
Harry Potter : Rise of the Wizards

Voldemort's attempt at possessing harry had a different outcome when Harry fought back with the "Power He Knows Not". This set a change in motion that shall affect both wizards and muggles. AU after fifth year : featuring a dark and manipulative Harry This is not my fanfic it's from ff.net by Teufel1987

HadrianPeverell24 · Bücher und Literatur
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34 Chs

The Death of Harry James Potter

As Harry entered the grounds, he thought about what the goblins had said about Sirius' will and the chance he had given Harry of being considered his son by blood. He already knew that he was going through with the adoption, as it cemented in his mind that he was actually wanted by someone in that way. Harry never really had anyone caring for him while growing up. While he stayed with his aunt, she never did show that she cared for him. In fact, he was sure that she and her family hated him and his very existence with a passion. They had gone out of their way to ensure that he never felt accepted or was a part of their household when he was growing up with them, except as the domestic help (though, "slave" would be a more accurate term).

He never did remember his parents since they had died when he was really young. While he knew that they loved him, it wasn't the same as the actual experience. Mrs. Weasley had filled that gap somewhat, but she was his best mate's mother, and frankly domineering. She did not seem to understand that Harry was different from her children. In fact, she did not seem to understand Harry at all!

In short, Harry had grown up not understanding the feeling of belonging or being wanted. So it was a foregone conclusion that he would jump at the chance to feel that even for a moment. Never mind that his step-father was already dead. What mattered was that someone wanted him as his son and was willing to acknowledge it.

But the million Galleon question was: How fast could it be done?

Harry wanted it done as fast as possible, and he also did not want anybody to know until after the fact. So with that in mind, Harry decided that it should be done tonight in Hogwarts.

The ministry was in uproar because Fudge had finally seen that Harry and Dumbledore had been telling the truth, so whatever happened today would in all probability not be noticed. Fudge, also in his blind panic had done the one thing he was reputed for doing ever since he was elected; gone running to Dumbledore hoping for an easy fix. That meant that Dumbledore would be busy, and since Fudge would want him at hand, the headmaster would not be at school till perhaps next morning.

That would mean that Dumbledore would be distracted as well. Therefore, tonight would be the best time to carry that ritual out.

With that in mind, Harry started climbing the stairs towards Gryffindor Tower. He would first stow his purchases away in his trunk (especially that bottle of wine) before going to the Owlery and sending Hedwig to Gornuk and seeing if it was possible to set the ritual up later that night in Hogwarts.

However, as he had stashed his purchases in his trunk, he realised that it was getting rather late. He doubted that he would be able to send an owl in time to Gornuk. He wasn't sure if Gringotts had a closing time.

Then as he noticed a crumpled bit of parchment on the floor, it hit him; what better way to get a letter faster than by house-elf? Congratulating himself on his idea, Harry took his writing things out and penned a short note inquiring about the possibility of a meeting tonight to Gornuk.

But just before he could call Dobby, he was interrupted by Seamus and Dean who entered the dorm noisily.

Harry cursed silently; he didn't have the time to wait for them to leave, nor could he just call Dobby in front of them, he was a bit paranoid right now and did not want even an inkling of what he was about to do to come out. So after answering a few cursory questions, Harry hurried out of the dorm not particularly caring if he was being rude; he still hadn't fully forgiven Seamus.

Climbing out of the portrait, he set off at a brisk walk towards the Room of Requirement. Reaching the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy, he checked he was alone before calling out for Dobby.

With a crack the house-elf appeared. 'Harry Potter sir called Dobby! What can Dobby be doing for Sir?' said the overexcited house-elf.

Harry smiled at Dobby briefly before getting down to business, 'Dobby, can you do something for me and not tell anybody about it?'

Dobby looked even more excited by the prospect of helping Harry out than normal. The result of that was rather disturbing. If Harry didn't know better, he was sure that the house-elf would spontaneously combust in excitement. Nodding rather vigorously, Dobby said, 'Oh yes sir! Dobby is being glad to help out Harry Potter! Dobby will keep Harry Potter's secrets he will, oh yes!'

Before the house-elf could start waxing lyrical about Harry's greatness and kindness, Harry hurriedly cut him off, 'Er that's great Dobby, I want you to just give this letter to Gornuk in Gringotts, he is my account manager.' With that, he took out the letter he had written and held it out to Dobby.

