
Healing the Broken

***WARNING!! BL! YAOI! BI CONTENT! SMUT!!! MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. *** Also, please feel free to give me some feedback. Try to see if anyone’s interested or places for improvements. Thanks! Posting to Royal Road —————————————————————————— In a world of myth and magic, where reality was bent by mana and the divines, powerful mages ruled and dominated the world. They set and manipulated the rules and laws to their liking. Many fell prey to their wants and desires. Others fell over into their graves from wrongly crossing a mage. It was almost impossible for the common folk to do anything about their treatment. It was best to steer clear. The common folk were not well treated, but they were not the bottom of the barrel in their society. Slaves. Slaves were the outlets to those in higher society. They were vented upon the deepest desires and fantasies of the privileged, or became objects of their cruelty. Once bound, it was difficult to escape. The consequences to freedom were dire. Curses of the divines were not to be messed with. There was a unfortunate man dealt an unlucky fate. When he was starting to be able to finally walk, he was already forced with the burdens of his terrible family. An unwanted product from the trysts of his promiscuous father, his fate was sealed when he taken in instead of left abandoned at the orphanage. Hated and disgusted by his step mother and step siblings, he was scorned and beaten daily. He was nothing but a trash receptacle for their abuse. His father was no better. His only intention was to sell him into slavery for some gold coin. His wife only agreed to take in the bastard for the greed of money. He was forced duties around the house, and later on when he could lift a hoe, he was forced into the hot sun laboring in the fields. They worked him hard and fed him little, but the boy was born with gifts of the body. He outgrew his peers and siblings, already stunning with premature charm. He told himself to keep working. To put up with his so called “family” and their abuse. He waited for the day he came of age. Then could he finally be free from his horrid old life and be able to build anew. But he was naive and foolish. He never thought his blood father would sell him into slavery. His little gratitude to his father for creating him and keeping him was no more. He cursed his father. He cursed his step family. He cursed at the world. But he could stop his becoming of a slave. He would become a slave of pleasure. And for many years he stayed as such. Until he could no longer. A terrible night almost led to his death. He made up his mind that night. He ran away and was cursed.

DaoistwprUT1 · LGBT+
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19 Chs


The previous day, Seth went down to a special patch in his farm to collect some special alchemy herbs. Much of the other plants he grew was mainly for his own consumption.

He did sell the excess at times in the town settlement outside of his miniature world, but the crops were not worth much.

If he was a regular commoner, perhaps the little sum would be enough for his living. However, Seth needed large sums of money.

He needed to further upgrade the onyx bracelet on his wrist, and that would require precious ingredients that cost a lot of money.

As the treasure evolved, its protective capabilities and additional options of the magic item would increase. Seth needed everything that he could use to protect himself.

The stolen magic bracelet made Seth recall the morning after his abuse with the Baron and the Duke.

When Seth awoken from that tormented night, he found himself in the same room where his master usually tortured him.

However, his master was not there, and his terrible injuries had not been healed. His master would always make sure to heal him after such nights.

The situation was odd to Seth. He wasn't sure, but he thought it was most likely due to the guests that were most likely still in the Baron's mansion.

Seth would have continued to endure his horrible fate as an abused slave had it not been for the mistaken error made by the Baron.

Maybe it was karma finally paying Seth back for a terrible life so far. His master had removed the traps and magical seals to one of the many doors connected to the chamber.

Seth called it the "torture chamber" as that was the place his master would drag him to be tormented. However, the room was actually not for the use of the horrible purpose.

The Baron simply found it the easiest place to keep others out while locking in Seth and his screams.

The room's true purpose was to be one of the safeguards stopping intruders from the Baron's many treasures. It was usually hidden with weapons and inlaid with traps. When active, the shimmering engraved seals on the floors and walls would kill some of the strong beasts many times over.

When Seth and his master were inside, all the internal mechanisms were turned off. However those on the doors were still working.

It was odd. The Baron never left him by himself in the room. But here he was, no master there with him, leaving him alone inside. Even though the Baron felt the slave was no threat, he would never risk any chances with his cherished collection of rare items and treasures.

Whatever the reason, just being alone inside didn't matter as the actual entrances themselves were loaded with intricate locks and seals.

As someone who knew the bare basics of the ways of magic like Seth, they would never be able to enter. They would likely die from the defense mechanisms if they ever attempted to break in.

However, there was one door that, for whatever reason, was not locked. It was fully open. With a look inside, Seth knew the treasures that laid inside, and understood his chance for escape was here.

He saw the onyx bracelet given as a gift and reward to his master when he was brought along to serve him. The ceremony was elaborate and held by the Space Sage at the Onyx Tower. The treasure was the same gift to his master. It was a magical item that opened to a small separate world.

The Baron loved to keep his treasures organized by the type of magical essence. And Seth got lucky as there were a handful of teleportation scrolls along with a few books. Treasures for the space essence were hard to come by, and Seth would take them all.

