
Chapter 6 Supporter

"G-geez don't y-you ever get t-tired…. Bell?" Eina says heavily breathing behind me running as fast as she can maintain. I am jogging lightly a few feet in front of her on the wall as were approaching the north side.

I slowed downed to match her stride. "I guess we can take a break." Both of us came to a halt. "Eina keep your head above your heart so you don't get dizzy."

Eina rested her curvy body on the battlements as she is panting heavily over the other side of the wall. She raises her head up a little taking heed of my warning. "S-sorry for slowing you down."

"Its fine." I was only feeling slightly winded. "The run is a lot more entertaining with you here Eina. I can always focus this energy into the dungeon."

"I feel scared for the monsters. I swear you must have a skill that gives you that much energy." She says sarcastically.

"I wish I had a skill. Keep seeing a blank slot in both skills and magic. It's a little disheartening." I stared up towards the mountains as Eina just stares at me bewildered. "Do you have any skills Eina?" I stare back into her beautiful green eyes.

She smiled. "I just got my first one the other day. It helps increase the power of my magic."

"Skills and magic." I smiled in awe. "Wow you are amazing Eina."

She looks down. "No. No. I am not. It's wasted on me."

A bit confused. "Why would you say that Eina?"

"I have been too scared to go into the dungeon and I have done something horrible to you."

"I don't believe you could ever -" She cut me off.

Eina starts to tear up. "No, I have. The other girls at the guild started betting on how long you would last the day you signed up. I chose to continue being your advisor, because I don't want you to die."

At first my eyes go wide in surprised.

"See you hate me now." Tear trails down her cheek.

I look her straight in the eyes and shake my head. "No, I don't Eina. I am glad you're my advisor. Everything you have done has been helping to keep me alive." She seemed a little relieved. "Out of curiosity, what did you bet?"

She takes a deep breath. "M-mine was the longest at 6 months. Your progress has been amazing and you seem so innocent to be running around the dungeon, especially alone. It's been terrifying me."

"Really." My brows raised in a surprise.

"Yes, you have. I have already lost 4 close friends Maris, Lloyd, Claire and Anju. I don't wish to lose somebody else."

"You won't lose me. I don't plan on dying anytime soon." Tried to reassure her.

"The dungeon is unpredictable and unforgiving Bell."

"Well, I guess I will have to add some valis to that betting pool, so I can buy some stronger gear." I chuckled.

She wipes her face. "Swear how do you do that Bell? You make it seem like everything will be okay."

"I would be too scared to die. I can't upset my amazing advisor." Her face goes red in embarrassment. She tries to protest but I intervene. "You are incredibly kind and caring. You have both skills and magic, but you choose to use your experience and intelligence to help others survive the dungeon. You can level up anytime you want but are choosing to fix some problem areas. Not to mention you are very beautiful." Her face goes an even deeper crimson.

She stutters out. "T-t-thankyou."

"Just being honest." I smiled back.

"Maybe your goddess is right." She chuckled. "Maybe you are trying to seduce every woman you see."

I tried desperately to defend my actions. I wave my hands back and forth. "No. No. I swear I am not."

"You still love her don't you Bell?" She teased.

Now my face went a deep crimson red. "It's probably impossible but I want to get stronger to try. It would not be fair to pursue anything else while my thoughts linger on Riveria."

"I might get jealous of Riveria at this rate. You did say you loved me after all." She says seductively.

"P-please stop teasing me. I don't think my heart can take it." Started gripping my chest to calm my loud heartbeat.

"hahaha." Eina chuckled.

We left the wall and I walked her back home again. "I got to get ready for work. Please stop by the guild around 1pm Bell."

"I will Eina." I waved goodbye and walked off to the church.




A few hours later I walked into the near empty guild hall to find Eina half asleep at her desk. "Eina. Eina."

"Huh, huh, heh." Eina wakes up suddenly in shock. "Bell."

"Are you okay to train me today Eina?"

"Sorry. Just exhausted."

"Are you sure you can keep running in the morning with me? I don't want you getting into trouble." Worried about her job.

She shook herself awake with determination. "I will be fine. I am not gonna fail. Follow me to the back." I followed her to the training room sitting next to each other on a comfy couch. She started prepping floor 7 materials, maps and monster information.

"Eina I was wondering if I could go deeper than floor 7."

"I swear do you not listen to me!" She yelled.

"I haven't gone to floor 7 yet. I have been waiting for you."

"Not letting you go to floor 8 yet without mastering floor 7. Those killer ants are known as rookie killers. Let alone the poisonous purple moths and the needle rabbits that will find a weakness to exploit. Besides didn't you have trouble on floor 6 not to long ago."

"Actually, been finding it kind of boring now. Especially with my new equipment and stats."

"Bell, I told you earlier that your progress is scaring me. Most people would be on floor 3 right now."

"Really I thought I was going slow." Started scratching my head pondering this new revelation.

"No Bell you have been growing at a crazy pace, that silverback and dragon are on floors 10-12. That is far above normal. It took me 2 years to get to floor 10 before I quit being an adventurer and that was with three friends." She spoke softly with a concerned tone.

"Sorry." Seeing her concerned face. "Can you read Hieroglyphs?"

"A little."

"Do you want to look at my back?" I asked her.

"Eh" Eina was taken aback. "I have been tempted to ask you. It wouldn't be proper to look at somebody's skills."

"I don't have any skills or magic in the first place." My face started to blush red and I stuttered in a low voice. "I c-can take off my s-shirt."

"Please don't make that face. You're gonna make me uncomfortable like I am forcing you to strip."

I slowly undid my jacket and shirt and pulled them off and turned my back to her. Eina's face going red. 'Wow he's really starting to develop muscles.'

"I thought you were looking at my back Eina." I turned around to tease her making her face get redder.

"Sorry just surprised you were a lot skinnier 2 weeks ago." She tried to hide her embarrassment. I turn back around and she starts scanning my back. When she noticed, her eyes opened wide in shock and she covered her mouth with her hand as she continued to scan my status.

Bell Cranell Age: 15 Race: Human

Level One

Strength: C650 Defense: C644

Dexterity: C672 Agility: B740

Magic: I0 ****: I

Magic ()

Skills () *************************

Eina's mind was spinning. 'He could go to floor 10 with these ability scores. Why does he say that his skill slot is empty? Is his goddess hiding this skill from him? What is this developmental ability at level 1?'

A few minutes passed and I was starting to get nervous. "Are you okay Eina?" I stared back to the wide-eyed half elf beauty.

Her mind was going dizzy with worry and shock and she fell forward onto my back. "How?"

"Eh" shocked by her warm touch on my skin and feeling her heavenly chest rest on my back. The floral perfume scent was intoxicating.

"How? How Bell?" she cried out

"I don't know. Goddess keeps telling me it's a growth spurt." Still red in the face the door opened up. A plain looking silver haired elf peeked her head into the room.

"Eina how long are you taking up the room to-?" The elf's eyes went wide in surprise seeing Eina hugging my shirtless body. "Ahhh."