Dobby's large eyes became positively luminous at the prospect of being a courier for Harry. Positively vibrating in place with excitement he took the letter and babbled, 'Dobby will get this letter to Harry Potter's account manager immediately!'

'I expect that Gornuk will be replying, so could you wait for it?'

At this Dobby began to tear up, 'Harry Potter is asking Dobby if Dobby is wanting to do something for him! Harry Potter sir is too kind and great, treating Dobby as an equal! Don't worry sir, Dobby will be sending letter to Harry Potter sir's Goblin and will be waiting for reply.'

With that Dobby popped out with the letter. Harry chuckled; talking to Dobby was always an uplifting experience. He wondered what Gornuk would think at being called "Harry Potter's Goblin" ... the goblin might in all probability attack the elf with his bare hands. Harry doubted that he would need a weapon, those nails and teeth looked lethal enough. Harry wasn't too worried; he was pretty sure that Dobby could take care of himself, judging by what he had done to Lucius Malfoy all those years back. He wondered who would win in a fight...

Erasing his current thoughts of gladiatorial tournaments between House-elf and Goblin, Harry cleared his mind and paced in front of the room, picturing an office. Entering, he noted the large comfortable room with large windows in front of him, letting in the late evening summer sun onto a large mahogany desk situated in front of it. Behind the desk was one of those high backed leather swivel chairs that Harry had seen once before.

Sinking into the comfortable chair, Harry let out a groan of pleasure as the chair practically moulded itself to him.

He had just gotten comfortable when Dobby popped back in holding a scroll of parchment and two folders. Placing these on the desk Dobby stepped back and asked, 'Is there anything else you is needing sir?'

Harry stopped spinning the chair upon Dobby's entrance and (slightly dizzy) took the scroll saying, 'Not right now thanks Dobby. You are a life saver! If there is anything you need, don't hesitate to ask and if it's within my power I will help you.'

'Dobby is glad to be helping the good and kind Harry Potter!' said Dobby, bowing deeply till his nose was nearly touching the ground. Straightening, Dobby looked a bit apprehensive as if he wanted to ask Harry something.

'Is everything alright Dobby?'

'Dobby is fine sir! But-' Dobby broke off nervously as if dreading Harry's response to what he was about to say, ''Tis the other elves sir, Dobby knows not how to say-'

'Are they giving you trouble Dobby?' Harry said, concerned for the little elf. Despite his hyperactivity and penchant for having potentially lethal ideas for saving his life, Harry had gotten attached to the elf, and could not bear seeing him in trouble. 'They aren't hurting you or anything, are they?'

'Oh no sir, they is not giving Dobby any trouble sir! They may not be liking that Dobby is getting paying sir or that Dobby is wearing clothes. But they is not hurting Dobby, they leaves Dobby alone and lets Dobby get on with his work.'

'Oh, then what is the problem?' said a relieved Harry. Frankly he had no idea what he would have done if the elves had actually been abusing Dobby. Truth to be told, the little buggers could be rather scary. Harry had seen firsthand what an angry elf could do if given incentive and had no desire in being at the receiving end, thank you very much.

'Actually sir, some elves are being in trouble. Dobby is wanting to help them, but is not knowing how,' said the elf haltingly. 'So Dobby is wondering if Harry Potter is being able to help,' the elf looked hopeful as he completed his statement.

Intrigued, Harry said, 'Sure thing Dobby, I will see what can be done. I will need some time though.' He pointed to the folder. 'Perhaps I can meet you in the kitchens in an hour or so?' he said, hoping that he wasn't about to get in over his head.

'Dobby is not expecting Harry Potter sir to be helping! Sir is truly kind and good! Dobby will be telling the other elves the good news now,' saying that, the house-elf disappeared with a loud crack.

Smiling, Harry turned his attention to the scroll. Opening it, he began to read:

Dear, Mr. Potter,

We recognise the urgency of conducting the ritual and agree that the date and the venue would be ideal in this situation. Ergo, Grimjaw and I will be conducting and witnessing the ritual. Please meet us outside the haunted structure in Hogsmeade at Nine PM tonight. Also, I have included the total holdings of both the families that you are shortly going to be Head of for you to study at your leisure.

