
Harry Potter: The Real Wizard

HIATUS George Williams, a typical university student reincarnated in England at the end of the 70s, but not in a normal family, he is in a family of pure-blood wizards. Faced with this situation, he will begin to embark on a journey through the amazing world of Harry Potter delving into Charms, D.A.D.A, Potions, Dark Arts and Arithmancy. English is not my native language, so there may be mistakes in grammar or similar. I hope your understanding in my first book. pa treon.com/BRIHUA to support

BRIHUA · Bücher und Literatur
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11 Chs

Knowing about my family


I have changed the name of the mc from Joe to George, I chose the name without much thought and I really don't like it. Sorry for the confusion.


Arrgh! What a bloody headache' I opened my eyes a little and saw Stick, my decent house elf (he's well dressed) with a worried expression on his face.

"Stick what's wrong?" I asked.

"Little master, you fainted right after you finished your study session. The teachers were very worried about you. I'll go and report to them right away."



*POP* ...

'I seem to have lived this experience several times'.

"George how are you, are you all right?" my mother asks very concerned.

"Well, I just have a headache, what happened to me?"

"You seem to have done a lot of mental exertion, I told you son, magic is like doing sports, if you do too much it can be harmful to you." I get a very serious look from my father.

"But I was only in Occlumens space for 2 hours."

"That's also an unknown. What exactly did you do inside, because you told me you completed the dome, but that's too short. Either the dome is too simple and inefficient or extremely small."

'I guess you really don't know what really happened. I guess I've done something unpublished.

"Well I started with a somewhat incomplete hexagon, after perfecting it for about 20 minutes I thought it was going to take forever to make a dome, so instead of repeating the process I put all my concentration into recreating the construction set. I kind of copied the whole thing rather than redoing it carefully. It worked and I repeated it until I made the dome." I expressed as they looked at me carefully.

"You did what? But if that's practically impossible, you must be a great master Occlumens to perform such a feat, besides it's highly inefficient!" Exclaimed my father very loudly.

"Well, from the books that I asked Stick to copy with the effingo (copy) spell there was one of a muggle machine that works to solve problems and multiple other things, they call them computers. And one of the functions they have is that they can copy a set of information without having to go one by one. I applied it to the hexagons in my dome."

'So it's the same concept but the understanding is totally different' thinks my father.

"So it is like that... you've created something really impressive son." I am praised by my father. "But it seems to have a side effect, the energy you've consumed is like you've been working days inside your Occlumens space, so it's not something that has rivaled the concepts and principles of magic."

"If you were totally fine you would have made a discovery like the philosopher's stone, but in mental magic. But don't be discouraged, even if it's not a creation of such caliber, it's really a great invention, this could revolutionize the way Occlumancy is studied."

"You are fine with me passing on this knowledge to the rest of the family, mind you, it won't be free to them, you will be given other advanced knowledge in return. It may seem strange to you, but in the Williams family we have had this practice since its founding. The first patriarch of the family put it forward so that those who do not make an effort to discover, experiment or fabricate new knowledge will not have access to advanced knowledge."

'Makes sense' I thought.

"And it has always worked, it's a perfect circle, you give new, novel and useful knowledge to receive other knowledge, and from this knowledge discover some more advanced knowledge. So until you are satisfied, which normally in this family never happens, or until you take a magic to its limit, which has never happened."

"Sounds perfect to me dad, I even like that practice, do you think the other members of the family will be interested in this, and while we're on the subject, why don't I know them, do they live in England?"

"Let's see George, as to whether they would be interested in this knowledge, I think it would be in great demand. Our family is always concerned about preserving and not leaking our knowledge to others, so Occlumancy is a fundamental magic to take to the limit to protect what is ours, besides it is a mandatory practice for all members, including house elves."

"As for why you don't know them? Well because let's just say we are special (nerds) and normally social interaction without knowledge sharing is not very good for us. It's also that your mother, you and I are the only ones in England right now, but don't worry because when you get your Hogwarts letter there will be a family reunion, I don't think many people will come, but I'm sure your paternal grandparents are coming from Spain to visit you."

"They are very excited to visit you, but they are very excited about the ruins of an ancient lost wizarding civilization, you may recognize the name of the place as Atlantis and Tartessos. They don't have much information, but they have been able to recover some magical artifacts."

'My grandparents must be historians or archaeologists, although with the last thing my father said they may even be treasure hunters.'

"How interesting..." he commented lightly.

"Hahaha, isn't it. I too had a time when I was interested in researching ancient civilizations honey" my mother comments happily. "That's how I met your father son." Says my mother as she smiles looking at my mother.

"What a good time darling." Says my father and gives my mother a little kiss.


"Well less chitchat and more studying, I'm going to send out the knowledge exchange proposals for the family artifact. George you can't practice Occlumancy, so read some books. What do you want to study?" says my father.

"Rituals for spells" I comment.

"Well I will have Stick send you a book, don't move too much because you are still weak." Says my mother.

"Good bye son, be careful. If anything bothers you call Stick to let us know."

"Yes mom..."


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pa treon.com/BRIHUA