Eina realized what she was doing and sat up straight immediately. "I can explain Sophie!" Before she could, the elf bolted out of the room and shut the door with an evil grin on her face.

Eina's face went in shock. "I am gonna get in trouble for that."

I put my clothes back on. "Want me to explain?"

"No that won't faze Sophie. She doesn't like me much." She dismissed my help and shifted back to my abilities. "Bell how do you have a developmental ability at level 1?"

"I don't know. Goddess was hiding that from me at first. I thought it was weird. Something about Luck." I just shrug my shoulders. "Are my numbers high enough?"

'I will not say anything about the skill.' Eina thought. "Bell your ability stats would clear you for floor 10."

"Woah really." I got excited.

"Stop, I refuse to let you go down without mastering the other floors first. I will go down there myself to pull you out and wrap you in chains." She ordered.

"O-okay." Little scared.

"If you want to progress further, you have to show me you can master each floor. Give me 100 stones minimum from killer ants on floor 7 and goblin elites on floor 8 and 50 stones from iron tusks on floor 9.

I smiled. "Sounds good."

"Why do I feel like you're gonna accomplish that in a day?" She holds her pretty head trying to stop a headache.

"I don't think I can carry that much and fight at the same time. Finn said something about finding a supporter to help me." I said remembering the prum captain's advice.

"Yes, find somebody to help you." She just looked more stressed out when she realized my situation. "But your all alone in your familia."

Before I could respond the red(1) hair female werewolf Rose entered the room. "Care to explain what's going on in here Eina?" She questioned in a suspicious tone.

I got up and bowed to werewolf. "Sorry for the misunderstanding, Miss Rose. She was just worried. I voluntarily showed her my basic ability scores to calm her down, before we started training."

"Make sure training is all you're doing in here." Her eyes wondered towards Eina in annoyance.

"Sorry. It won't happen again."

"Uh huh." Rose just rolls her eyes and leaves the room.

"Thank you, Bell."

"No problem Eina." I sat back down on the couch. "You do smell nice though."

"Haha. Thank you."

She giggles and starts the training. She sprawls out the maps for floor 7, 8 and 9. She explains how the ants, if given a chance will call out for their friends if you don't kill them fast. Their skin is hardened like armor except for the spinal column and can climb the walls. Watch out for poisonous purple moths and needle rabbits that will try to find a blind spot.

The goblin elites are slightly bigger than their weaker cousins. They will use small landform knives while coordinating with each other. The iron tusk boars are 1-meter-tall wrecking balls with sharp horns as strong as iron.




After a few hours, I left the guild hall with Eina and walked her home. We joked and spoke about recent events. As we were walking down her street she asks. "Bell since you didn't buy armor or weapons with that 50 thousand valis. What are you spending it on?"

"Yesterday I filled up on potions from Lord Miach. That was the earnings from floor 6. The 50k you gave me for the dragon crystal. I actually bought a couch."

"Eh, a couch."

"Sorry, I should of gave you half."

"No. No. I would have been dead to the dragon if not for you. Only reason I leveled is because I think I did more damage while you were fighting it head on."

"Wait is that how you level? You beat a strong monster."

"Sort of, you need 1 D stat at a minimum. You need to perform a feat that the gods will recognize. I rather you not go do something crazy."

"I won't. I still want to get magic first."

"It's not really fair. Elves tend to be gifted with magic."

I subconsciously touch my ears which she noticed. "Would be amazing to get one spell at least. Seeing those empty slots really is depressing." I stared towards the ground.

"One day you will." She changed the conversation back to the money. "So why a couch?"

"My back was hurting. A couple of the waitresses at the hostess are ex-adventurers and chose to help me out by hauling the old one out of the basement."

She giggled when I mentioned the waitresses. "More women. Haha. That was nice of them."

"They're just friends."

"Why in the basement?" she asks.

"I kind of live in a basement of an abandon church. I was a little hesitant to show your goddess the other day. It's better than the street at least." I laugh nervously.

Her smile instantly vanished into a worried look. "I have an e-extra room." She stutters out.

A warm feeling floods my chest and my face flashes into nervous smile. "I-I don't think I can. Sorry."

"You sure."

I pained me to refuse her. "Thank you, I don't want my goddess scaring you away. She already flipped out on Syr and Ryu when they helped me."

"She sounds a bit possessive but I guess being in different familias would make things difficult. I hope your back gets better."

"Its not as comfy has the one at the twilight manor but its definitely an improvement. I do appreciate the offer. I really don't want her to treat you harshly. Hopefully our luck will turn around and we will get more people to join soon and move into a bigger place."

"I hope so Bell. Hopefully that luck ability works."

"Hehe." I laugh again nervous. We arrived at her apartment. "Thank you again. I will do my best to stay safe."

"Please for me. I don't want grey hair before I am 20. Good night Bell."

"Good night Eina."




I started walking back south towards the church as the sun started to set. "Guess it would be too late for a run. Better not miss dinner." I turned up a back alley a block away from the church. As I descended the stairs a small girl runs into my side and falls to the ground.

"Ow." She laid on the ground struggling to get up.

Still holding my side from the unexpecting collision. "Are you okay?" I lean over to look at the brown haired prum girl in torn red and white clothes.

"Just where do you think you're going? You stupid pathetic prum." A man in his 20s wearing a red trench coat came racing down the alley way with his sword in his hand. "Get out of my way."

I stood their blocking him from her. The man got really angry. "Move or I will slit your throat." I still didn't move. "Ahhhhhh" He raised his sword and brought it down in the direction of the prum girl.

Instinctively I brought one of my knives up to catch the blade. For a few seconds our blades were locked together, he pressed down with all his might. I was barely putting up a resistant and got mad at the attack and responded with pushing my knife up to break the guard.

My strength applied to the minotaur knife cut threw his sword, splitting it in two pieces. In fright he jumped backwards. "My sword." His eyes go wide in shock and anger. "What is your problem? Is this mongrel a friend of yours?"

"No, I never met her before."

"Why are you trying to help her?"

"Because she's a girl." I tilted my head confused.

"That's a ridiculous reason to die." He yelled.

"That's enough." A third voice rang out from above the stairs. Standing there was the beautiful elfess Ryu in her waitress uniform. "Crossing blades in city limits you ought to be ashamed."

"You ought to keep your fat mouth shut." Angry adventurer shouted to her.

"Be Quiet!" She orders loudly. "You should avoid resorting to violence. I tend to get carried away." Her tone lowered but still scary like she had plenty of experience, still glaring at him. In a blink of a second, she held a knife in her hand. I couldn't even see her get it out.

"Skank!" He starts to turn around.

"If I could break your sword so easily. What do you think she could do? Apologize to her." I shouted to him

"Enough." She ordered. The man rushed off back down the alley a little blue in the face.

"Sorry Ryu. Thank you for the help." I bowed to apologize.

"Its fine. Looks like you had it handled anyways Mr. Cranel."

"What are you doing here Ryu?"

"I was getting a few supplies." She motioned to the paper bag in her hands. "What about you Mr. Cranel?"

"Well, you see this girl here …. Huh. Where did she go?" I looked around for the prum girl.

