
Harry Potter: Arcane

In the midst of turmoil, James and Sirius find a crashed spacecraft with a baby inside. A hologram of the baby's mother, Sera, appears, entrusting them with her son, Harkel. They perform a blood adoption ritual, naming him Harry. Lily, unconscious after a miscarriage, remains unaware. Kryptonian Harry Potter. I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you! If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling! Click the link below to join the conversation: https://discord.com/invite/HHHwRsB6wd Can't wait to see you there! If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/VikrantUtekar007 Thank you for your support!

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Chapter 19

The Quibbler Exclusive: A Howler Heard Around Hogwarts!

By Xenophilius Lovegood

In a twist more surprising than a Crumple-Horned Snorkack sighting, the legendary alchemist Nicholas Flamel has sent a Howler to none other than the venerable Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore! This remarkable event not only rocked the Great Hall but also revealed a mischief-loving side of Flamel that few knew existed. While the Philosopher's Stone is his claim to fame, Flamel has now shown a flair for dramatic flair and deep-seated concerns about his prized creation's safety.

It all began on an otherwise uneventful morning when a thunderous Howler shattered the peace of Hogwarts' breakfast. Delivered in Flamel's distinctive, resonant voice, the Howler exposed his frustration and unease. Students and staff were left open-mouthed as Flamel berated Dumbledore for stashing the Philosopher's Stone at the school, secured by defenses that proved to be less than foolproof.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore! Have you utterly lost your marbles? Entrusting the Philosopher's Stone to a school brimming with children? Are you mad?"

The Howler, dripping with frustration and sarcasm, continued:

"I taught you to respect the delicate balance of magic, not to endanger young lives for the sake of secrecy. A three-headed dog and a series of puzzles—really, Albus? It took children to unravel your so-called safeguards. It's a wonder Hogwarts is still standing!"

In an exclusive interview with The Quibbler, Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel offered their thoughts on their Howler and the situation at Hogwarts.

Nicholas Flamel: "The Philosopher's Stone is a powerful artifact, one that should never have been left in such a precarious position. My apprentice, Dumbledore, should have known better than to think rudimentary protections would suffice. My intent was not just to scold but to remind him of the profound responsibilities that come with such power."

Perenelle Flamel: "We were profoundly disturbed when we learned the Stone had been hidden at Hogwarts. The safety of the students is paramount. While the Howler might seem harsh, it was essential to emphasize the severity of the situation. We must ensure that such lapses in judgment do not happen again."

Interestingly, Nicholas Flamel hinted at a side of himself that might astonish many. When asked about the Howler's theatrical delivery, Flamel chuckled and said, "Sometimes, a bit of drama is necessary to make a point. Albus needed to be reminded of his roots and the importance of humility."

The Howler has undeniably had its intended effect. Reports from Hogwarts suggest that Headmaster Dumbledore has been more reflective and cautious since the incident. Many students have even begun to view Flamel in a new light, admiring his blend of wisdom and mischievousness.

This incident serves as a poignant reminder of the constant need for vigilance and responsibility in the magical realm. The Philosopher's Stone is not just an ancient alchemical relic; it is a powerful artifact that demands utmost respect and careful handling.

As the wizarding community digests this latest development, it is clear that the Flamels remain deeply committed to safeguarding the future, offering a valuable lesson in vigilance and balance that all wizards and witches can heed.

Stay tuned to The Quibbler for more exclusive insights and updates on this enchanting story.

Xenophilius Lovegood is the editor of The Quibbler, a magazine dedicated to unearthing the magical world's most fascinating and sometimes bizarre stories. For more whimsical articles like this, subscribe to The Quibbler today!

The Daily Prophet

Flamel Flambé: Ancient Alchemist Roasts Headmaster in Magical Showdown!

By Rita Skeeter

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has recently been rocked by a scandal of epic proportions! The esteemed Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, known for his calm demeanor and wisdom, was brought to his knees by a rather spectacular Howler, courtesy of none other than the legendary Nicholas Flamel. Yes, you read that correctly! The alchemist renowned for creating the Philosopher's Stone and achieving immortality decided it was time to give his former apprentice a rather public dressing down.

