

Autor: Haiqa_Butt
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Lesen Sie den Roman HEATHCLIFF des Autors Haiqa_Butt, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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The King's Breeder

Sonya and Geoffrey are very much in love and plan to get married even though they are not mates… Sonya eagerly waits for her 18th birthday because she can finally marry Geoffrey. But just the night before Sonya’s birthday, Her Step father Alpha James commands her to dump Geoffrey because he has promised her as a gift to the cruel Ruthless Alpha king Don in exchange for his help in protecting them from the rogues. Sonya is shocked and heartbroken because she dreams of love and freedom with Geoffrey but every one knows that the cruel Alpha king hates the idea of love and he only wants a breeder who will be submissive and give him plenty children. What they don’t even know is that the only reason the king wants to marry Sonya is because he hates her wicked stepfather for stealing his land and he wants to indirectly take revenge by maltreating his step daughter Sonya. On the day of her 18th birthday, Geoffrey convinces her to meet him so that they could run away together, but when she does, she is caught by the cruel Alpha king Don himself who has come to claim his reward for helping her Step father. When the King catches her, They look at eachother and discover something shocking! The ruthless king is her fated mate! But even with her new discovery, Sonya still tries to escape to be with Geoffrey but the cruel Alpha king forcefully ties her down and drags her back to his pack, but Sonya vows to escape and reunite with Geoffrey. In the Alpha kings kingdom, Sonya quickly becomes close to the kings Uncle Lewis who is sweet and kind to her. Lewis is caring and encourages her to run away with the love of her life Geoffrey. Even though Alpha Don is truly a cold man who only cared about revenge at first,, he finds himself totally shocked by Sonya’s determination to escape from someone as powerful and handsome as him. Alpha Don is a proud man who knows that he is a handsome and powerful man and he is very used to the fact that every single werewolf woman is constantly throwing herself at him, so he is very confused by Sonya’s cold behavior especially since every other woman would easily kill to be his mate. In the beginning, the Alpha Don tries to carry out his revenge plan and force her into submission but Sonya is rebellious and passionately fights him, which drives him crazy. Each time they fight, she runs to his friendly Uncle who comforts her. One day the proud king tries to seduce her to submit to him but she coldly rejects him as her mate. She further humiliates him by revealing that she would rather be with Geoffrey than have a selfish king for a mate. The king is blown away by this strange woman because he has never met a woman who doesn’t fall for his power or looks. Soon he becomes obsessed with making her fall for him and showers her with gifts, time and attention. Soon enough, the fight starts leaving her and she begins to enjoy the kings company. Unfortunately Geoffrey— Sonyas boyfriend returns with a vengeance, he tries to make Sonya fight with the king but when she doesn’t agree to do so, he becomes mean and tries to force himself on her, luckily enough for Sonya, the king appears and saves her in time. This makes Sonya dump Geoffrey and feel so grateful to Alpha Don that she ends up falling in love with the king and they become lovers.

Nice_Fechukwu · Urban
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The Tales Of Divine Sun Dragon

Sun and Moon continent is know as a cultivation world,here strength is matter more!Its where the strong eat the weak! In the Sun and Moon continent is also where our mc,Xiao Long was born.Xiao Long is the Young master of the Xiao Clan who was born with special ability and a great fate waiting for him. Xiao Long also was born on a great day and at the moment he was born, the Sun and Moon world fall into silent,powerful martial artist,godly beast and other living beings faint except several peoples and one of them will be a great help to Xiao Long! 50 Golden Tickets=1 Bonus Chapter 500 Power Stones=1 Bonus Chapter 100 Coins=1 Bonus Chapter 500 Coins=2 Bonus Chapters *Each chapters contain around 1100 words ~ 3000 words *Warning:In the early chapters, there are a lot of grammars mistakes but as the chapter progress, the grammars will become better. .......... (The DP is not mine so if the owner want me to take it off,please tell me) (Hey guys this is my first novel! I actually a great fan to a Xianxia,Xuanhua and Wuxia novel and because of that,I tried to make my own novel after reading a lot of books and fanfic and this is the result:) In this novel I got a lot of ideas from other Xianxia and Xuanhua novels so there will be a little similarities with other novels that you have read. My mc also will have his own lucky chance since his birth but the things he got will grow stronger with him and thats mean, my mc will not be op from the start. My mc will only have one or two girls and there also will have a dual cultivate scene and one more thing that i want to said is, english is not my native language so don't be mad if you found some or a lot of wrong verbs in my novel.)