"I don't see anyone. Must of ran off. Are you always getting into trouble Mr. Cranel?" Her brow raised.

I nervously scratch my head embarrassed. "Feel like it always finds me. Good thing I got a forest fairy looking out for me."

"Eh" Her face lights up in a blush in surprise. "P-p-please excuse me. I need to get back to the bar." She stutters out.

"All right. Thank you." She started walking towards the main road. "Oh Ryu." She turned her head towards me. "Hope someday you can call me Bell."

"Ahh, g-good night B-B-Bell." She walked off avoiding my smile. I turn around and continue walking towards the church. Not realizing the pair of eyes scoping me out as a target.

The prum girl around the corner had a devious look on her face.




"Evening Goddess." I enter to find her sitting on the new sofa.

"Bell you're late." She came up to hug me. Then pulled away fast. "Why do you smell like perfume?"

"I was with Eina all day."

A blood vessel looked like it was gonna blow in her forehead. "What were you doing with her?"


"That's not the whole truth Bell."

"Most of the day was training. We ran the walls in the morning, spent the evening at the guild hall training for the dungeon. She cleared me to go to floor 10 but wants me to get a magic stone quota before progressing past 7. Then I walked her back home."

"Floor 10. I thought you were going to 7."

"She said my stats were high enou-." I said with a blank expression before being cut off.

"YOU WHAT!" She screamed.

"She was worried about my growth. So, I showed her my stats."

"BELL THAT IS PERSONAL!" she cried out.

"She only understands a little bit of hieroglyphs but it's not like I have magic or skills worth hiding."

"NEVER AGAIN!" She cleared her throat and talked lower. "Never show your status to another again."

"I am sorry." Felt a drop of sweat roll down my back. "Goddess why am I growing so fast? Other people take years to level apparently."

She hesitated, "You are special. You have been working harder than other people have been." She ordered.

"That can't be. Many of people work hard to survive the dungeon." I was growing suspicious of her motive.

"Most people have large familias. You have been soloing each floor like a crazy man. You need to avoid that girl, Einasomething!"

"I don't want too. She's my advisor, my friend and I care for her."

"She's Loki familia. They just want to use you or steal you away."

"Goddess I don't see any problems with them. They have helped get me geared up and have healed me after monsterphilia. As for Eina, her lessons and magic have been incredibly important to keeping me alive."

"You only need me." She pouted

"You are a goddess. I want a family someday with a wife and kids. I don't see any issues with making friends and talking with women. Especially people that are worried about my safety."

"I am your family."

"You are my goddess. I have already been offered by four different people to stay at their place." She was not expecting what I said. She froze in shock with her eyes wide. "I chose to stay here because I respect you and didn't want to cause any problems. I don't want to leave you alone but if you keep doing this, you're gonna scare me away."

"F-f-fine." Her eyes filled with tears. She stormed off to her room.

'Somehow I don't think this is the end of it.' I thought before going to make something to eat for myself. I spent the rest of the evening cleaning my equipment and myself before bed.




Having finished my run early with Eina. I stepped out of the church around 9am in full armor with my knives and backpack. Ready to go down to floor 7. My first stop was at the hostess to pick up my lunch from Ryu.

Syr was standing out front sweeping the entrance. "Good morning Syr."

"Bell." She dropped her broom and walked over to me to give me a hug. "I was getting worried."

"S-Syr, it's only been a day." Confused at her actions.

"Ryu said you got attacked in a back alley yesterday." She pulled away a little. "You sure living back there is safe." Her eyes teared up

"I am f-fine." I stuttered out still mesmerized by her warmth of her body.

"Syr let go of him." Ryu came out of the hostess holding a little basket looking slightly annoyed. "He handled himself well. Plus, as you already noticed his goddess would not approve."

"I will be more careful. I promise."

"Please do." Syr released me from her grasp.

"Here is your lunch." Ryu held out the small basket.

"Thank you, Ryu. It really is amazing." I dropped a few valis in her hand.

"Thank you" She smiles.

"No fair." Syr pouts. "Why can't I make him lunch?" I stared back into her face nervously.

Ryu spoke bluntly. "Syr you are a wonderful but you lack culinary skills. You would never get to see him if you kill him. He is just too nice to tell you."

"I am sorry Syr." I bowed. "Please forgive me. I didn't want you to continue giving me food for free as well."

"I can't train you or cook for you." Syr looked down defeated. "I want to help you." She spoke softly.

"Both of your friendships are more than enough for me?" I spoke calmly. "I will try to stop by more when I get more valis. I am starting floor 7 today."

"Floor 7 already." Ryu eyebrow raised.

"Yep, my advisor said I could actually go lower but she wants me to master floor 7 first."

"Eh" Ryu said shocked.

"Is that good Ryu?" Syr tilted her head towards her friend.

"Extremely. How are you progressing so fast?" Ryu stared confused.

"I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders. "Wish I could learn magic though. Yours is very beautiful."

"Aaaaahhhh." her face reddening.

"I got to go. Thank you for the lunch Ryu."

"Be safe B-bell." Ryu said hesitantly which brought a smile to my face. Before I turned east towards the dungeon.

Ryu and Syr were watching me running away towards Babel. "Falling for him are you Ryu." Syr teased her red-faced friend.


"Calling him by his first name already and you're trying to steal him away from me with your lunches."

"I am just worried about his health and I would never want to force my horrible past on him. Plus, I don't want to hurt you Syr." Ryu steeled her nerves.

"Ah huh, could share him." Syr teased.

Ryu eyes went wide in surprised. "S-stop it, Syr."




Outside the massive babel tower. I observed many groups entering the dungeon underneath. Each person in a group seems to fill a role. Warriors, tanks, mages, healers, archers, and people carrying huge bags.

"Here I am trying to do it all. Guess those are supporters Finn and Eina were telling me to find. How would I go about hiring one if I am the only one in my familia?" A little distracted staring off at the passing groups with admiration.

"Mister, mister with the white hair." I turned my head to see nobody but a giant bag until I stared down to find a small girl.

"Nice to meet you Mister!" She said with smile.

"Umm" I turned my head confused. "Aren't you the prum, I ran into you yesterday in a back alley?" Her clothes were very similar except for the brown overcoat

"Are you confusing Lily with somebody else? I may be short but I am far from a prum?" She pulled back her hood to show blond hair and two pointy elf ears.

"An elf?" I say surprised

"What do you not like Elves?" She said sarcastically.

"No not at all. Just surprised me because of your size. Sorry?" I apologized. "Aren't you a little young to be going into the dungeon?"

"Lily has been doing it for a few years with her familia under the god Soma."

"Why not join a party with other members of your familia? Elven magic is usually desired highly." I questioned her.

Lily chuckles half heartily. "Lily does not have useful magic like other elves. Nobody wants small feeble Lily." Her confession about being left out of her familia stabbed at my heart.

Lily noticed my concerned face. "Lily has no choice. I am almost out of money and can't take much more." Her eyes filled with tears and to my shock, she reached over to grab and shake me. "Please, Please, take Lily into the dungeon."