Seth weakly made his way into the open treasure room. He grabbed the shiny cold onyx bracelet and wore it around his wrist. His blood from his open wounds binded the treasure to him. Placing everything inside, he left only one teleportation scroll.

Holding the scroll up into the air, he stared at the ticket to his new life.

He worried, as he knew If he was ever caught again he would face death. But the torture he faced and would only continue to with the Baron and now the Duke was a fate worse than death.

With his resolve, steeled, Seth tore the scroll. It glowed and hovered midair.

A burst of mana came out of the scroll into the room.

The torn parchment tore into little pieces before circling around in a small whirlwind of the immediate area. It took everything within Seth's radius along with him as it flashed and disappeared.

Seth safely succeeded in his first escape. There would be many to come, but he did not have time to think of them as he needed to prepare himself for the dangerous venture into town.

He went to the open shelves along the porch of his cottage and pulled out a magical bag of holding he stole from his master.

The previous day, Seth had picked and packed the bundles of rare herbs into his bag. Along with some expensive medicinal mushrooms and a few other rare fauna he found in the depths of the woods, Seth stuffed them all inside.

Looking at the shelves, Seth grabbed and put on the leather armor he had previously left to air out. Fully securing his leg and arm guards, he equipped the sheath with a rusting sword to his side.

He covered his head and attire with a dark brown hooded cloak and evoked a couple class 1 spells in a final preparation before leaving.

"Glass barrier. Isolating Wind."

His body illuminated with a glow that slightly protected him against physical damage. It had limited effect, but it would help reduce fatal attacks. He would still be injured but at least he would still live.

The air around him slowed to a stop and stayed stagnant, preventing his scent from traveling. Additionally, it would alert him if the air was disturbed.

He was still learning, but with no teacher, he only mastered a few of the basic first class magics from the books he took. But the two spells proved to be crucial as they saved him many times.

With his preparations complete, Seth lifted his wrist with the bracelet and evoked the spell to see the area outside the entrance to his miniature world.

"Seal of Space."

A three dimensional image appeared above the bracelet, showing the immediate surroundings. It allowed Seth not to open the portal and appear in front of danger.

Currently, the treasure was limited to opening and closing only one entrance. The area it connected from the outside world would not be able to be moved unless the holder left and entered from a different place.

Seth had to be careful where he entered his miniature world, or he would find much difficulty leaving safely back out. He would have to wait until it was safe or risk exposing his treasure and safety.

Seth carefully examined the projection of the outside world. Sparse rays of light entered between the small gaps of giant ancient trees towering into the sky. The vegetation was dense, but aside from the plant life there was no other life around.

Seeing it safe, Seth commanded the spell to open the seal of the portal and connect to the outside world.

A crack fissured in the air, forming a circular portal showing a cut-out of the forest outside. He quickly stepped through and commanded the spell to close and lock the portal.

Cautiously, Seth crouched down slightly, carefully looking around his surroundings. Checking everything carefully and not noticing any odd sounds, Seth's goal was to follow the river to town. It was the easiest and quickest path he could take.

Quickly and quietly he made his way through the peacefully quiet forest. He hoped his luck would stay good and not have to deal with any of the beasts or worse, the native inhabitants of this world.

The sound of flowing water let Seth know he was near the start of his trip to town. However, he would never make it to town today.

Seth became alert as he saw something at the river's edge. He knew of the monsters lurking in the rapid currents. They were part of the last things Seth wanted to meet.

He hid behind the large trunk of a tree, carefully trying not to show his presence. Very slowly tilting his head slightly from behind the tree, he observed what lay at the water's edge.

Whatever it was, it was not the monstrous snake-like creature that he feared. Rather, he was familiar with the silhouette of the thing. It was a young man. His clothing was patched and torn pretty badly. He had cuts that bled into the water most likely caused from the boulders and rocks in the river.

Seth barely noticed, but the man was still slightly breathing. He was still alive.

Seth was going to leave the man if he was dead, but the man was still alive. Now he was in a dilemma about what to do. Though the man looked more on the skinny side, Seth didn't want to take on extra risk by carrying him to town.

He struggled to keep himself safe, let alone also taking an unconscious man. Who knew how long it would take for him to get to town? If they even made it to town that is.

However, Seth almost disliked the idea of bringing the man to his sacred place. His home was all he had.

Thoughts raced in his mind.

Was he to risk it all for an unknown stranger? What dangers would be brought to his barely established new life?

He was already on the run, trying to live quietly. And finally, he was able to have some tranquility after running for a while.

Was it worth it?

Seth would have to choose. And fast.

The rushing current of the river swayed back and forth as a gigantic creature swimming underneath the water displaced the rapid flowing water.

It was drawn by the smell of blood and made its way toward the man on the river's edge.