
Harry Potter De volta ao Passado

Autor: vaiincarar
Laufend · 12.6K Ansichten
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What is Harry Potter De volta ao Passado

Lesen Sie den Roman Harry Potter De volta ao Passado des Autors vaiincarar, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Numa noite fria os Dursley não sabiam que estavam prestes a receber o sobrinho que vinha de um Mundo que eles odiavam: O Mundo magico, a irma da senhora Petúnia Evans tinha sido assassinada juntamente...


Numa noite fria os Dursley não sabiam que estavam prestes a receber o sobrinho que vinha de um Mundo que eles odiavam: O Mundo magico, a irma da senhora Petúnia Evans tinha sido assassinada juntamente com o marido e o coitado do Harry e Potter não sabia que iria passar os piores anos de sua vida ali ou sera que não?

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The P.E.T.A.L project experiment, which stands for Purge Expert Team Alignment: Lethal, was what they yelled about. They're combatants who don't give up lightly. This is the point at which a human being is detached from his or her body, conscience, life, and logical brain. Two to four humans can be formed from a single human. However, there are times when a P.E.T.A.L can only be separated in two, and they kill each other while knowing they are the same person. The greater the P.E.T.A.L., the more divided it is, but the more physically and mentally unstable it becomes. When divided into more than four They are classified into physical, mental, logical brain, creative brain, life, and conscience. The lengthy World War 3 resulted in a significant decline in the number of human births, prompting the creation of this project. People died from infectious diseases, war-related deaths, mental disorders, and other causes as a result of conflict. As a result, Project P.E.T.A.L was born, allowing humans to be divided into four or more groups without losing their memories and allowing them to be 'tamed' by the controller. As if he were a hunting hound on a long leash. If they don't, the chain will kill them instantaneously. The body, soul, heart, and brain can all be separated from one another. Humans can be separated by merging scientific and supernatural sciences, however once separated, humans who are utilized as subjects can no longer be called human. This is to escape society's constant war. "P.ET.A.L is now officially not human." Finally, separated individuals are known as Petals because they are unable to die quickly. They're used as troop helpers, shooting targets, assassins, and a variety of other things. The Petals will continue the battle.

GoldenSuccubus · Fantasie
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