
Heir of the Red Ribbon Army

An Android is awaken before his actually completion. He has only a few memories of his Family.

Necro_Majin · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

The Android's Playtime

Onyx/Android 22 POV

"Well, well not the sort of place I expect to find you three and the traitor. But it will have to do,," Vegeta say.

"look he's back, but what on earth did he do to his hair," 17 ask.

"You find out what soon enough. Your leaving all of a sudden got me curious, where is your destination" Vegeta ask.

"Goku's house where he is to kill him," 18 say in a cold tone.

"Just as I thought but you never going to get there, Because I Vegeta will crush you here in now" Vegeta say in a cocky tone. 17 & 18 laugh while 22 & 16 stare emotionless at Vegeta

"Funny was it hmm, laugh it up while you can," Vegeta say.

"Hey guys Vegeta seem to be cocky doesn't he, must be a Saiyan thing, They always talk such a big talk but end up dying so fast" 17 say with a smirk while 22 smirk at how Vegeta gets angry

"You shut your mouth, You disrespectful toy. I'll rip all four of you to pieces, whose first? You boy? Or you? Or the big bastard!? Or maybe the smirking bastard? Or I destroy all four of you in a single go!" Vegeta say with angry.

"Or may you'll die." 18 say with a smile.

"What did you say," Vegeta shout at 18. As she turn her head to 16.

"Go on. I want to see how strong you are. 16 you're up.


"Ha! He doesn't seem to be stupid as he looks. He knows how deadly I am."

"Why is he taking a pass ? I just don't get it. 22, you go," 17 say

"No I'm not interest in a weakling who have big ego," 22 say in a cold tone.

"Alright then I'll play with this one, Just you and me hotshot" 18 say while walk in front Onyx and the other androids.

"Gladly, but don't assume that I subscribe to the earth's idiotic notions of chivalry, but your not a female are you, your just a thing," Vegeta say.

Android 18 gets into her fighting stance. I then hear a bird in the vicinity and watch 16 head turn to the sound then he begins watching the bird with a smile. I then hear Android 18 take off so I begin watching her fight. She punches, but Vegeta evades it counter punches her but she blocks it. The begin keeping this cycle going for a minute.

"Well" 17 say with a surprise tone while smiling.

18 punches at Vegeta but dodges it cause her fist to go into the side of the moutain. Vegeta uses this opportunity to grab her arm and throw her against the wall. 18 hits the wall but is not faze but stays flying in the air waiting. Vegeta then charges at to throw a punch but she vanishes few feet from her spot. But Vegeta predicted this so he punches her in the face knocking her back a couple feet.

"That's a surprise, Vegeta seems to be a great deal more powerful than Dr. Gero data suggested. Nice Vegeta, very impressive" 17 say with a smile as 22 &16 watch in silence.

18 recovers and lands on the ground and Vegeta does the same. 18 stares at him in silence then move the her hair from in front of her face.

"Since there is no way to tell how much damages you sustained I guest I'll just have to vaporize you. Well this is where our fight have to end , Get a few more chuckles in while you can," Vegeta say while raising his hand palm facing forward to 18.

A Truck comes around the road stops right behind#18 and begin honking at us to get out of the road. I begin to wonder if I would save him or not.

"Let's see what you can do," 18 say taunting Vegeta.

Vegeta fire the blast and 18 dodges it and the Truck behind her explodes after a couple seconds the dude let out a yell about his Truck. I watch 18 land behind Vegeta with some distance between them.

"Your pretty fast for a pile of scrap metal and copper wiring." Vegeta say to 18 who just remain silent.

"Why do I get the feeling that your holding out on me," 18 say with smile.

"That's because I am If I let my self go then the earth will be destroyed," Vegeta say

"I haven't been trying very hard either. I'm glad I'm not the only one,"18 say

"Aw don't be shy. If you plan on walking away from this you're gonna need every ounce of strength you can muster." Vegeta say.

"Thanks, I'll do that," 18 say with a smile.

Before Vegeta can turn his body around completely 18 dash forward and headbutted him, pushing him back some and drawing blood. In return Vegeta got angry, powers up and dashes forward and a loud sound of hit landing was heard. I watch and determined that it was Vegeta that was hit. 18 had knee him in the stomach hard that he was stunned and about to fall until she catches him with on finger on his chin. She lift him up to his feet and then punch him into the wall. A second later I felt energy signals heading to where we are. I then the group land near 18 and Vegeta and 17 looks to me.

"Hey 22 come give me a hand with Goku's friends," 17 say

"Sure, as long as we don't kill anyone okay," 22 say and 17 nod in agreement.