My mind was racing. 'An elf is willingly touching me. I thought they were prideful.' Finally, I stuttered out. "I do need a supporter."

"Will you hire Lily today?"

"Yes, Please Help me in the dungeon Lily. My name is Bell Cranell."

"Thank you so much. Maybe Lily can eat tonight. Thirty percent would make Lily jump for joy! Anymore will make Lily's ear go red in appreciation." Her huge smile made me nervous.

"How deep have you gone Lily?"

"I been down to floor 11. I am not a good fighter though. How deep are you going Master Bell?"

"My advisor wants me to get a magic stone quota on floor 7 before moving further down."

"Alright let's go to the dungeon Master Bell." She beamed a smile up to me.

"Just call me Bell."

"I can't do that." She refused.




Within two hours me and Lily made it down to blue colored tunnels of floor 7. The spawn intervals were much less and monsters will surround you if you find a dead end.

My body was remarkably calm coming down to a new floor. I have done my studying, improved my armor and weapons and now I don't have to worry about picking up stones.

"How many stones does your advisor want you to get?" Lily questions

"Eina told me to get 100 killer ant stones before going to floor 8."

"How long have you been on this floor?" she asked curiously

"First day." I smiled towards her.

Lily was about to protest. Usually, it takes a party of 4 to farm these floors and skipping floors took months not filling a silly quota.

Four killer ants skittered into the room. They were one and half feet tall and four feet long. They were able to prop their bodies off the ground by bracing the bottom half on the ground. Eyeing us up, they begun mashing their mandibles together in hunger.

"Master Bell, we can't let them call for help." she warns

"I don't plan on it, Lily." I charged towards the hungering ants, able to close the gap with in a few seconds. I brought my right knife into the thorax of the closest ant. The one to its right lashed out towards me. I swung my body around escaping its sharp mandibles and used my left knife to sever its head. The two remaining ants were shaken by the numbers cut in half and were about to signal to others.

I kicked off the body of the headless ant and landed a vertical slash down on the right ant splitting its head down the middle between the eyes. Turned back to the far left one and threw one of knives into the head of the ant. Noticing the 5th smaller monster out of the corner of my eye. I brought my remaining knife backwards impaling the needle rabbit. Quickly pulled it out to deal with the other two rabbits racing behind it. Within 20 seconds Lily watched me slay four killer ants and a three needle rabbits.

"Woah." Lily was stunned. As I pulled the knife out of the rabbit and walked over to the ant to retrieve my knife. "That was amazing Master Bell. Are you really a new adventurer?"

"Yes, though I probably wouldn't have done as well without help from my friends." scratched my face nervously

"Surprised you don't prowl the dungeon with them."

"One is an ex-adventurer and the other belongs to another familia. Both of them are way stronger than me. I think seeing me fight would put them both to sleep. Eina is my advisor."

"Oh, weird most adventurers travel in groups. Guessing those powerful knives are helping a bit." She trailed off while cutting open the chest of a killer ant to get the stone. Ash trailing in the air when the stone was taken out each body. She noticed a few more ants enter the room. She looked over to see the severed head still alive. Lily brought up her bow gun and shot it between the eyes.

"Master Bell that one signaled to its friends. They can stay alive for a few minutes if you sever the head." She yelled out

"Good to know." I scratched my head seeing six ants pile into the room. I charged forward determined to take all of them down. Four of them charge on the floor while two others start climbing the walls. I rushed into the middle of them. Their bodies running into each other trying tear me apart.

Two of them were stunned from the collision. They were still recovering as I sink my knives into their skulls. Pulling my knives out in time to backflip away from the other two on the ground. Once I plant my feet, I charge forward landing horizontal slashed along the sides of their bodies. Spilling their guts out behind me. One of the ants dropped from the ceiling in front of me. It slashed its claws along my left arm but the armor only dented a few millimeters.

I brought my right knife to cut off its claws and rotated my hand to impale it in the mouth. When I noticed the other ant on the ceiling was about to drop on Lily. I jumped on to the dying ants back and kicked off towards the ceiling impaling both knives into its thorax. The ants claws release their grip from the ceiling and both our bodies fall towards the ground. To avoid being crushed by its body weight I pulled my knives apart severing its body in two. Each half landing on either side of Lily and me in front of the wide-eyed girl.

We end of spending five more hours killing killer ants, needle rabbits and purple moths. I was starting to get tired as I pulled my blade out of the moth body that I landed on.

I noticed lily pulling all the bodies together in a pile. I wiped the sweat from my brow. "You are definitely helping Lily."

"No. No. All lily does is cut the stones out and carry the bags. Master Bell is the one that kills all those monsters and you barely got a scratch." She says while continuing to collect stones and drop items.

"Please stop calling me Master. It's just Bell. I am able to focus on fighting more with you having my back. You are very helpful Lily."

"No, it would be too arrogant for any supporter to think were equal to an adventurer. If I got full of myself. Then nobody would hire Lily. You might be nice but the real world is not." She said with a fake if not forced smile.

'That face, why does it remind me of myself.' Thought crossed my mind as I stare at her face. "I think we should go up top and call it a night."

"Are you sure? I guess it is a trial run." She says pondering her next move. 'I can't make my move on this floor.'




Two hours later we exchanged our stones and drop items at the guild hall. The red head werewolf counted out the stones. "Wow sixty-two killer ant stones, twenty-three needle rabbits' stones and twelve purple moth stones with their wing drop items. Your total comes to 64 thousand valis."

"Wow thank you Miss Rose." I beamed a smile towards her.

"Guess you were actually training with Eina." Rose teases. "Don't spend it all in one place."

"I don't know, maybe you should add me to the betting pool." I winked towards Rose. She stared at me in shock, utterly speechless. "See you around Miss Rose." I walked around to find Lily standing at a high-top table.

"How much did you make Master Bell?" She was eager to get her share.

"We made 64 thousand valis."



Eina was finished up with one of her charges who was a level 3 dwarf. She stared at Bell leaving Rose in a speechless state, trying to ignore the flirty dwarf. 'Wonder what happened now.' Her head started to hurt.

"Eina want to get a beer?" The dwarf offered.

"No thanks Dormul." Eina refused.

"Come on Lass. You need to stop being so uptight."

"I am not interested. I am your advisor. Also, I-I have a b-boyfriend." She lied staring off in the direction of Bell.

"64 thousand valis! Master Bell is amazing." Lily screamed out next to me. Turning the heads of many of the guild staff and adventurers to include Eina who was finished helping the burly dwarf.

Eina used this distraction to get away from flustered Dormul and walk over to the table to see me splitting the pile of valis.



"Here you go Lily." I offered her half to her.

Lily seemed shocked. "Master B-Bell this is half."

"Is it not enough?" I questioned.

"Why are you giving me half?" Spoke the baffled Lily

"I wouldn't have been able to collect all those stones without you and I might not of realized the severed ant head was communicating to its friends."

"Ahhhh." Lily didn't know how to respond. Luckily, she didn't have too.

"Bell, why are you and your friend here making so much noise?" Eina came over to investigate.