It all began on an otherwise ordinary morning in the Great Hall. Students and staff were enjoying their breakfast when suddenly, a crimson Howler appeared, addressed to Headmaster Dumbledore. The hall fell silent as the letter unfurled, revealing a voice that could only belong to the one and only Nicholas Flamel.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore," the Howler began, its tone dripping with a mixture of disappointment and amusement. "I am utterly appalled by your recent actions. Hiding the Philosopher's Stone in a school filled with children? Have you lost your mind, or has the weight of your numerous titles finally cracked your skull?"

Gasps echoed through the hall as Flamel's words cut through the air. Students exchanged wide-eyed glances, and even the portraits seemed to lean in closer, eager to catch every word.

"My dear apprentice," the Howler continued, "I thought I had taught you better. Placing such a powerful and dangerous artifact in a castle full of inexperienced witches and wizards was reckless beyond measure. Did you think a few enchantments and a three-headed dog named Fluffy would suffice? Honestly, Albus, your sense of security is about as reliable as a Fizzing Whizbee in a teapot."

But it wasn't just Nicholas who had something to say. The voice of Perenelle Flamel, equally renowned and formidable, joined in the rebuke. "You have not only endangered the students but also made a mockery of our trust in you. We expected better judgment from you, Albus. Perhaps it's time you revisited your lessons on responsibility and foresight. Or would you prefer we write them down for you, step by step, as if you were a first-year again?"

The Howler's reprimand continued for several more minutes, with Nicholas and Perenelle alternating their barbs, much to the shock and entertainment of the Hogwarts population. By the time it ended, Dumbledore was left standing in stunned silence, his cheeks unusually flushed.

After the event, I managed to secure an exclusive interview with Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel, who did not hold back their thoughts.

"Nicholas," I asked, leaning in conspiratorially, "what prompted such a dramatic public display?"

Nicholas, ever the picture of calm intellect, replied, "Albus needed a reminder of the gravity of his actions. The Philosopher's Stone is not a toy, nor a test for curious children. His decision to hide it at Hogwarts was misguided, and he needed to understand that in no uncertain terms."

Perenelle, with a twinkle in her eye, added, "We had to make a point, and sometimes, a public spectacle is the most effective way to get through to someone as... creatively stubborn as Albus. He may be a brilliant wizard, but he still has much to learn about humility and responsibility."

Indeed, it seems the Flamels' message was received loud and clear. How this will affect the dynamic at Hogwarts remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: Albus Dumbledore will think twice before crossing paths with his formidable mentors again.

As the magical community buzzes with this latest scandal, one can't help but wonder what other secrets and surprises lie in wait at the legendary school. Rest assured, dear readers, I, Rita Skeeter, will be here to uncover them all.

Stay tuned for more exclusive updates and behind-the-scenes gossip from the heart of the wizarding world!

Albus Dumbledore sat in his dimly lit office, the flickering candlelight casting long shadows across the room. His desk, usually cluttered with important documents and artifacts, was now dominated by two copies of the Daily Prophet. The headlines screamed at him.

Dumbledore's fingers drummed absently on the desk as he read and re-read the articles, his mind replaying the mortifying scene in the Great Hall. Nicholas' voice echoed in his head, the sharp words cutting through his usual calm demeanor. He could still see the shocked faces of the students, the smirks of the Slytherins, and the concerned glances of his staff.

He sighed deeply, his gaze drifting to the Pensieve, tempted to relive the memory once more to understand how things had gone so terribly wrong. But he knew it wasn't necessary. The humiliation was etched deeply in his memory.

What gnawed at him more than the public reprimand was the mystery of how the Philosopher's Stone had been stolen. Every protective enchantment, every formidable obstacle, had been bypassed without a trace of magic. Fluffy, the giant three-headed dog, had been lulled to sleep without the use of a harp or enchanted music. The Devil's Snare had shown no signs of disturbance. The enchanted keys and the giant chess set had been left untouched, as if the intruder had walked through them as easily as passing through mist.