Yours Faithfully,


Harry opened the folders to find a list of all the properties that he owned. From the Potter file he noted that aside from one or two small holiday homes found in various exotic locations, along with the house in Godric's Hollow, he owned townhouses in London and Edinburgh as well as the Potter Ancestral home which for all intents and purposes sounded like a small castle located in an unplottable section of Holy Island in Wales surrounded by large tracts of farmland. There was a small magical settlement nearby (it was too small to be called a village) and was named after the muggle town of Holyhead. Harry also saw that he owned the local Quidditch team and a stadium there too. Other properties were mainly small business premises in Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade, as well as plantations in Africa, Asia and South America, and a Dragon Reserve in Romania.

From the Black Family was Black Isle located at the south of England a few miles off Plymouth. It too had a castle which was slightly larger than the Potter one surrounded by an even larger farmland, with a decent sized village nearby. Other properties included a large mansion located in Fairy's Glen in Skye as well as Grimmauld Place in London. Aside from that, there were a few vineyards found in France, a few plantations in the Caribbean and what looked like a good portion of Knockturn Alley.

Harry also noted that both families had (curiously enough) large tobacco plantations.

Harry set aside that for the moment, taking note to ask Gornuk about that later. Checking the time with a quick Tempus, he noted that it was half past five.

Harry shrunk and pocketed the files and made his way to the kitchens, wondering what was troubling Dobby.

As he turned the handle that appeared after tickling the pear in the painting of the fruit-bowl, he was greeted by the undivided attention of five slightly drunk elves wearing vaguely familiar woollen hats. Looking around Harry noticed that they were surrounded by the other elves that were looking at him with suspicion and a little fear.

'What is going on?' asked Harry looking at them with trepidation and a bit of bemusement (the five elves did look a bit funny tottering around like that).

The sober elves muttered to each other before one of them stepped forward and said in a rather accusatory tone, 'You is one of them you is! Tally has seen youse with her!' she shuddered at the last word, causing the other elves to gasp and shrink away from Harry as if he were carrying some disease.

'Who?' asked Harry nonplussed, wondering what was going on.

'You-Know-Who!' wailed Tally

'Voldemort? Why would I be with him? Besides, he's a he, not a she,' replied Harry exasperated.

'No, not He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named,' said Tally with uncharacteristic impatience after the customary flinching at Voldemort's name, 'We house-elves is not being so afraid of him no more! Not now that we have met...her!' said Tally whispering the last word with venom. 'She is more terrible and evil than He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. She is ...The Clothes Maker,' said Tally, looking left and right. The other house-elves shuddered as one and started looking around as if afraid that they might be suddenly attacked by some unknown force.

Bewildered, Harry found himself looking around as well before he could stop himself. Whoever this person was, she seemed to have terrified the elves even more than Voldemort, especially since they seemed to be afraid of even using the moniker they had given her. He cast his eyes to the elves at the centre and noticed that they looked rather woebegone.

'What happened to them?' he said, indicating the five elves.

'They is being affected by ... her,' said Tally whispering the last word.

Harry looked again at those elves; the hats they were wearing looked familiar...

'Hang on, are you talking about Hermione?' said Harry incredulously, finally recognising the elves were wearing Hermione's earliest creations.

Upon hearing her name, the elves all clapped their hands over their ears and started shrieking in distress, their high pitched voices so loud and tiny that they seemed to lance through Harry's ears and pierce his brain literally bringing him to his knees.

'Alright, alright, calm down! I won't mention her name again!' he shouted struggling to be heard over their frantic voices.

'SHUT UP!' he bellowed, throwing his hands up. In his desperation, he caused fireworks to come out of his hand with a blast like a cannon which finally silenced the hysterical elves. Harry took a moment to look at his hand in wonderment in the ringing silence before addressing the elves.

'Okay, now tell me what Her-She has done that you are so afraid of her,' said Harry stopping himself from saying Hermione's name at the last minute when he saw the elves ready to start off again.

Dobby took this moment to pop into existence, his colourful clothes contrasting with the whites of the other Hogwarts Elves. Finally spotting an elf that seemed to be the most sane at the moment (and that wasn't saying much) a relieved Harry directed his next question to him, 'Dobby, what the bloody hell is going on here?' he said gesturing at the other elves.

