3 ♡3:Flower-Picker

He couldn't stand to trample on the flowers so he took the time to pluck each one. The path he made was one hands breath by two just the distance to make a footpath in the meadow. His hands slowly picked this one here then that one there until he had a fistful of wildflowers in his hand. The bright sunny yellow of each head bobbed with each step he took. He brought the flowers up to his face and drank in their sweet nectar scent until his head reeled in pleasurable ecstacy. He sighed happily and with a whistle he walked to the house where he got a blue vase and filled it with water. In one sweep of his hand the flowers were inserted into the crisp water and then inspected for any insects. Seen that there were no pests, he then set the vase on the dark stained dresser with a huge circular mirror reflecting the smiling blooms.

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