How could someone—anyone—have done this without leaving a single magical signature? Dumbledore prided himself on his protective measures, and yet they had been rendered useless. This level of cunning and stealth was beyond his current understanding, and that realization was both humbling and disturbing.

He picked up his quill and absently scribbled on a piece of parchment, his thoughts swirling. Could it have been an inside job? Someone who knew the castle's secrets as well as he did? But who? And why?

A soft knock at the door pulled him from his reverie. Fawkes, his loyal phoenix, trilled softly from his perch, sensing his master's distress.

"Enter," Dumbledore called, his voice steady but weary.

Minerva McGonagall stepped into the office, her stern face softening with concern. "Albus, I wanted to see how you were holding up," she said, her Scottish brogue gentle.

Dumbledore offered her a faint smile. "I appreciate it, Minerva. It's been... a trying time."

She nodded, glancing at the papers on his desk. "The articles are harsh, but we both know the Flamels' intentions were not to humiliate but to protect."

"Yes," Dumbledore agreed, his voice thoughtful. "But it still stings, knowing that I failed to foresee this. And worse, that I still have no idea who is responsible or how they did it."

McGonagall's eyes narrowed in thought. She knew exactly who had orchestrated the theft, but her loyalty lay with the Potter family and their allies. Revealing the truth to Dumbledore would jeopardize their plans, and she wasn't willing to do that. "We'll find the answers, Albus. Together. The safety of the students and the integrity of Hogwarts depend on it."

Dumbledore nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "Indeed, Minerva. We must. For now, I will continue to investigate discreetly. The students must not be alarmed further."

As McGonagall left, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. She respected Dumbledore immensely, but her allegiance was clear. She had to protect the Potters' secret, even if it meant withholding information from him.

Dumbledore turned his gaze back to the articles. The path ahead was uncertain, and his own reputation had taken a severe blow. But he was resolved to uncover the truth, no matter how elusive it might be.

With a final, determined glance at Fawkes, who chirped encouragingly, Dumbledore began drafting a letter to the Flamels. It was time to seek their guidance directly and perhaps involve some old allies in solving this confounding mystery. The game was afoot, and the stakes had never been higher.

At the Potter Farm in Smallville, James Potter and Sirius Black were doubled over with laughter, tears streaming down their faces as they watched the recorded video of the scene in the Great Hall. The New Marauders, always eager to share the latest bit of chaos, had sent the clip via their enchanted communication bracelets. The sight of Albus Dumbledore being chastised by the Howler from Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel was too much for them to handle.

James, trying to catch his breath, said, "Did you see the look on his face? I haven't seen Albus look that flustered since... well, ever!"

Sirius nodded, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye. "And the way the students reacted! It was priceless! The old man needed a wake-up call, and leave it to the Flamels to deliver it in style."

Their mirth was interrupted by the arrival of an owl carrying the latest edition of the Daily Prophet. Eager to see how the wizarding press had covered the event, James snatched up the paper and opened it to the gossip column written by Rita Skeeter.

"Listen to this," James said, reading aloud, "'Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore,' the Howler began, its tone dripping with a mixture of disappointment and amusement. 'I am utterly appalled by your recent actions. Hiding the Philosopher's Stone in a school filled with children? Have you lost your mind, or has the weight of your numerous titles finally cracked your skull?'"

Sirius howled with laughter, slapping his knee. "She nailed it! That's exactly how it went down. Flamel didn't pull any punches."

James continued, "'My dear apprentice,' the Howler continued, 'I thought I had taught you better. Placing such a powerful and dangerous artifact in a castle full of inexperienced witches and wizards was reckless beyond measure. Did you think a few enchantments and a three-headed dog named Fluffy would suffice? Honestly, Albus, your sense of security is about as reliable as a Fizzing Whizbee in a teapot.'"