Dobby looked around and came closer to Harry causing Harry to crouch to his level. He said in a low voice that would not be heard by the elves surrounding them, 'It's Harry Potter's 'Rangy sir. She has been upsetting the other elveses by giving them clothes'

'Hang on I thought that the situation was resolved already at the beginning.'

'You see sir,' began Dobby nervously, 'They is no longer being Hogwarts' house-elves since Harry Potter's 'Rangy freed them.'

'Wait, how is Hermione giving them clothes freeing them? I mean, you guys do the students' laundry as well ...' said Harry.

'Oh no sir, house-elves can pick up dirty clothes left around. They can only be freed when their master personally hands them clothes. Missus 'Rangy made clothes for elves and left them under rubbish for them to find as a gift. This made the elves free when they picked them up sir.'

'Oh,' said Harry slowly cottoning on. 'So what you are saying is that to free an elf, you need to gift or personally hand them clothes?' Seeing Dobby nod he continued, 'So why don't they leave and find another place to work?'

'Well sir, they is still being bound to the castle even if they is being freed from service sir. Unless they find another master they cannot leave the castle without permission from the headmaster,' said Dobby. 'And Headmaster Dumbledore was being too busy to talk to us house-elves sir.' He continued looking slightly crestfallen.

Harry understood what they were feeling all too well. Besides, it wasn't as if Umbridge would deign to listen to them either. Suddenly seeing where this was going, he said, 'Is this what you wanted me to help you with Dobby?'

Dobby looked up at him hopefully. 'Dobby is hoping that the great Harry Potter could talk to Professor Dumbledore and help them sir,' he said waving his hand at the five elves.

Harry really had no desire of speaking to Dumbledore again, especially not so soon. Thinking a bit he said, 'The elves are bound to the school till they find a master and cannot leave the castle to find one as they haven't been given permission by the headmaster.'

'Yes Harry Potter sir,' said Dobby nodding,

'But what if they find a master without leaving the castle; will they no longer be bound to the castle?' Upon receiving another nod from Dobby, Harry asked curiously. 'Why do they need a master anyway Dobby?'

'House-elves like being bound to wizards and working for them sir,' interjected Tally who until then had been pretending that she hadn't been eavesdropping into the conversation. 'We likes to serve. Besides, wizard magic makes us stronger. Not that she understands,' she added, the waspish tone sounding out of place on her small body. She muttered to herself much to Harry's amusement, 'Tally tried and tried to make her understand, but she never listens.'

'I may have a solution for them then,' Harry stood up to address the other elves looking on curiously in general and the five house-elves in particular. 'It has been brought to my notice that you five elves have been freed from service by the tyrannical Clothes Maker,' he paused as they winced, 'and are looking for new masters to work for. Well, I am going to be inheriting new homes soon and will need elves to keep them habitable and carry out repairs. Will you be willing to work for me?' Harry reckoned that he would need some elves to help with the upkeep of his properties as he didn't know how many he had. Besides, house-elves were dead useful and he was not about to pass up the chance to have five of them!

Harry suddenly found his legs being attacked by five very grateful (and still drunk) elves who were breaking into paroxysms of joy and expressing their undying gratitude while their employed colleagues had either burst into happy tears or were joyfully dancing and praising "the Great and Generous Harry Potter."

Perhaps the glass of wine that he had earlier at lunch was stronger than what he was used to or perhaps Harry was still high over the illicit nature of the trip that he had taken and what he had done and was about to do under Dumbledore's and the Ministry's nose. But whatever it was, Harry found himself actually enjoying having the elves heap praises on him and revelling in the attention being given to him whereas he would have normally blushed with embarrassment in the past.

Amidst all this celebration, Harry noticed that Dobby seemed to be a bit unhappy. It didn't take much of a genius to figure out what the matter was with him, 'Do you want to work for me as well Dobby?'

At this, Dobby's expression changed to one of incredulous joy, 'Dobby would be honoured to be working for the Great Harry Potter. Dobby has also been wanting to be Harry Potter's elf for ages!'

'Very well, how much would you want as a salary?'

'Dobby is not wanting paying anymore, not that he is now working for the Good and Kind Harry Potter sir!'

Surprised at this, Harry crouched down to Dobby's level again, 'What about being free and earning wages? I thought that it was what you really wanted ...' Harry's voice trailed off at the end questioningly.

