

Dave: Mom!, she's the only one i want! I can't love anyone else, I've tried loving someone else, it's not working.

Mrs. Miv: Dave! What are you saying at 33? Are you telling me you aren't gonna marry if she...

Dave: She's... She's gonna marry me if she wants or not.

Mrs. Miv: Her behavior's too bad! She is egocentric and cannot deal with such an asshole that has no money.

Dave: I know for sure mom, Em gonna earn that fuck'n cash one day and she's surely gonna be mine.

Mrs. Miv: Yours indeed! Hey kid, i can't stand all these lamentations, i need to dance with my grandchildren and i need to do that very soon! Else, you won't be surprised if i get you a wife.

Dave: (ignored) and walked out with his credentials and a pen.

Mrs. Miv: Where are you off to boy?, me still talking!

Dave: (No response).

Mrs. Miv: Urgh! He is so foolish, what a clown!.

[Door closed]

Gen. Sec: Hey Mr. Dave

Dave: Good Morning Sir; i have actually waited for so long if you could reach me but since i received no feedback, i thought I'd come back and check on it.

Gen. Sec: Yeah, Mr. Dave! It's true we promised to give you a feedback in time due concerning your employment.

Dave: Yes sir, that is why em here sir, I am very sure you'd tried my number but it wasn't reaching because i lost my phone week back, so i'd come to hear for myself.

Gen. Sec: As you can see, the company is in its good state and i am actually not the G.M of this company but thank God it happens that all information pass through my table.

Dave: All thanks to only God. ( He responded hopefully to hear good news).

Gen. Sec: And i really revere you, you know that.

Dave: Obviously sir, thank you very much sir. (His voice moved to the highest pitch as that sound interesting).

Gen. Sec: But me sorry Mr. Dave, there won't be employment for you here.

Dave: (His voice lowers like a running horse) sir!

Gen. Sec: Am sorry, order from above!


Lilly: Who's there?!

Dave: Dave

Lilly: Jeez! Now, i'd have to serve the mongol!

Dave: Hello lil!

Lilly: Come in.

Dave: Lil!, what happened, why do you look so upset, you look irritated.

Lilly: Really?!, oh sorry have for the expression, my subscription got exhausted just now and em tryna work on somethings.

Dave: Oh! And was that why you threw your balls up?! (Smiles)

Lilly: (unbelievable!, is he really gonna buy me airtime?) More data! She soliloquy

Dave: I have up to 500mb data on my sim card, let me give it to you since it's useless on my phone.

Lilly: (frustrated) No! no have! Not again man!

Dave: Lil?!

Lilly: Don't lil me dave, 500mb data share on your sim card since it's useless!.

Dave: Yea lil, please calm down. ( He took out his small Nokia cellular)

Lilly: And what if it's not useless?

Dave: Sure! Em gonna buy you!, a, em.... Air.... Airtime!

Lilly: Fine, so I need you to buy me a minimum of 2000 naira airtime now, dave!

Dave: (Oh God!, I hope I haven't land myself in trouble right now, he said to himself).

Lilly: No response?!

Dave: (shivers)

Lilly: Dave! C'mon get outta my sight.

(He scooted towards the bedroom door)

Lilly: Hey man, this is the only way out! I'd prefer to love in solitude since you now want me to solicit for money you ditch.


Lilly: Nonsense, he's come here to eat some food again! I scattered all his plan and send him outta my house!

(Laughs raucously as she dives into her bedroom)

[Door opens]

Mrs. Miv: Welcome Dave!, and how was it; hope  everything went well?

Dave: Nothing went well mom! The company, transport, stomach, lil!....

Mrs. Miv: Lil?!

Dave: (silence).

Mrs. Miv: Lil?! Dave?! Lil?!

Dave: Yes lil mom, lil! I went to say hello to her after going to the company. I.. I missed her mom!, I miss lil so much. ( tears rolled freely outta his eyes).

Mrs. Miv: C'mon dear!, you don't have to cry.

(She drew closer, and gave him a cup of water).

Dave: Mom!.

Mrs. Miv: Calm down dave and tell me all what happened, em ready to listen son.

Dave: (He drank the water and wipe his face). Mom, I left the company empty! The Gen. Sec gave me a heartbreaking feedback. (Sobs) he said there's no employment for me and told me to come back in a year time during their recruitment.(sobs)

Mrs. Miv: (cuts) calm down boy and tell me everything, don't cry over issues like this.

Dave: Mom!

Mrs. Miv: Stop this Dave! You are a man! Don't let your emotions change mine. C'mon sleep now, rest for some while lemme get something prepared for you to eat, you will tell me later.

(She dived into the kitchen as she wipe her eyes).

Dave: Em gonna call her again, she should be calm by now. ( He murmured).

(Phone rings)

Lilly: Damn it! Screw you fool, em not in the mood to talk to you man.

(Call disconnected).

Dave: (Distorted) Me?! Lil?!

(Cellular fell)

Lincoln: Hey Dave man!

Dave: Lincs... (Smile)

Mrs. Miv: Dave son!

Dave: (Glint) Where do you get him mom?!


IG: @omo_adigun

FB: Certified Omo Adigun

Twi: Olamide crowns

Website/blog: Crownsinfo.com.ng

Phone: 07013012913

WhatsApp: 07013012913

E-mail: Adigunolamide94m@gmail.com

Thanks for reading 👌👊✌

The novel titled 'He Changed Me' is the explication of Dave fighting and struggling for 3 things at a time. (doing all he can to secure a reliable job, Striving to win Lilly's Heart so to have a family, and to take good care of his mother). Other scenarios happened.

Read and enjoy.

Author: Adigun Michael Olamide

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