn to give a presentation.

'I wonder if they'll understand any of it.'


Arriving home, I glance at the calendar on the fridge.

'Another month til summer.'

It's May of 2010, a year before Captain Sparkles falls from the sky, and it's almost Sera and Lana's 'birthday'—even if they don't have bellybuttons.

"Lana." I look down at her with a tired look, "I need a hug. Will you give me a hug?"

She answers by jumping up, "Yep!" and hugging me.

Unknown to the two of us, we were being watched.

Watched by a pair of eyes that were full of jealousy and desire.

The owner of said eyes pounced at us, attempting a sneak attack. They were ever so close to success, but—


I turned around and caught them with my free hand, only one foot from success.

"Of course—I could never forget you." I stare into their now trembling eyes.

My lips form a sinister smile, "No. How could I forget a little devil like you?"

"I-I just wanted to—"

"Surprise me?" My eyes get dangerously narrow.

"U-um—y-yes." They shut their eyes tightly, waiting for what's to come next.

I bring my face in front of theirs, "Well—" then I kiss Sera's forehead, "you succeeded."

I bring her in for a hug as well, "You two completely alleviated my sour mood."

"Was it the normal thing?" Lana asked.

"Yeah. A bunch of smart, dumb people. Like normal."

Sera squints her eyes, "I bet they're all smelly."

"Yeah, probably." Changing the subject, I ask, "What do you guys wanna do this summer?"

"Road Trip!" They say simultaneously.

'Do they already know what I'm going to ask and have their answers prepared beforehand?'

"Roadtrip, huh? I suppose I know a couple of places we could go."


"Would you like mayo, Sir?"


"Uh, no, thank you."

"Okay! Here's your receipt, Sir."

'Why would you want mayonnaise on tacos?'

"Come again! We have the best tacos in Dallas!"

I walk to a table with Sera and Lana while looking down at the tacos. 'Do people actually put mayonnaise on tacos?'

Sitting down, I shake my head, 'No, that's preposterous.'

"Zaddie, what's mayo?" Lana asks. Sera looks at me too.

"It's like—like butter—but worse."

"Then why do people eat it?"

I look at Sera, "Just like how some people are smelly, some people like mayo."

"Hmm," with a slow and heavy nod, she says, "I understand—perfectly."



After Dallas, we headed to the Grand Canyon. We weren't going to sightsee, but instead, to accomplish two things.

One was to teach them how to fly.

'What's better than a massive canyon full of sharp rocks and steep cliffs for learning?'

The other was to investigate the weak dimensional barrier that I can feel inside the canyon. But first—

I have to deal with this person.

"You—you! Don't you know that's dangerous!?"

"Huh?" All three of us look at the barking lady with cocked heads.

"How can you ride a motorcycle with two little girls?! Huh! What are you thinking?!" Screeched, a chubby lady with short purple hair.

We hadn't even got off the bike yet, and someone was disturbing us.

While she was making the mating call of some long-extinct dinosaur, Lana, who was in front, whispered, "What is that creature?"

I whispered back, "That's one of the most deadly creatures known to man—a Karen."

"Can we burn it?" I hear from behind me.

"I'm afraid not even death can stop them." My eyes narrow, "There's only way to end their screech."

Starting the motorcycle once again, I looked 'Karen' straight in the eye, "FUCK YOU KAREN!" and yell.

Then I tear off, "LEEESSSSSGGGGGOOOOOOOOOO!!!" and leave her in rubbery smoke as I find another place to park.


"Alright, yep, there you go." Sera takes off into the sky, stable this time.

"See, told you it would come naturally." I turn to Lana, "Your turn now."

It didn't take long for them to get a handle on flying, and soon we were all up in the sky, chasing with each other while playing sky tag.

Of course, no one could see us; I placed an illusion on the three of us.

Soon enough, we turned our attention to the dimensional barrier as I was quite interested in it.

I know a lot about Marvel but not everything, and this was one of those things I didn't know about.

"You two ready?" They were at each of my sides as we soared through the sky.

"Yep!" "Yes!"

'They didn't say the same thing this time, huh.'

"You see that cliff face up ahead?"

"The one with the squiggly crack running up the center?"

"Yep, that's the one. We're going to fly into it." I eye them when I say that; they would 'die' if that ended up being solid rock and their power didn't unlock to save them.

They didn't look affected by what I said, "Let's go!"

I lead the way, with both of them trailing behind me, and flew into the cliff.

The other side was more of what was in the Grand Canyon, but—more.

The rocks were rockier, the sky was bluer, and clouds were—cloudier.

I flew up higher while unlocking more of my sisters' power so they could keep up.

Reaching considerable height, I looked down. What I saw was a vast canyon with an endless desert in one direction, a grassland in another, and woodlands in yet another direction.

"Hmm. What do you two see?"

"Umm, different environments," Sera.

"I see nature," Lana

"What do you see, Brother?"

I look closer at the edges between the environments, "Harmony."


"It may look as if the different ecosystems are placed without much thought, but in reality, they each work with the other perfectly. Providing to the neighbor what they lack while receiving in return."

They continue looking down, trying to see what I see, while I try and find the owner of this realm.

I already have a few guesses based on 'my' old memories, but 'I' wasn't that familiar with who it may be.

'Whoever it is, they must be weaker than me or preoccupied; else they would have noticed us through the illusion.'

It didn't take long for me to find the owner of this realm, but—

'Ahh, that would explain why the barrier was trembling.'

"Hey girls!"

They turn to me.

"Wanna go see a fight?"


"Father, how has he returned? Wasn't he banished into the nothingness?" A tanned man asked an older man next to him.

He had a large feathered headdress. "KhLΘG can only take the form of those that do not exist yet still do. As for how he returned, I do not know. Perhaps the boundaries were disturbed."

The older man turned to his son, and said, "Go and gather everyone here. I know not what his strength has become, and I may need help to banish him once more."

"Yes!" the man runs, presumably to find help.


"What is that thing, Zaddie?" Sera asks as we float high in the sky, above a massive snake-like creature.

"I don't know—It kinda looks like something out of a child's nightmare."

Below us is a giant black snake. It has wings, finned ears, red eyes, and a single horn pointing forward out of its nose.

Lana holds onto my arm.

"Are you scared?"

"Mm," she nods meekly.

"It's alright. If that thing dares to harm you, big brother will smash its head!"

'I'll go all 'young master' on that scaly bitch!'

Sera, not wanting to be left out, grabs my other arm.

In response, I pull her into my side. "Now, how about we watch the show, hmm?"



I had a late start on this one.


Will the MC get any Marvel lovers?

I don't know.

But I do have a couple of ideas that I haven't seen done anywhere else.


Why does he go to university?

For reasons I could tell you, but I won't.

Not because it would ruin the story, but because I don't want to.



Why will his sisters go to high school?

To learn interpersonal interaction.

You need to understand. They AREN'T like introverts that don't want to interact but technically could.

They don't have any context or experience whatsoever in interpersonal relations.

Even now, they wouldn't be able to go buy milk without maiming someone.

They could maybe, just barely, order pizza by phone. Whether the delivery guy survives is up for debate, though.


Couldn't he just 'upload' the know-how into them?


But then they wouldn't develop and would remain the dolls they were before.


Oh, and I don't mean to be so mean to the seminar people, but for some reason, I'm a mean writer.

In real life, I'm not like that.

Maybe it's just some deep unresolved trauma that I have bottled up somewhere.

OR, I could just be meaner than I think I am.

It's really a tose up if you ask me.

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