"Evening Eina. We just got back from the floor 7." I greeted the half elf with a smile.

"Please tell me you didn't already get 100 killer ant stones." She said developing a headache.

"Not quite yet. Maybe tomorrow. Only got 62 killer ant stones, also a few dozen needle rabbits and purple moths. We made 64 thousand valis." I spoke unaware of how shocking of an achievement I accomplished.

Eina looked like she was dizzy and about to faint. I was about to catch her when she ushered me over to a small sofa.

"Master Bell, I have to go." Lily rushed out of the hall.

"Okay Lily. See you tomorrow if you want to continue around 10am." Lily left and a few minutes later Eina finally calmed down.

"Eina are you okay."

"You killed more monsters than a party of five seasoned level 1 adventurers and that was after running a marathon in the morning. What am I gonna do with you Bell?" She said in a gentle worried voice.

"What do you want me to do Eina? I want to get stronger. It was a lot easier to fight and collect all those stones with Lily as my supporter."

"Where did you meet her?" Her faced relieved knowing I had help.

"Outside of Babel. She seems to have a weird relationship with her familia. So, I hired her."

"What familia?"

"Oh, I think she said Soma. Do you know anything about them?"

"They sell very popular wine and have a lot of members. I can't strongly support or oppose your choice."

"Is there something wrong with Soma Familia?" I spoke low to concealed my concern.

"They seemed to fight amongst each other a lot and come off as desperate. You should be okay. Just keep an eye on her for me Bell."

"I will Eina."

"I will support your choice to hire her."

"Um Eina, do people look down on supporters?" I said remembering how dismissive Lily was about her contribution.

"Not everybody can become strong Bell. Most weaker adventurers or people that have peaked are made into supporters. They can become easy targets for discrimination."

"That's horrible." I looked down frustrated.




9am the next day. A tired Eina was walking towards the twilight manor after cleaning up from the morning run. She recalled her earlier conversation with Bell, before he left for the dungeon.

"Hey Eina."


"I think we both need a day to rest from running."

"Okay Bell. Stop by the guild when you get the rest of those ant stones." She ordered.

She decided to check in with her goddess. Luckily there were different guards manning the gate. The female one escorted her to Gareth and Loki in Finn's vacant office.

"Hey Loki, how long are they staying down there in the dungeon?" He asked before taking a swig of his ale sitting at Finn's desk. Gareth was a stocky dwarf with massive muscles. He had red flowing hair that merges into his scruffy beard.

"Finn said at least a week. It's only been four days. Surely managing the familia for that long isn't too much for my second son."

"Ai it's a bit annoying managing all these requests and keeping the rest of lot busy." He shook his head remembering what happened over the last 4 days ago. "Though it was fun beating the crap out of Hod."

"Hah, you might have helped him level, when he recovers. Still make sure he stays clear of Eina." She started drinking her wine.

"I will keep an eye on him. I am planning on putting him on latrine duty for a while." Gareth strokes his beard

"Haha." Loki laughs loudly. "I am surprised you didn't go down on the mini expedition." She grinned towards the dwarf.

"They're only raising valis for Tiona and Ais weapons. Not like I am gonna level. The last expedition got me a whopping 10 points. Whoop de do." The dwarf gulped down a lot of ale.

"You will get level 7 soon. Don't give up." Loki teased the dwarf. "I think you just wanted to be around me. You're such a good boy."

"Oi keep that pet name for the mutt. Don't plan on allowing anymore of our lot to embarrass us, again." He stared up at Loki slightly annoyed. "By the way, why did both of you smell like the sewer last night?"

"Well, because I forced Bete to take me down in the sewers in the east district. I wanted to investigate those plant monsters that showed up out of the ground during monsterphilia." Loki answered.

"Did you find anymore?" takes another swig of his ale

"Yeah, we found a half dozen. Bete had to use a fire magic knife on his Frostvirt boots to kill them."

"S-seriously." Coughs up a little bit of his drink.

"Yeah, their skin is tough. Bete estimates that their mostly level 4 monsters. Still have no idea where they come from and how they got into the city."

"What did Ouranos say when you stormed the guild?"

"The old man is cryptic as always. He didn't seem to know anything." Loki recalled her annoying talk with the elder god Ouranos.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Come in." Gareth called out. A short red hair human girl peeked her head in towards the room.

"Mr. Gareth. Lady Loki. Eina is here to see you." She spoke in a gentle voice.

"Let her in Narvi." Loki smiled.

Narvi opened the door the rest of the way to let a nervous Eina enter the room. "I will take my leave." Narvi bowed and exited the room.

"Good morning Lass. Been a while since I have talked to you." Gareth greeted the young half elf.

"Morning Sir G-."

"No need just Gareth. Sit down." He motioned to the chair on the other side of the desk. "What can we help you with today Eina?" He sat down his drink and folded his hands together.

She took a seat in the middle the dwarf and the goddess. "I was wondering if you had any details on Soma familia."

"Not planning on leaving me, are you?" Loki's smile sank to a frown.

"No never. Bell has helped me realize my family is here." Eina assured the goddess.

"Then why do you want to know about Soma familia?" Gareth asked eyebrow raised.

"Bell has recently taken a Soma girl as his supporter. I was relieved at first that he's not going to floor 7 solo, so I agreed. I have not heard any good things coming from Soma familia. I am still worried." Eina said shifting in her seat nervously. "All I know is that they make wine."

"You might want to separate them immediately." Loki stated.

"Why?" Eina tensed up

"They don't worship that stupid god Soma. They worship the wine he makes. They will fight each other, steal, and in some rare occasions kill to get valis to drink that stuff." Eina was horrified at her goddess's warning.

"That doesn't make sense Loki." The dwarf stern expression directed at the red head goddess. "That wine might be good but it's not worth killing over it. Think those fumes are making you dizzy."

"I am not talking about that reject batches they sell to the public." Gareth and Eina's eyes bulged. "That idiot makes a wine that can get a mortal drunk to bottom of their soul. From what I heard he offers it to new members to make them addicts. Though that might be his kids doing that. Soma is an introverted blockhead who doesn't even want to lead a familia. Glad I stopped myself from wanting to marry him over it."

"Here I thought I was a drunkard." Gareth chuckles. "Might have been plastered the other day. Are you talking about that white haired boy who was injured on the lounge sofa? I remember the hag taking care of him."

"His name is Bell Cranell, he also brought me in the other day when I was running the wall with him and passed out."

"Sorry about treating him so harshly. I got a bit defensive when he brought you in after escaping Hod." Her frown faded as she looked up into Eina's eyes to reassure Eina. "Don't worry Hod's been dealt with."

"Then why was this kid injured the other day?" Dwarf looked confused.

"He killed an infant dragon and a silverback during monsterphilia." Eina informed the dwarf.

"Serious. He seemed like new blood." strokes is beard

"He's only been at it a month." Eina informs Gareth.

"Now you're just pulling my leg Lass." The dwarf chuckled.

"No, she's telling the truth. Bete scared him away before the expedition. Riveria gave me his application. He's also the one that escaped the minotaur on floor 5."

