
Heavenly Dao Stele

Shen Qian accidentally got a Heavenly Dao Stele, this jade stele can show magical secret skills, from then on, Shen Qian's fate began to change...

x_he · Ost
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12 Chs

Chapter 8: Renunciation

Shen Qian thought for a long time and analyzed whether he should go to Feng Ying for help.

"If you go, if what Feng Ying said is all deception, then there must be a great danger in this trip, but if you don't go, if she says the truth, wouldn't she miss a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." Shen Qian said to himself.

"I haven't seen her take any revenge for so long, it shouldn't be bad for me." After all, Shen Qian still couldn't resist the temptation to go out of the sect.

Since ancient times, the Soul Sect has been established on Danghun Mountain, which stretches for thousands of miles and has countless peaks, but the most famous has four peaks, namely Guanlan Peak, Wuyu Peak, Ziyun Peak, and Bicui Peak. Those who practiced on these four peaks were the four elders of the Soul Sect, all of whom had cultivation in the Jiedan period.

Among them, Guanlan Peak is the location of the Soul Sect Ancestral Hall, and it is also the place where the Great Elder of the Soul Sect practiced.

Foggyu Peak is named for the perennial drizzle and the shadowing of spiritual mist, and it is the dojo of the second elder Xu Lun.

Purple Cloud Peak is located directly east of the ancestral mountain, purple qi comes east, and the upward rush merges with cloud qi, hence the name, and the third elder Jing Yi practiced in this purple cloud peak.

The last Bicui Peak is the most scenic peak, climbing the Bicui Peak, there is a couplet at the peak gate, Shanglian Yun: "Where to find the soul scenery?" ", the next link: "The blue waves are intoxicating peaks." ", horizontally criticized as "emerald green lake". The beauty of the scenery of Beatrice Peak is evident.

At this time, Shen Qian was standing under the Bicui Peak, and this Bicui Peak was the dojo of Feng Ruohe, Feng Ying's father.

At the peak gate, Shen Qian was stopped by two Qi Refining Period disciples, one of whom said, "Is there something wrong with Daoist friends coming to Bicui Peak?" "

"I came for an appointment with Senior Sister Feng, my name is Shen Qian." Shen Qian said with a smile.

"Oh, it turned out to be Senior Brother Shen." Hearing that Shen Qian and Feng Ying were acquainted, the cultivator's words were much more polite.

"Please also ask Senior Brother Shen to wait." After speaking, the gatekeeper monk activated a transmission note.

A moment later, the gatekeeper said with a smile: "I'll take Junior Brother Shen in, Junior Sister Feng is waiting for you." "

"Then there is Lao Daoyou." Shen Qian said politely.

Although the scenery of Bicui Peak is beautiful, Shen Qian has no intention of appreciating it now, just constantly guessing Feng Ying's reaction. After a while, Shen Qian came to the outside of a fine house.

This exquisite house is elegant and exquisite, surrounded by a pool of blue water, with red plums planted on both sides, and a pond with sparse shadows. A bamboo bridge is erected outside the house, which is quite like a bamboo bridge written by red plum flowers.

"Senior Sister Feng is waiting for Senior Brother inside." After that, the monk who led the way left.

Shen Qian stood outside the fine house, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

"Since you're already here, why don't you come in?" A crisp voice came out.

Shen Qian walked into the fine house and saw Feng Ying sitting on a bamboo chair, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry from his delicate face.

"Senior Sister Feng is good." Shen Qian tried to calm his mood.

"Hey, you've actually reached the late stage of refining gas." Feng Ying was a little surprised, but then seemed to think of something, revealing a relieved expression.

Shen Qian did not answer, he knew that it was not wise to mention the old matter in front of Feng Ying.

Feng Yingmei's eyes flashed, staring at Shen Qian and said, "Are you nervous? "


"You're afraid I'm bad for you." Feng Ying asked again.

"Yes." Shen Qian also did not hide the thoughts in his heart.

"Then why did you come to me?"

"Because I don't want to give up this opportunity to go out. I know that this matter can only be hoped by coming to Senior Sister. "

"I said I could help you once, but we won't have anything to do with it after helping you this time." As Feng Ying spoke, she slowly and methodically sorted out the folds on her clothes.