
Harry Potter: The Real Wizard

HIATUS George Williams, a typical university student reincarnated in England at the end of the 70s, but not in a normal family, he is in a family of pure-blood wizards. Faced with this situation, he will begin to embark on a journey through the amazing world of Harry Potter delving into Charms, D.A.D.A, Potions, Dark Arts and Arithmancy. English is not my native language, so there may be mistakes in grammar or similar. I hope your understanding in my first book. pa treon.com/BRIHUA to support

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Learning Occlumency in a different way.

"Yes, Dad, I'm ready."

"Good, the room is up and running so if you concentrate you will see that the lights given off by the runes on the walls you no longer perceive them as before. The more time passes things like the light in the room, the circle of the ritual or even my face and body except my voice will disappear from you, as if they cease to exist. But don't be scared, it's the purpose of much of the room, a very difficult thing to do."

"Yes, dad you get less and less blurred and I even don't feel the ground under my feet anymore."

"Good, then let's learn. First close your eyes. Now comes one of the most difficult steps in the noble art of Occlumency, you have to put all your determination and focus on trying to enter your own brain or consciousness, I know it's hard, but you have to try.

"Ok dad" Then I do what he told me. I try, try and try again to get it, I don't know how long I've been doing it as I seem to have lost sensitivity to the passage of time after the ritual was activated. minutes? hours? Days!!!!???? Until at a certain point *BOOM* I 'teleport' to a blank space, there is absolutely nothing even I try to look at my hands, and terribly there is nothing, I have no physical body.

"DAD! What's wrong!" i say very scared to my father.

"Calm down son, it is normal what is happening, but if I had told you beforehand you would have made resistance in your subconscious and progress would be much slower. And by the way, you did it in 12 hours, you are really a genius like me, even more. I only took a 36, but compared to you it's ridiculous, considering that to reach this level on average it takes about 100 hours of 'meditation'.'

"100 HOURS!?" I exclaimed.

"Yes son, they are usually done in 12 to 16 hour sessions so you should feel very proud of this feat. So we can tell you that you are a rare type of natural occlumens, normally there are several types of natural occlumens, but you are of the rarest type, the one that enters Occlumens space on the first try!"

(This is totally made up, I was inspired from other fanfic that treat Occlumency as a more advanced or developed practice than in canon, which is just rejecting Legilimency. So I invented the Occlumens space as a means to develop Occlumancy more than in the canon. What do you think?)

"Ok dad, but can you stop explaining that stuff to me and tell me why I don't have a body?" I say still very concerned.

"Hehe, sorry son, you know how I roll, you have to imagine and project how you are, how you feel in your body and will the structure of your body appear where it should be."

I do what he tells me and I start to feel my hands and legs, I also feel that I can move my head and after a while I already have the whole structure of my body. But looking closely I don't feel the texture of my skin and looking directly at my arms I feel that something is missing.

"Dad, I've got it, but it doesn't feel quite perfect, am I missing something?"

"Well son, you know I'm just projecting my voice through the ritual directly into your Occlumens space, so I can't tell you exactly what is going wrong, but there are problems that are common like sensations, textures and colors that are sometimes not correct, try to imagine in detail what you feel is missing. I'll leave you for a while to perfect your body."

After a few minutes it already seemed that everything was fine, although the strangeness of being naked in a blank space, gave some anxiety.

"Okay dad, it's all done." I tell my father firmly.

"Okay son, you've completed the first small step to Occlumency mastery. Now you have to complete the blank space, try to imagine an esplanade of whatever material or thing you feel most comfortable with, remember not to be too detailed like trees, bushes or whole buildings, just ground.

After thinking for a while, I decide on a floor pattern inspired by our home, a marble floor of various colors, various shades of blue, white and some gold.

After a while I open my eyes and see myself in a huge esplanade where I can't see the end in a floor as I had imagined.

[Image of the ground]

"All done dad" I say happily.

"Better weather than I expected. Well now you may be wondering what all this is for, well Occlumancy magic is a so to speak 'passive' magic, that is, it is always active more or less strongly once we activate it, I can consume more of your stamina and magic depends on how skilled you are and how good your talent and dedication to this magic is. Occlumancy creates a space where memories can be stored, distributed, sorted and above all secured according to the level the user has on this magic."

"What do you think you should do first?" he asks me directly.

"I think first is to build defenses to secure my memories, don't you dad?"

"Exactly!" says my father with some recognition.

"But that will be another day, it's way past lunchtime and your mother will be worried sick."

"How do I get out of here dad?" I ask.

"A yes, just wish it and you'll get out" my father replies mildly.

I do as he tells me, and from one moment to the next my consciousness has shifted to my physical body, and now I notice much more than I felt, my mouth is dry, I feel somewhat fatigued and my butt hurts from sitting for so long, even though there is comfort spell on the chair.

"Like all magic and exercise it tires big boy, but you have done amazing, tomorrow we will continue studying and start with your defenses, as homework think the best structure or characteristic for your defenses."

We leave the room and go straight to the dining room. After a nice dinner and expressing my excitement to continue practicing Occlumancy. I go to my room to rest, lay down in the room and and then I sleep until the morning of the next day.


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pa treon.com/BRIHUA