"Seriously. How is all of this possible for a rookie?" The dwarf seemed impressed.

"Hoping Eina will tell me. Did you accomplish what I asked?" She stared over to the quite yet shaking Eina. "Oh, Eina what have you seen." Loki got closer to Eina to tease her.

"He showed me his back." She gulped.

"He didn't have it locked up. I knew itty-bitty was dumb. Surprised he showed you. Did he whip it out at your place?" Loki teased.

"Phrasing!" Gareth laughed covering his face.

"His stats are high enough to get him to floor 10. I gave him a quota to prove he can master each floor first." Both Gareth and Loki were wide eyed in amazement.

"What else?" Loki asked eagerly.

"He has a developmental ability that he said was Luck."

"At level 1." Shouted the dwarf.

"What about skills?" Loki continued.

"I couldn't read it but there is something there. What's more amazing is he seems completely oblivious to it?"

Loki's grin was huge. "Seems like my theory is right. Itty-Bitty gonna regret hiding it from him. How about a status update Eina?"

"Eh." Both Eina and Gareth responded.

"See if that skill is continuing to affect my elves. Would you mind stepping out Gareth?" She nodded towards the confused dwarf.

"Alright but I am gonna be right outside the door. Not having the hag blast me with fire, because you touched Eina." He Shaked his head towards Eina, ignoring Loki's upset face. "Just scream and I will smack her across the face for you."

"Mhmmm." She looked up and smiled towards the old dwarf as he walked outside the office. Eina undid her guild uniform top an exposed her back to the goddess who promptly cut her finger and dripped a droplet of blood on her back.

Eina Tulle

Level One Race: Half Elf Age: 19

Strength: F302 F362 Defense: F316 F320

Dexterity: D597 C601 Agility: G243 F325

Magic: B745

Eina quickly got dressed. Before a knock came on the door. "You can enter Gareth." Eina shouted. Gareth came back in a pulled up a chair next to the two women to stare at the paper on the table, all three shocked disbelieving what they are seeing on the paper.

"150 points! How the hell? Didn't you just up her status the other day Loki?" Gareth's eyes were almost bulging out of his head.

"Yep, was only 5 days ago. Riveria and Alicia will confirm how potent this skill is when they get back from the expedition."

"Why is it only affecting Knife Ears?" Gareth complained until he stared over to Eina. "Sorry."

Loki stated. "Not sure but now we know he has a super rare skill. It seems to be affecting only elven women around him."

"Not letting that hag get to level 7 before me." Grumbled Gareth.

"Please don't call Lady Riveria that name." Eina pleaded.

Gareth rolled his eyes. "I am not an elf. I don't care."

"You're not gonna do anything to Bell are you Gareth."

"Have a little trust in me Lass. When I get my equipment back from Cyclops. I might pay Uduaes a visit to try and force a level up." He says cracking his knuckles. He gets up and leaves the room.

"Did I cause a problem?" Eina looked worried to her goddess.

"Nah, he needed a kick in the pants to get him motivated. He used to be even rowdier than Tiona with his warrior spirit. Seven years has taken a toll on him." She smiled optimistically


Loki looked over to a clock. "Aren't you gonna be late for work Eina?"

"Eh …. EEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHH!" She screams realizing her mistake and races out of the manor at full speed towards the guild hall.




The day was very long and slow for Eina. She was suppressing her headache all day. She was worried sick over the information Loki gave her earlier. 'I need to talk with him about that Soma girl being his supporter. Why did I have to agree with his suggestion to cancel tomorrow's run? He could see me struggling and basically mercied me.'

She was thankful for the break from the morning routine but now was scared that she would miss telling him about the Soma supporter. Some of her adventurers were even getting angry with how distance she had been all day.

The evening sun was getting lower as her nerves were on a razor edge. A loud banging noise and shouting came from the exchange window. A 6-foot-tall human man was banging on the counter yelling at Rose.

"Only 12,000 valis!? Are you fucking blind?" The desperate man was scaring Rose.

Misha came up behind the shocked Eina. "Another Soma adventurer. Why are they always so obsessed with money? Glad I don't manage that familia." She spoke nervously.

"Did you count every single drop item? Check them again!" he yells out in desperation and bangs again on the counter.

"Sir, my eyes are just fine. I counted every stone and drop item." Rose yelled back at the adventurer with terrified eyes.

"Dam that's all its worth. I refuse. I think you're cheating me." He starts grabbing the drop item dispenser and pulls out the steel drawer with his level 1 strength.

Eina had enough and raced up behind him. Grabbing him by the collar before he could reach the register and throw him backwards towards the ground. Enraged the man pulled a knife.

Eina was terrified. She didn't expect somebody to be this desperate. Out of nowhere a war shadow finger blade impaled the adventurer's hand causing him to drop his knife and hold his hand in pain.

"New it was a good idea to pick that up." I said scratching my head. "Are you okay Eina?"

"Y-yes." She felt relief seeing his smile. "Thank you, Bell." Before she could pull him aside. A short fat elf entered the hall with two guards.

"Take him away." The fat elf motioned for the guards to take the injured Soma adventurer away. "Eina, I want to see you in my office. NOW!" He yelled towards the half elf.

"Can I help?" I offered.

"No go home human." Royman Ordered.




Ten minutes later the nervous Eina was sitting in Royman's office, sitting across from the guild pig as he skimmed a file on his large desk.

"Eina, do you want to continue working for the guild or are you trying to be an adventurer again?" Royman questioned with a sneer that was almost scary.

"I work for the guild sir." She spoke gently

"Then why did you not press the button underneath and choose to start a fight."

"I didn't thin-"

"Think." Royman cut her off. "Is it your human side that interferes with your ability to use reason?"

"N-n-no Sir." She stuttered out

"Then explain monsterphilia. Why were you fighting in the arena? Why did you not leave it to adventurers and help people get away Eina?"

"I was helping Bell. He is a new adventurer." She sat up higher in her chair and composed herself. "I didn't want to him to get hurt and I was on my lunch break when it happened."

"Advisors only provide information to help adventurers. Those adventurers choose to go into the depths of the dungeon to face monsters. We do not. We help the gods achieve their goals by providing information and support." Royman stared at her with disdain.

He continued to talk down to the half elf. "You left your post and missed work because of injury. You're showing up late and exhausted. You are falling asleep at work and getting complaints from adventurers under your charge. You continue to prioritize this human Bell and now I got a report that you were doing inappropriate activity in the training room."

"We were just training. That is all. He chose to show me his ability stats." Eina tried to defend herself.

Royman rolled his eyes. "Not even gonna touch that potential powder keg. Start doing your job correctly. Stop showing favoritism towards your boyfriend."

"He is not my boyfriend. I remain professional with dealing with all the adventurers under my command. I separate work and my personal life." She pleaded.

"Rrright." He said sarcastically. "If you continue like this you will be unemployed. Understand Eina."

"Y-yes sir." She got up and walked out downstairs to find an empty guild building except for the staff.

Rose saw the trembling face of Eina enter the room. She walked up to her. "I am sorry Eina."

