4 Fourth time

Destiny or is it fate?

But wasn't it all the same?



I said with firm voice as the driver stopped the car at the side of the road, looking confused and shocked. Probably because I rarely speak or said a word that not involving study or business. When I suddenly telling him to stop and stepped out the car fluidly, he seems clueless as well as confused.

But I ignored the questioning gaze as I stared at the small child, alone and seems to search for something. She was five years old at least and wearing a cute pink dress with white scarf around her neck.

Usually, I might just ignored but this child somehow piqued my interest. I wonder why...

"Little girl, what are looking for?"

The small child startled at first before looked at me and answer, "Eli... My doll...is missing"

I hummed in understanding as I looked around the park. The grounds mostly being covered with fallen white snow so I immediately a glimpse of bright blue dress, contrast to the white.

It was just about a few feat from our stand, I slowly went to it and picked it up. It's a princess doll but you can tell that it already old as its clothes were ripped a little.

"Is this your doll?"

The child's eyes were brightened and run towards me as I gave the doll back to her. She hugged it happily as she flashed her cute smile to me.

"Thank you, big sister!"

"Hm... Where are your parents?"

"Eli don't have parents..."

An orphan?

"Ah... Where you lived?"

"Sunward's Home..."

"Come, let me send you home" I held out a hand to the girl as she slowly hold my hand and nodded.

"To the Sunward's Home"

"Yes, young miss"


"Eli! Thank god! Don't just disappears like that, you making my old heart worry!"

"Sorry Gran-gran..."

Right after we arrive at Sunward's Home, I saw a old lady seemed to be walking out from the building hastily and looked worry. Probably she wants to search this small girl so she might be the owner.

Eli or Elizabeth rushes out from the car and hugged the old lady, which surprise her at first before hugging the child back with sighed of relief.

However, the old lady straightened her back and scolded the child as the child bowed her head in silence and guilt. Seeing the guilty child in front of her, the old lady finally softened her face and patted the child's head.

"Next time don't do that again, okay Eli"

"Un!" The child's face then brightened as she nodded rapidly.

"Gran-gran, it's big sister that brought Eli home"


The old lady finally realise me, who quietly standing a few steps from them. She surprised before warmly smile at me.

"Thank you, young lady"

"It's nothing"

"No, no.. let me repay your kindness, perhaps a cup of tea and my homemade cookies"

The old lady smile, a genuine smile. It'd been a long time I have seen that. I unconsciously softened my shoulders and face as I only nodded in response.

The old lady laugh happily as she ushered me and the child inside.

And it was the best decision I have made because her homemade cookies were great and delicious, and somehow warm my feelings for the first time.

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