Me and 17 starts walking to the group fight and we stand right beside them.

"I fight alone! I don't need the help of anyone and that includes these Earthling, the Namek and most all Kakarot! I am the most powerful Saiyan who has every lived. I fear no one especially not this android," Vegeta shouts proudly to Trunks.

"Beautiful speech, Not a bad fighter too, Vegeta I can see that you have something to prove, right 22" 17 say.

"Correct 17," 22 say.

"Stay out of it androids, I'll deal with you two soon once I'm done with her," Vegeta say.

"Well we would hate to deny you of your opportunity to test your strength," 17 say.

"This is a one on one battle between 18 and Vegeta if anyone joins in then we will join in too," 22 say with serious cold tone surprising the others.

"These Pacifist worms, they don't need any encouragement from you to wait on the sidelines," Vegeta say.

"Whatever I'm just giving a warning," 22 say.

"Shall we continue?" 18 ask with a smile

"I'll love too," Vegeta say with a smirk.

"Now that's what I like to hear," 18 say before dashing to Vegeta and punching him into the air.

I watch as Vegeta stop in the air and Hit 18 back, then he knocks her into the mountain. He then fires a blast and after the dust settle I see 18 had gotten dirty and her clothes was ruined. Vegeta lands near her as she stare at him unfazed by what he did.

"Hmph, you're still unfazed are you, that's getting on my nerves," Vegeta say with smirk.

"I'm surprised you may be an alien but you fight amazingly well for an organic being. Is Goku even more powerful than you are" 18 ask while she take off her ruined jean vest.

"Of course not, he may have slipped ahead of me temporary, but not anymore I am back on top," Vegeta say with confidence.

"I see, I thought one of you was special but neither is," 18 say with smirk and making Vegeta angry.

Vegeta took off at her but she blocks and evades them. This goes on for a little while and I see Vegeta losing steam and 18 begin pushing him back. She then begin beating him down mercilessly and knocks him down into a rock. I watch as Vegeta realized he was way over his head and in a ditch effort he made dash kick at her but she avoided and deliver a hard kick to Vegeta's arm making a loud crack noise echo signal that his arm was broken. Vegeta fell to the ground on his knees and scream as he hold his arm in pain.

"Father!" Trunks shouts out as he turn Super Saiyan and make a dash at 18.

I watch patiently as 18 block Trunks sword attack with her arm make a piece of the sword break. Trunks was surprised that his sword broke, in that moment I dash at Trunks and did a double axe handle knocking Trunks to the ground then I grab his leg and throw him into the sky. He recovers an looked at me shocked by what I did to him.

"Why are you doing this Onyx," Trunks ask which surprised 22.

I then dash towards him surprising him with my speed right in front of his face. I see fear on his face.

"First I go by 22. Second, I regain my memories and know why my mission is to kill Goku." 22 say with emotionless face.

I then grab Trunks by his neck and begin draining his energy using my energy drain technique. Piccolo and Tien makes a dash at me to stop what I was doing but 17 dealt with them. As Trunks begin to lose conscious I pull him closer to my face to whisper something in his ear.

"My third reason to do this is to see if these Androids are the same as the ones in our timeline," 22 whisper to Trunks right before Trunks passed out.

I drop Trunks's body and land on the ground I look around and notices that the twins were done with there battle.

"This is bad! They beat everyone I'm all that's left! Krillin say out loud with panic in his tone.

We all turn our heads to him and begin flying to him and land in front of him.

"I'm not going down without a fight," Krillin say in nervous tone.

"Don't worry they're fine, at least they aren't dead. Look just give them some of those Senzu Beans you have, that should healed them completely right." 17 say with smile.

"Tell them something for us, "If they ever feel up to it we would be glad to take them on again" " 17 say with a smile

"17 are you gonna ask him where Goku is," 18 ask.

"Its okay it would be more fun to find him on our own, besides if we go out and cause enough trouble then he will come to us" 17 say.

"I doubt that he is sick right now," 22 say.

"Then let's just take our time going to his house then" 17 say and as the Androids begin walking away.

"Bye" 18 say in a flirty tone to Krillin.

We made our way to 16 and see that he was looking at something.

"What are you looking 16," 17 ask.

"There was birds here, but you were loud so all the birds flew away," 16 say and 22 let out small laugh.

"Bird huh," 17 say.

"Listen this road doesn't get much traffic so let relocate to a place with more humans to get are needs and then go after Goku." 18 say.

"I like that Idea, It seem like it could be fun," 22 say with a small smile.

We all nod in agreement and begin walking off.

Sorry for being gone for awhile I got sick for bit

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