"It's my fault. I have not been focusing." Eina said looking down.

"Because of that white haired boy Bell." She said curiously. "He seems to care for you a lot."

Eina's face had a light blush on it. "I am worried by how hard he is pushing himself."

"He is rather determined to get himself killed. Maybe you can use this to help slow him down." She handed Eina a month's worth of pay.

"AHHH." Eina stared at the pouch with shock.

"Guess it was kind of heartless of us to bet on his survival. Plus, we will all go broke if he bets the over out of spite." She chuckles "Don't suspect Sophie will be happy since her bet is coming up soon. I am putting an end to this pool."

"Thank you Rose."

"No problem Eina. Oh, by the way, Bell told me he's going to floor 8 tomorrow. He handed me quite a lot of ant stones again. Are you okay with that?" Rose eyebrow raised out of curiosity.

"He is capable of going further, but I want him to take it slow. I just don't trust that Soma supporter of his."

"I can see why."




The next day me and Lily made it to the end of floor 7 before noon. "Ready to go down Master Bell."

"Still can't get you to stop calling me that. Okay let's go Lily." I descend the stairs into the green tinted tunnel of floor 8 first with her behind me. 'Those eyes again. Am I imaging things or should I pull her aside later to talk?'

As we entered the first main room. I was starting to develop a sense of déjà vu. A green mass of a monster was shifting slowly across the room. "You ready master bell." Lily asked.

"Sorry just reminds me of floor 1."

"They won't act like those little ones up there." She was right. The goblin elite was a foot taller at least. It had a much more athletic build with longer limbs then its weaker cousins. The goblin elite heard us and turned toward us. It's sense of hearing seems to be sharper too

It focused its yellow eyes and started mashing its sharp fangs. It grabbed hold of white object protruded from the wall and ripped out a 20cm knife. It bellowed a war cry. As if expecting a sign from a scout, the cavern walls answered birthing two more. Each goblin pulled out their own knife.

I started moving to the center of the room to take out the first one. They did something unexpected. Instead of charging, the middle one backed off a few steps and the other two encircled around to the flanks. These monsters were smarter. Everything in Eina's lessons was accurate. If I attack one, the others will attack my exposed backside.

The one on my left flank got impatient and charged. I caught its vertical slash with my left blade with out much difficulty. I was about to bring my right knife down on it when I heard the other two make their move towards me.

Expecting this I pushed upwards on my left hand parrying the weak landform weapon. My knife cut throw the goblins knife and cut into its hand. I leaned on my left leg and brought my right leg into the cut of the first goblin sending him back into a wall. The third goblin blade was mere inches from backside. I jumped off my left leg dogging its blade while in midair.

I twisted my body above the surprised goblin and brought my right knife into the side of its skull. The goblin with the injured hand was still shrieking in pain. So I charged after the one that landed into the wall and stabbed him in the throat before I focused on the injured goblin. I walked slowly towards it, not expecting it to be much of a threat now that it was disarmed, alone and in pain.

When a cloud of noxious smoke bomb exploded at my feet. Me and the goblin were coughing hard as the smoke blinded us both. It was very hard to believe. I dropped the blades beneath in order to cover my mouth and nose. My eyes were watering but I had to get a weapon in my hand and fight whatever attacked me.

As the smoke cleared, I reached my hands to the ground to find my knives but they were gone. "Lily. Lily what was that?" Then my hands found two spongy meat orbs where my knives were supposed to be. "A monster lure. What is this doing here?" still having trouble breathing. I look up to see Lily on the other side of the room.

"Master Bell try to find an opening and make your escape." She faded down the tunnel leading to floor 7 stairway. The walls started to crack open around me.

Four more goblin elites popped out to support their injured brother and one curious killer ant came down to investigate.





Lily was racing away to distance herself from the screams of Bell. She knew every shortcut and can use her racial natural ability of excellent eyesight to be able to evade level 1 monsters. She could even pick up killer ants and war shadows crawling on the ceiling.

"Lily hates adventurers. They made Lily's life a living hell. So jealous that master Bell can do everything himself. What's wrong with betraying somebody before you get betrayed?"

Two kobolds and a goblin up ahead. She snipes the goblin and one of the kobolds between the eyes. The other kobold responded to quick and bounced off the wall to charge her. The kobold landed a slash down the front of her overcoat, exposed her raggy red and white clothes underneath. Again the kobold bounced off all fours to pounce on Lily. She slid on the ground underneath it and used both minotaur knives to disembowel the kobold.

"Lily is not met for this kind of rough housing." She picked herself up raised her hands to her hood. "Stroke of the Midnight's Bell, Cinderalla." Her elven ears glowed like a white-hot fire and burned away from her face. Her straight blond hair grew upwards into a shaggy chestnut brown. Her size did not change. She was after all a pallum which are know for being the weakest race.

A half hour later, she walked out of the babel tower at a fast pace holding on to her knives. 'Surely that cheap gnome will give me a good price for these knives.' Unknown to her she was being followed. A pair of blue eyes locked on the two knives in her hands.

She started walking up a side alley in north west district when she noticed that she was being followed. "Oi runt stop right there." The voice came from a 6-foot-tall man with fire red hair, blue eyes wearing a worn-out black kimono with a brown belt holding it together.

"Who are you? What do you want?" She screamed alarmed. She raised her bow gun to defend herself with both knives in left hand.

"I want those knives back now." The man ordered

"They're not yours. Their mine." Her eyes tear filled and wide eyed making it look like she was being attacked.

"Don't you play the pity part with me. I made those dam knives. They weren't given to a sticky fingered prum like you. Now hand them over." The man ordered

Lily released an arrow at the man's face but the red head was two fast and deflected it. Now angry he walked towards the pallum.

Lily couldn't reload the bow with the daggers in her hand. She had to run, but before she could the daggers were jettisoned from her hand. A single valis coin impacted her hand with such force that she released her grip on the blades.

An elf waitress appeared down the alley from them. The elf looked very angry. The red head man was scared thinking it was directed towards him and stood still in fear. Lily found the opening to get around the red-haired man and silently cast her magic again.

She ran down the alley to get away from the human and the scary elf woman. Ryu raced down the alley. She picked up the blades with her right hand and completely ignored that red haired human man looking blue in the face. Lily thought she might get away when she was tripped by another waitress with silver hair. Sending Lily flat on her face. Slowly she raised her body up from the ground but it was to late. She was surrounded by both waitresses with the human man walking behind. Lily's hood flew off exposing her long brown ears.

"Want to explain how you got my friends knives." Anger slipped to confusion seeing her ears. "A clienthrope?"

Lily was quite knowing she was cornered. The man finally spoke behind Ryu. "That prum stole those knives. I know. I made them Miss Elf." When he looked down at the girl again. Even he was confused by the clienthrope ears.

The silver haired waitress came up behind Lily. "Oh, you been a bad little girl haven't you." Some reason the girl's voice scared Lily the most. She saw right through her. "Ryu I think it's transformation magic." Syr said in a gentle voice

"Makes sense Syr." Ryu stared down at the frighten lily with angry eyes. "Where did you leave Bell Cranell?"

