

Five seemingly normal teenagers share one secret they all have supernatural abilities that one would only find in books and/or movies. Jenesis, a girl who has psychic powers, wants nothing more than to be normal. She was six when her powers first started to awaken, by the time she was seven she could see and talk to spirits and when she turned eight she began to receive vague memories of her future self; they were mostly about the following day. When she turned 12 she started secondary school and all the things she tried so hard to hide began to surface when she met 4 upperclassmen. — “I saw what you did yesterday.” I hear a voice say form behind me.“Excuse me?” I reply as I turn around to look at the owner of the voice. He happens to be someone I recognize as a student of class 2-3 I think his name was Asher something Jenelle mentioned him about a month ago saying he's good eye candy. “Yesterday, you stopped that girl from crossing the street and a huge accident just so happened to occure barely 3 seconds after.” Ok don't react don't react. “That was just a random coincidence dude.” I reply. “Well those random coincidences seem to happen often when you're around.” Umm stalker much. “I don't know what you're talking about.” , “Oh really just last week you stopped one of my friends from running past the crossover just in time for a teachers car to come speeding forward. ” ....... Oh fuck..

Just_JAZZY · Teenager
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9 Chs


"Shrimp or Chicken." Jenelle repeated so much that I finally got tired of it. "Just pick the chicken already." I say impatiently.

"But I might want the shrimp if I buy the chicken." She wines. "Then buy the shrimp." I replied. "Uhhhhhhh."

Finally getting fed up I grabbed the money from her hand and proceeded to buy her a chicken cup noodles. And by the way she's never tried the shrimp.

"Hi, can I get a chicken flavored cup noodles please." , "Of course." The shop attendant sighed.

After I gave the noodles to Jenelle we began waking around the track at the side of the tennis court.

"That's it, I'm officially single." Jenell say's with noodles still in her mouth. "Eww, chew with your mouth closed." I say with a disgusted look on my face.

"So what happened this time?" I sighed. "Well he started leaving me on read so I just texted him 'we're done'". Good, I was really starting to get tired of that guy .

"Well congratulations then cheers to joining me in the single department." I smiled.

It's been about 4 weeks since that weird dream, or at least I'd like to call it a dream. I woke up in Harper's house the next morning, just like the message said. It was the exact some as I saw it in the 'dream' sent October 5th 4:17 pm.

I've had no contact with any of those people in the time I was sent back so I just wrote it off as a dream. A dream that felt too real.

Harper said she remembered when I came to her house and asked to sleep over just like old times. So I'm starting to think I might be crazy or something.

"Hmph, maybe I am crazy." I whispered right before… "Ah I'm sorry.", she bumped into me. Addison Bryer. For a second she looked mad but quickly put on the fakest face I've seen today.

"I wasn't looking where I was going, sorry." Addison says . "Oh it's no worries." Jenelle says in my place. "We weren't looking either." She continues.Addison smiles and continues to walk. "Anyways as I was saying.." Jenelle says.

Maybe it wasn't a dream after all. I completely forgot about my interaction with Addison before that whole thing with the school. She was asking me to follow her, maybe their original plan was for her to take me to them.So that would make Addison one of them.

Ahhh, all this information is making my brain malfunction. I tried researching the school but it came back empty. All I found was some random private summer school named Plantasia Prep.

What's going on here?

Forgot to post this yesterday T.T

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