
The Proposition

"You mentioned a proposition, young wizard."

"I did." I confirm, tapping my wand against my leg. "I have an alternative option of resurrection for you than the Sorcerers Stone." I say, a glint of excitement, longing, and surprise crossing his eyes. Who knew someone's eyes could reveal so much in such a momentary gesture. "The resurrection stone is a fake." I proclaim, confidently.

"And how is it you, a child, know such a thing." The face says, doubt in his voice but his eyes holding onto that look of hope.

"It's the only thing that makes sense." I say, my eyes glistening a brighter red for a second. "Do you really think Nicholas Flamel would give his only link to immortality to another person? For what reason would he do such a thing?" I ask, clearly looking down on his intelligence.

"But this person is Dumbledore, the most powerful wizard in the world." Voldemort protested. "Why wouldn't Flamel give the Sorcerers Stone to him?"

"Nicholas is far older than Dumbledore." I point out. "With far older magics and tricks than we could imagine. Nicholas has protected the stone for more than two hundred years. Why would he suddenly think that he was incapable of protecting it further?"

"Very well. I see the logic in you assumption. If what you say were the case, what would you suggest?"

"Well I am aware you have multiple ways of coming back however, most of these are long and tedious." I point out further, a confident smirk appearing on my face. "The fastest and most efficient way would be the Regeneration Potion."

"Fool. You think I haven't thought of that? That potion requires the blood of either Harry Potter or Albus Dumbledore. Both are equally impossible for me to get at this point in time."

"I'm aware." I say as I tap my foot, angry that my big speech was interrupted.

"Then what did you have in mind?"

"Just because it's impossible for you to get doesn't mean it's impossible for me to get." I hint as the smirk crosses my face once again.

"You're saying you would get the blood?"

"And if I was, what would you offer me?"

"What do you want?" He asks with a sneer.

"I want all your research into magic. All of it." I say, looking down and examining my nails. Voldemort sinks into silence, diligently thinking about the proposal.

"Also, in exchange for the use of your servants, I will exchange my services for the same amount of time. Not as a servant, but as a partner." I add, seeing him on the fence about it. "You have already seen my skill in magic. I am only eleven years old, think of what I could achieve in a few more years. It would certainly be good to have someone with such talent with you then against you." Voldemort breaks out of his silence and glues his eyes onto me.

"Very well. I accept your proposition. Get for me the blood of either Harry Potter or Albus Dumbledore and your conditions will be met."

"Swear on it."

"Excuse me?"

"The unbreakable vow." I clarify. "I want an unbreakable vow or no dice."

"A friendship must be built on trust otherwise how can we be sure of each other's loyalty."

"Trust is earned not given." I say resolutely. "Do the vow or I'll kill Quirrell."

"How can I do the vow? I have no hands."

"The vow binds the soul not the body. Surely someone with your level of knowledge in magic would know that." I say, growing more and more irritable.

"Fine, fine. It was just a test." Voldemort says. I then press my thumb against Voldemort's forehead and Ruby slithers out from my sleeve. "Ohh, a fellow parselmouth I see."

"Don't sully my master's ability by associating it with meager parselmouth." Ruby hisses out in the more common variant of parseltongue. Voldemort looks shocked for a moment but decided not to press the issue further.

Ruby slithers around my arm and points her tail to the spot where my thumb meets Voldemort's forehead. Silver lines wrap around my finger and pierce into the dark lord's forehead. A few seconds later, the vows were said and the silver lines melted into our flesh. As soon as the vow was done my hand pulled away from Voldemort's forehead.

"When you get the other materials we can use the Chamber of Secrets to create the potion." I say as Ruby slither back into my robes and coils herself back around my body.

"But Dumbledore will be alerted. That big of a magical force, no matter how many anti-detection wards you cast, will be felt by him." Voldemort says.

"The Chamber of Secrets is rich in magical power. It will help with your return. Leave Dumbledore to me and the Basilisk." I say, to the shock of Voldemort.

"Who exactly are you? How can you know about the Basilisk and not be dead!" Voldemort cries out in surprise.

"That's not your concern." I say as I pull out a vial of red liquid.

"What's that?" Voldemort asks. I'm sure if he had eyebrows one of them would be raised.

"It's Harry Potter's blood. I got it last night while he was asleep. I also cast several preservative charms and purification spells." Voldemort looks at me suspiciously as I throw the vial to Quirrell who quickly grabs it and puts it into one of his pockets. "You can test it if you want. It shouldn't be too hard."

"That's alright. I doubt you would go through all this trouble just to poison me and for me return to be delayed." Voldemort says as he commands Quirrell to wrap him in the turban.

"I will have the other ingredients brought into the castle today and we will brew the potion tonight." Quirrell says as he looks at me with disdain.

"Very well. Also, Quirrell." I say as I turn to head out of the room. I wave my wand and the various wards and barriers fall apart. "I'm going to be skipping my classes today. Please come up with an excuse for my absence." I tell him, not giving him a chance to respond as the shadows swallow me up once again and I reappear on the banks of the lake outside of Hogwarts.

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