Eclipse_Moon25 · Ost
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Immortal Era

“Immortal Era” - a captivating eastern fantasy legend! Are you tired of the same old routines in the cultivation world? Then, this book “Immortal Era” will take you to a different world of immortals! This book follows a young boy named Li Xuanji, who had a hard life since childhood. He had lived two lives and experienced the warmth and coldness of the world. He went through hardships on the cultivation path, and finally stepped into cultivation with a five-element pseudo-spiritual root. However, the difficulties ahead were far beyond his imagination. However, he never gave up, but instead had a more firm belief, and gradually walked towards the immortal path. The encounter in Tengyun Pavilion, the female cultivator at the fourth level of qi refining, the temptation of a medium-grade spirit stone, the decline of the family business… All these are intertwined in this novel, making you feel the protagonist’s dilemma and struggle, as well as his inner determination and persistence. Every detail is full of emotional collisions and spiritual shocks. After reading this novel, you will not simply read a story, but you will be deeply immersed in it, worrying about the protagonist’s fate, and cheering for his growth. If you are looking forward to fantasy novels, then this book “Immortal Era” will not disappoint you. It not only has blood-boiling battle scenes, but also delicate emotional descriptions. It will take you into a world full of adventures and challenges, and let you feel the loneliness and tenacity of cultivators.

jonas15539912160 · Ost
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In einer zukünftigen Zeitlinie... Die gesamte Welt erlebte eine himmelstürmende Veränderung, als der Planet Erde von unbekannten Kräften gewaltsam aus der Milchstraßengalaxie in eine andere Galaxie verschoben wurde. Eine neue Galaxie, die ihre kühnsten Vorstellungen übertraf. Eine neue Art von kosmischer Energie, bekannt als Mana, drang in die Erde ein und veränderte ihr Wesen, während die Welt mit ansehen musste, wie ihre normale Norm in Stücke zerbrach. Die kosmische Energie drang in den menschlichen Körper ein und erweckte mit Gewalt neue Gene in ihm, von denen man einst dachte, sie seien ein Mythos. Die Regeln der Welt wurden gewaltsam geändert, und sie wurde zu einem Ort, an dem nur das Stärkerwerden zählte und nur diejenigen mit den stärksten Genen Respekt verdienten. Die Stärke der Menschheit wuchs und damit auch ihre Neugier, die sie dazu brachte, die Erde zu verlassen und das neue Universum zu erkunden, aber sie waren schockiert von dem, was sie sahen. Mächtige außerirdische Rassen, die ihnen in Technologie und Verständnis von Mana, weltverschlingender Existenz, unerforschten Welten und Kosmos weit voraus waren. Dieses Universum war einfach grenzenlos, und das Wort "unmöglich" gibt es nicht. Die Geschichte folgt einem jungen Mann namens Zeras Celestria, einem Nachkommen einer der Neun Familien, der als Abschaum betrachtet und an eine dunkle Macht verkauft wurde, die Menschen für Experimente benutzt, weil er nicht in der Lage war, das mächtige A-Grad Blitzhammer-Gen der Celestria-Familie zu erwecken, und stattdessen das trashige F-Grad Vielfarbiges Haar-Gen erweckte. Er wurde in einen Haufen toter Körper geworfen, die als Versager bei den Experimenten galten, und das Leben sickerte langsam aus ihm heraus. Zeras biss die Zähne fest zusammen, während in den Tiefen seiner Augen ein wahnsinniges Verlangen nach Rache aufflackerte, allerdings auch mit einem Hauch von Hilflosigkeit. Das war, bis... "Glückwunsch." "Der Wirt wurde vom Chaos gesegnet." "Der Wirt hat erfolgreich das Chaos verschlingende Gen des SSS-Grades erweckt." Bewaffnet mit einem SSS-Grad-Gen und einem unbändigen Willen zur Rache. Zeras machte sich auf den Weg, der Stärkste zu werden und das grenzenlose Universum zu beherrschen. Ein Weg, den viele eingeschlagen haben, aber keiner hat es je geschafft. -- -- -- Eine Zukunftsszene... "Schau mir in die Augen, was siehst du..." Einen jungen Mann mit weißen Haaren wie der reinste Schnee, Lippenpaaren, die röter sind als Blut, und einem Gesicht, das von der Perfektion selbst geschaffen wurde. Doch diese Augen, nein, die konnte man nicht so nennen... Sie waren stattdessen ein unendliches schwarzes Loch aus... "Ich sehe Tod, Wahnsinn, Schmerz und..." "Ja, ich bin die letzte Verkörperung des Chaos..." -- -- -- Update-Zeitplan: Tägliches Update. Minimum von zwei Kapiteln pro Tag. -- -- -- [Schaut euch auch mein neues Buch an: Infinity Guardian System!]

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