
Haven: The Last Pilgrims of Vaani

"Once there was a light that burned the skies, once there was a light that took away the night. Then came the third, and that would be the last. Was it their wrath that brought us down or was it our own vanity. I often wonder." Vaani the first moon of Gaia, a planet where no one knew no suffering. and so it was for thousands of years. But nothing lasts forever, for evil never sleeps but waits. And soon shadows of an ancient sin will envelope this world. I wonder what hope there is. I wonder.

JD_Baylor · Fantasie
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2 Chs

What's in us?

The walk to the library is something i really enjoy, although somedays not so much. And seems like today might be that day.

It seems like the noble Choh'ed family has come to visit this part of the city. Of course it's not because they think of this as their duty but rather to brandish their wealth.

As I stood on the side of the road along with the other common people. The nobles strolled through the streets looking almost disgusted at the sight of the so called poor man's districts.

"To live so long, only to watch the nobles become cruel", said grandpa Nue.

"Were they not like this always?", I asked.

He looked at them then to the sky. A sad smile on his face.

"There was a time when the lord and the lady of the house would come visit us every week. They would sit with us, eat with us, drink with us and dance with us. But about twelve years ago things suddenly changed", He said.

"I wonder what happened", I said.

"As do I, Khav. As do we all.", He said.

As they walked by, i felt something strange. One of them looked at me, although alive their eyes looked like at if they are dead.

Her eyes screamed at me, as if begging for help. A shiver ran down my spine, as I took a step backwards.

Cold sweat ran down from my head, as I felt a hand trying to grab onto me. But as I turned around there was nothing. Screams of people filled my head, as i started to o run. After that everything went dark.

When I woke up, I was in the library and Master Kulle sitting on a armchair infront of me.

As I tried getting up, I fell back down. There's a biting pain to the left side of my head.

"Ughh", I groaned as i grabbed into my head, "what..happened? Where am I?"

"In the library", said a rough familiar voice, "dragged you here from the Greot'hark alley".

I turned around to find Verth leaning against the shelf staring straight at me. Again those piercing eyes, like that of a prey staring back at me.

He shrugged in a nonchalant manner.

"So what happened to you, boy?", asked Master Kulle, his voice a tad bit serious than before.

"I.. umm, I'm not quite sure. One moment i was talking with grandpa Nue, and the next moment I'm running through the streets.", I said, a shroud of confusion hanging on my face.

"What else do you remember?", asked Master Kulle.

"A woman cloaked in fog, screaming for help", I said staring at Master Kulle,"I think it was lady Eirfel.... When she looked at me, her eyes felt dead as if they see nothing. And someone screaming at me from within her eyes."

Master Kulle immediately looked at Verth and pointed towards the inner sanctum.

"This is troubling, being him to the sanctum", he said to Verth.

As Verth picks me up I asked," what's happening? I don't understand..".

"Neither do i", said Verth, yet he has a strange fear drawn all over his face.

The sanctum is home to some of the rarest and forgotten tomes on Vaani. It's only accessible by the librarian and everyone else is strictly forbidden. And now I was inside. There's a strange heaviness in the air.

The history and knowledge in this very room is more than one can learn in a single lifetime.

"Truth...the meaning of which I have searched for the last seventy years.", Master Kulle said sighing.

I started at him blankly as he climbed down the stair with a hefty tome in his hands. He sat down in a chair and placed the time carefully on the table.

Verth who was standing silently beside me says,"what's that book, old man?"

"It's a log book of the former pilgrim Kavash'ti", said Master Kulle, running his palm across the book.

"Pilgrims...the world creating, sky sundering kind?", said Verth as he moved closer to the table.

"The very same..".

I kept staring at them blankly as I tried sitting up.

"What has that to do with me?", I said.

"Everything...Khav. Everything",said Master Kulle, his face somber,"it's time you learned some truths. Both of you do. So listen close."

A cold wind blew past us as he began the tale which would change the way of our lives.