
Harry Potter: The Real Wizard

HIATUS George Williams, a typical university student reincarnated in England at the end of the 70s, but not in a normal family, he is in a family of pure-blood wizards. Faced with this situation, he will begin to embark on a journey through the amazing world of Harry Potter delving into Charms, D.A.D.A, Potions, Dark Arts and Arithmancy. English is not my native language, so there may be mistakes in grammar or similar. I hope your understanding in my first book. pa treon.com/BRIHUA to support

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The beginning of Occlumency.


First of all, I have been asked several questions and some may be thinking. You may have asked yourself the same ones so I will answer them here, and if doubts continue to arise I will do the same:

'What defines an ingredient that can be used in potions i wonder? (chapter 0 by TheLibraryofLife)'

That's the tricky part about potions, because you don't know, or at least I don't know. When I started the Mc the research of potions as to know the ingredients is a mystery, but I thought that the characteristics of the magical animals can acquire or vary them potions, if a beast has great brain activity, their feathers, brains or hearts make similar potions. The same with the magical plants. Also, the effects of known potions are due to the ingredients in the potion, so I can attribute these characteristics to those ingredients.

Dark Arts by several people'.

The dark magic spells complement or derive from harmless or harmless spells. The misnamed 'dark arts' are only spells that are harmful or that violate some absurd taboo. I think that the mc should discover each magic and decide whether to continue to investigate, and if he does it alone, he does not have to teach it or give it to the public, only for himself and his family.

'Harem/polygamy or non-harem/monogamy?'

I haven't thought about it yet, I'm more focused on the magic and how to 'develop' it. But it's not going to be a harem (I don't like those novels at all, all very forced). And the romance can be but surely at the end of the series, because usually in the fanfic is when they enter Hogwarts that boy has relationships with 13-14-15 years old. So, if there is, it is when the MC is an adult, that he/she has the same values and ethical principles. besides, he has been reincarnated, I don't want my MC to be a 'pedo' who uses his knowledge of the plot to fall in love/manipulate a girl or even several girls.

I hope I have answered some of your questions and have increased your hype for this novel.


"Dad, what are we doing in this room? Aren't we in the forbidden section of the house?" I say as I walk with my father into a magically restricted hallway.

This area I had been forbidden to enter, they said that every bit of magic if not strictly controlled by professionals, I mean, they themselves could get out of control. They were very serious about it, so stupid to enter, other than that I was sure there were magical runes of detection and restriction of people/creatures not allowed, as there were places like the kitchen of the house where they were also. Checked for myself one afternoon when wanting to look for some sweets as I had a bit of a craving.

Besides, what was I going to do in a place where the magic in it is so advanced when I can't do a simple levitation spell, and that I had tried it multiple times magic without a wand and the only result I would get is my hair turning red, yellow and other colors from frustration because of accidental magic.

"Let's go to a special room where we can practice better mental magic, especially Occlumency." I commented mildly my father.

"How can a room help you do magic, how does it help?" I asked with false innocence and a touch of expectation.

"It is something that thanks to the efforts of your mother with her rituals and me with my runes we have been able to do, although our ancestors had already begun this study. As for your second question, that's a little more difficult to explain, but since my Little boy is so smart..." he says while stroking my head.

"...well it is a combination of rituals that prevent distractions outside of yourself and the teacher's voice and runes that are special for our brain, they increase neurological activity and the development of these neurons, which communicate with each other through electrical and chemical signals, something that was not known since a member of our family named Santiago Ramon y Cajal in his magical and muggle research on the brain discovered these neurons. Before these methods had not been developed because it had not even been considered that our brain and body communicated with electrical signals, one of the things that Muggles have contributed, to tell the truth, you should not underestimate the Muggles son, although they do not have magic they are very creative apart from that they are about 7 billion individuals, with that amount it is normal that from time to time very intelligent individuals come out."


After walking down the restricted hallway, this one had less density of rooms, none of them had the purpose of each room as in the rest of the house, only a kind of notebook that recorded the name and date of entries and exits of each person who entered the room and the curious thing was that there was no pen or pencil to write.

"Well here we are" says my father in front of a door with nothing special around. "Don't be too surprised" he says with a big smile.

Abre the room and leaves me in shock, a circular room with tragaluz in the upper part in the form of circular vault. The room has a couple of chairs in the center of a circle formed of strange scriptures I don't recognize, some kind of altar with a golden vessel with runic symbols. If you set you carefully also there are several symbols and runes in the room walls giving a light show and magic around you.

[image of the room]

"Sit on the right chair, that is the student, I sit me in front of yours.

Then look at a little room I stop at the vasija, I feel and I say". What's the chalice for dad?"

"There you are going to leave some blood of wampus, who have the special ability from where Legilimency came from. You will tell yourself why, because that is where the ritual that you have at your feet comes in, with my magical power, that blood and the ritual we will simulate the practice of Legilimency of the student, in this case you."

"You will say to yourself why not use directly myself, well for many reasons the first and most important your privacy, in our family we have always respected privacy since its inception, if someone in the family does not want to tell something to others, you can not force him. Of course, there are some principles that we must follow for the continuity and prosperity of the family, such as not going against the interests of the family or not harming others in our big family. But we will talk about that in the adulthood ceremony."

"Another reason is that using Legilimency by one person to another is that you can harm the person experiencing it, even though I can perfectly control the level of Legilimency I use, that doesn't matter it still forms small cracks in your consciousness, mind and spirit that slows down learning and even lowers your magic excellence cap."

"Instead in this ritual that will not happen, because these Legilimency probes are not directed at one person but echo throughout the room, I will feel them too. As all magic is based on intention and this ritual is not intended to enter anyone's mind, it will not harm the user. That's if it's going to be harder to feel the Legilimency in your mind, but that's the least of it."

Seeing me so attentive and expectant he takes out a vial of blood, about 100 ml, and pours it into the chalice, chants a spell in Old Castilian (Spanish) and the runes and circle resound.

"So are you ready?" my father asks me.


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pa treon.com/BRIHUA