'Dobby enjoyed being a free elf for awhile, but Dobby has grown tired of it. Dobby is now ready to settle down with a nice family,' said Dobby gravely.

'Well Dobby were you anybody else, I probably would have taken that the wrong way. But since it's you ... welcome to the family!' said Harry gesturing grandly. Dobby was the icing on the cake, Harry somehow found that he liked the elf, he really was a great ego booster; what with the way he kept going on and on about how great Harry was. Harry supposed that he could keep Dobby as his personal house elf.

Harry shook himself out of those thoughts and addressed all six of his soon to be house-elves. 'I will come down tomorrow and we can set up the bonding ceremony then. It will give you a chance to clean up and stuff. Now, I am feeling a bit peckish, so dinner would be nice.' As he said this, his stomach growled loudly.

At once the elves got busy and before he could blink Harry found himself seated at a table with a large spread of all his favourites. Harry dug in, feeling ravenously hungry despite the large lunch that he had partaken in. He was barely able to stagger out of the kitchens later on due to the amount of food he had eaten. The elves had definitely gone all out to show their gratitude for saving them and their way of life. They had even given him a large helping of the best treacle tart he had ever tasted.

Feeling good about himself, Harry checked the time at the nearest available magical clock (he really needed to get a wristwatch for himself) and found that it was nearing nine. Cursing, Harry bolted towards the grounds, putting on his Invisibility Cloak that he had the foresight to take with him and wrapping it around himself. He also activated the charms around his necklace as an added precaution.

However, he did not encounter anybody on his way outside. He slipped out through the main doors and out into the dying rays of sunlight. Making his way to the Whomping Willow, he froze the tree by prodding the knot and slipped inside.

Emerging out in the Shrieking Shack, Harry removed his cloak and made his way outside to the front of the house. Coming outside, he spied the two Goblins who had just arrived with a flash of light.

'Good evening Gornuk, Grimjaw,' said Harry approaching the two goblins, 'Shall we get on with it then?'

'Indeed Mr. Potter, lead the way,' said Gornuk.

Harry led them back into the shack to their (well hidden) surprise. Pressing the knot on the tree, he led the two out into the Hogwarts grounds. Grimjaw said doubtfully, 'I hope you have a suitable place set up for the ritual Mr. Potter? This ritual is complex after all.'

Harry just smirked and said, 'Follow me just ensure that you are not seen.' With that, he slipped the cloak on. Before they moved on, Gornuk said, 'May I cast a tracking charm on you Mr. Potter? I presume that I would need your permission,' he said leadingly. 'After all, we won't be able to see each other since we will be invisible.' Unseen by the goblins Harry nodded, he hadn't thought of that and was glad somebody had.

'Go ahead,' he said, feeling a tingle of magic emanating from his wrist indicating his consent. Gornuk waved his hand and paused, a troubled expression on his face. Seeing this, Harry uncovered his head and said, 'Is something the matter?'

Frowning, Gornuk said, 'I tried to place the tracking charm on you but it has failed for some reason. Are you sure that any tracking charms I cast can be placed on you?'

Nodding Harry said, 'I felt the magic signalling the device's acceptance of my instructions.'

Gornuk tried casting the charm again, 'Interesting, it works now that you have uncovered your head. I think that the cloak has been blocking any spells that I cast on you. If that indeed is the case and that cloak is indeed what I think it is, then I suggest that you keep that cloak safe. Its value has gone up considerably.'

Harry nodded and covered his head while the goblins placed Disillusionment Charms on themselves. The invisible party then headed towards the castle. Harry then proceeded to led them up towards the Seventh Floor. The two goblins looked at their surroundings with expressions of open interest. Not that Harry could see that.

Harry stopped at the tapestry and removed his cloak causing the goblins to drop their charms as well. 'This area is a bit small for the ritual Mr. Potter' said Grimjaw in a sceptical tone.

Instead of answering Harry just paced in front of the wall. Just as they were beginning to get concerned about his mental health, a door appeared in front of the goblins out of nowhere to their shock.

Smirking at the reactions he had incited in the normally collected creatures, Harry opened the room and said dryly, 'Will this be enough gentlemen?'