"H-h-he's on floor 8. He should be fine." Lily gave a weak response.

"If my friend dies, their will not be anywhere in Orario for you to escape execution."

"Miss elf, let me take her and the knives to the guild." The red haired man tried to diffuse the situation."

"Why should I?" The elf commanded.

"For one I made those blades and two I would like to avoid bloodshed. I can turn her in to the authorities."

Ryu stared the man in the face. "So you are Wel-?"

"I know." The man cut off the elf. "Cyclops made me make them for him. I have no intention of embracing my ancestry. Plus I would like to thank my first real customer."

"Fine. Go then." She handed the knives to him holding onto the blade end.

Surprised the red head man accepted the blades hesitantly by gripping the pommel. He bent down to pick up Lily. He grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her on to his shoulder. She was punching and kicking the human to get out of his gripped but his status was just higher.

"Do you ladies want to come along to the guild hall? It's just a block or two up the street." He suggested.

"No, we need to get back to work." Syr said.

"Tell Mia I will be late. I am gonna look for him Syr."

"Okay Ryu. I hope Bell's safe." Her gentle voice feeling hopeless

"I think he's too stubborn to die. I will find him." Her face gave away that she was concerned. Ryu raced down back streets towards babel to avoid to much notice.

"Let me go." Lily pounded on the man's back.

"Nah I am taking you to the guild you little brat."




(1 hour earlier)

I was surrounded and unarmed on floor 8, by five goblin elites armed with knives and killer ant that blocked off my escape. The killer ant started climbing the wall as the goblin elites started encircling me. Mashing their teeth in happiness expecting an easy kill.

'I need to kill that killer ant first or this will be impossible.' I kept my eye on the ceiling to watch where it moved. The goblins started making their move charging at me with their knives. The first one jumped at me with an over head strike. I grabbed its from the side. Before I could do anything a blade came towards my face. I threw my neck head back as fast as I could getting a small cut on my chin. I feel backwards landing on my hands doing a cartwheel to kick the second goblin in the face. It felled back with its injured friend with a dislocated jaw. I landed on my feet behind the other two that still had their knives.

Each goblin charged at my sides desiring to disembowel me with their knives. I jumped off my left foot spinning in midair to avoid their strikes. My right foot was brought into a backkick to knock out the one to my left. The armor plate came in contact with its forhead and used my arms to wrap around the other goblins neck and bring it into a choke slam towards the ground. When we landed, I broke its neck with a quick snap.

Barely anytime to breath the killer ant made its move and dropped from the ceiling ready to skewer me with its pincers and crush me with it's body. I couldn't roll away because of the two dead bodies of the goblins. I rolled my hips up to catch the weight of the killer ant with my feet. The ant was surprised to be stopped. Its front pincers trying to snap at my face as its many legs tried slicing me open. The armor was holding up against its claws but I felt each impact as the metal dented and grinded. One of the claws managed to find a gap in shoulder and cut deep.

My hands mad their way to the gross sharp face of the ant. I held it in place the best I could with my hands. Tried all it could to move its body off my legs. With all my might I kicked the thorax and pulled the ants skull at the same time. Separating its spine from its armor body. The ant crying out in pain as its head and spine were completely detached. My face, clothes and armor covered in green blood from the ant. I made my way out from underneath the ant to see the three remaining goblins begin their attack.

Still unarmed, I couldn't see the fallen goblins knives. So, I went over to the lifeless body off the ant and pulled on two of its sharp legs and split them from its body. The goblins hesitated when they seen me make two impromptu weapons out of their comrades body. Seeing the opening I pressed my advantage and charged.

I used the long sharp leg to disarm the remaining goblin with a knife and swung the other at the one-handed goblin slitting its throat. Finally down to two goblins. When I heard the severed ant head cry out and signal its friends. Four more killer ants came down from floor 7.

"Ah dammit, I keep forgetting about the heads."

Bolstered by their new comrades the two remaining goblins became excited at the change of events. Surrounded but a little more confident that I had weapons now to fight. I lowered myself into a fighting stance waiting to see which side made its move first.

"BOOOOMMMM!" brilliant yellow flash of light exploded at the feet of the ants. The four ants were vaporized in an second.

"Woah" Now was my chance to finish the fight. I jumped towards the shocked goblins and impaled them threw the stones with the ant legs. I found landform knife on the ground and through it at the severed ant head, killing it instantly before it could call for more help.

"Whew." I tried to calm myself and regain control of my breathing. When I started hearing footsteps approach me. I look up to see a blond elven woman I didn't recognize. She had two braided strands fall in front of her shoulders with a main portion wrapped back into a ponytail. She was as tall a Ryu. She wore a multi-colored tunic of cyan, blue, gold and white and wrapped in a dark blue cloak. She held a saber with a golden pommel to her right side with brown straps.

I saw her and bowed. "Thank you for the assistance Miss Elf."

She spoke in a gentle voice. "Look like you almost had it.

I smiled nervously towards her. "Not sure about that."

"I actually seen everything. I was waiting on this floor to find a rare blue Papillio butterfly. My captain needs a few of their wings. What is your name?"

"My name is Bell Cranell of Hestia familia."

"Glad I could help. My name is Laurier of Hermes familia." She said with a smile.

"Sorry but I really need to track her down to get my weapons back. Thank you for everything." I bowed again and raced up the floor 7 stairway.

In floor 8 entrance room alone, Laurier chuckled to herself. "Guess it was a good idea that Lord Hermes ordered me to keep tabs on him." She remembered during the monsterphilia event of Bell slaying the dragon. It was an incredible fight that she was not confident she could pull off even as a level 2. Lord Hermes was with her that day and ordered her to tail him in the dungeon.




An hour later I rushed out of the dungeon entrance under Babel. Ignoring the surprised eyes of passing adventurers seeing me covered in ant blood carrying two bloody ant legs. I didn't even notice the pair of blue eyes flushed with relief seeing me run out of the tower towards the guild hall.

"So glad he's safe." Ryu said holding her chest in relief.

A few minutes later I ran into the guild hall and found my way to Eina. She threw papers she was holding into the air out of fright. "B-bell what happened?" She stuttered out.

"My supporter kind of ambushed me and left me for dead on floor 8. Have you seen her at all? She stole my knives."

"Oh, my goddess, that's horrible. No, I haven't seen her at all. I am glad you're alive." Her worried tear-filled eyes hurt me more than the ants and the goblins ever did.

"Sorry for worrying you Eina."

"It's fi—."

The door was kicked open by a red head man holding a little girl over his shoulder. She was pounding kicking his chest and back.

Rose approached the man. "Why are you barging in here manhandling a little girl?"

"Sorry Rose. That kid over there covered in ant blood might recognize her. As well as these." He holds up two reddish minotaur knives in his offhand.

"My knives." I walked over to him. "Thank you very much Sir."

"No problem. I found this little bit walking out with them." He drops her in the middle of us.

"How did you know their mine?" I looked up to the man confused.

"Well because I made them." He brought out his hand to shake mine. "Nice to meet you, my name is Welf Crozzo."