Gobsmacked, the goblins numbly stepped through the door and saw a high ceilinged room with two concentric runic circles with a large but shallow circular basin in the middle made of what the goblins found to be a highly magical and rare form of platinum.

Recovering quickly from their shock, the goblins turned to Harry and nodded. 'This room more than suits our purposes Mr. Potter. In fact, loathe as I am to admit this, it is even better than the ritual room that we use in Gringotts.' Said Grimjaw, 'and we spent billions of Galleons and two years worth of labour to get ours done,' he muttered to himself.

'It seems that Mr. Potter has managed to escape from incurring extra expenses,' said Gornuk in a slightly disappointed tone. 'In fact it's Gringotts who would end up paying to use this room, a lot of goblins would kill just to be able to see this room!' he continued in awe. Realising that Harry had heard what he had just said, both the goblins shut their mouths with an audible snap.

Harry just grinned and said, 'It looks like the both of us benefit from this venture then. Your discretion and time for a once in a lifetime opportunity to use the best ritual room you have ever seen for free! The bragging rights you will have with the other goblins can be considered an added bonus.'

'It looks like you have the makings of a fine businessman Mr. Potter,' said Grimjaw sardonically. 'You will make for an interesting client.'

Then the goblins quickly got down to business. Grimjaw took out the vial of blood he had shown Harry earlier while Gornuk took out a piece of parchment and gave to Harry to sign saying 'This shows that the ritual has been conducted and that you are fully aware of its consequences and are willingly taking part in it. We will be taking care of the location later on,' Gornuk finished with a smirk.

After Harry signed Grimjaw spoke in a businesslike tone. 'Very well, Mr. Potter, as you are the main subject of this ritual, you will have to enter the circle just as yourself. That means no possessions on your body ... including clothes,' he ended with a smirk.

Blushing, Harry removed the necklace and bracelet before stripping down to his newly bought pants with the aeroplane outlines on them (the jeans fell down to his ankles almost immediately when he unbuckled his belt). He tried to act natural and ignore Gornuk's amused expression as he watched Grimjaw removed the stopper and poured half the contents of the vial of Sirius' blood into the basin chanting under his breath in a strange language. Harry noted that the vial definitely contained more than a litre of blood.

As Grimjaw finished, Harry slowly lowered his pants and at Grimjaw's signal lay down spread-eagled partially submerged in the blood, trying not to choke on the smell or think of whom the blood once belonged to.

Grimjaw then proceeded to draw strange runes all over Harry's body with the remaining blood, all the while chanting softly in a guttural language. He had some difficulty at the ribs and feet (Harry was rather ticklish there) and at the crotch (Harry was male and fifteen), but it was nothing he couldn't handle.

Gornuk then said, 'We are now conducting a ritual to adopt Harry James Potter into the house of Black. He is to be adopted by the previous heir of House Black, Sirius Black and will inherit the headship of the Black name and will be considered a full member of the family. After this ritual he shall be known as Harry James Potter-Black.'

With this Grimjaw started to trace the other runes in the two concentric circles with the last of the blood. Finishing, the two goblins started to chant a bit louder.

Magic started building as the goblins finished chanting, forming a dome around Harry. Seeing this, the goblins slipped out of the room, Gornuk leaving a note on Harry's clothes. They had played their part, now everything was left to Harry.

As the magic grew, Harry initially felt the blood in the runes painted on his body evaporate. He noticed that the red colour had changed to a deep luminous blue, which he supposed was magic. He then felt the blood beneath him slowly creep up to cover his body while at the same time feeling a stinging pain across his front as he saw his own blood leak out of and pool around the runes drawn mixing with Sirius' blood. As this was happening, Harry thought of Sirius and the times they had spent together. He tried to distract himself from feeling the pain by focusing on his feelings for Sirius.

As Harry's heart filled with emotion for the second time in a day, the dome of magic above him gained a golden hue, as the effects of the ritual became enhanced by the love Harry felt towards Sirius. This was something rarely seen and made the filial bond between Harry and Sirius even stronger: Something that would be seen much later when Harry would do an inheritance test at Gringotts.

As Harry slowly lost consciousness, the blood in the basin was absorbed into his body. As the last drop disappeared into his body, the ritual came to its full conclusion, the runic circles disappeared and the room became barren leaving only the unmarked nude body of a peacefully sleeping wizard formerly known as Harry Potter and his things.