They both laughed harder, imagining Dumbledore's reaction to being publicly scolded in such a manner. As they turned the page, they found excerpts from the interview Rita Skeeter had conducted with Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel.

"'Albus needed a reminder of the gravity of his actions,'" James read, mimicking Nicholas's calm demeanor. "'The Philosopher's Stone is not a toy, nor a test for curious children. His decision to hide it at Hogwarts was misguided, and he needed to understand that in no uncertain terms.'"

Sirius leaned back in his chair, grinning. "You know, I always knew Flamel had a bit of a prankster in him. This just proves it. He might be ancient, but he's still got a sense of humor."

James nodded in agreement. "And Perenelle wasn't holding back either. She said, 'We had to make a point, and sometimes, a public spectacle is the most effective way to get through to someone as... creatively stubborn as Albus. He may be a brilliant wizard, but he still has much to learn about humility and responsibility.'"

Sirius chuckled. "I can't wait to see what Harry and the others think of this. They must be having a field day at Hogwarts."

James leaned back, a satisfied smile on his face. "Well, it's about time someone shook things up a bit. And if anyone could do it, it's Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel. Now, let's send Harry a message and get his take on all this. I'm sure he's got some stories to tell."

They spent the next few minutes composing a message via their communication bracelets, eager to hear Harry's side of the story and share in the laughter that had brought a moment of levity to an otherwise serious situation.

The first weekend of the school year at Hogwarts had arrived, and excitement buzzed through the air as students gathered in the Great Hall for the inaugural lesson of the newly established Duelling Club. The hall, usually filled with long tables and bustling students at mealtimes, had been transformed into a space designed for magical combat training. The tables had been pushed to the sides, leaving a wide open area in the center, and the floor had been covered with protective mats.

Professor Flitwick, the Charms Master and an accomplished duellist, stood at the front of the hall, his wand at the ready and a gleam of enthusiasm in his eyes. He was accompanied by several older students, including prefects and members of the Duelling Club from previous years, ready to assist with demonstrations and instruction.

As the students settled, Professor Flitwick raised his voice, amplified slightly by a Sonorus Charm. "Welcome, everyone, to the first ever lesson of the Hogwarts Duelling Club! I am delighted to see so many of you eager to learn the art of duelling. Today, we will start with the basics and work our way up to more advanced techniques as the year progresses."

Harry, Hermione, Neville, Lana, Zatanna, and their friends stood together, their expressions a mix of anticipation and excitement. They had been looking forward to this moment, especially after the events of the past week.

Flitwick continued, "Duelling is not just about attacking your opponent. It requires strategy, quick thinking, and a thorough understanding of both offensive and defensive spells. Now, let's start with the basics: the proper stance and the Disarming Charm, Expelliarmus."

He demonstrated the stance, holding his wand with a steady grip, his body angled slightly to present a smaller target. "This is the duellist's stance. It's crucial for maintaining balance and control during a duel. Everyone, find a partner and practice getting into this stance."

The hall filled with the sound of students pairing up and attempting to mimic Flitwick's stance. The New Marauders partnered with each other, each taking turns correcting and adjusting their postures.

As they practiced, Professor Flitwick moved among them, offering tips and encouragement. "Very good, Miss Granger. Excellent form, Mr. Potter. Keep your balance, Mr. Longbottom, that's it."

Once everyone seemed comfortable with the stance, Flitwick moved on to the next part of the lesson. "Now, the Disarming Charm. This spell is crucial for any duellist. It can end a duel quickly by removing your opponent's wand. The incantation is 'Expelliarmus.' Watch closely."

He faced one of the prefects, who raised his wand defensively. With a flick of his wrist and a firm, "Expelliarmus!" Flitwick disarmed the prefect in a flash, the wand soaring through the air and landing neatly in Flitwick's other hand.

The students murmured in awe, eager to try the spell themselves. "Now, pair up again and practice the Disarming Charm," Flitwick instructed. "Remember, it's about focus and precision, not just power."

Harry and Neville paired up, while Hermione and Lana formed another pair, and Zatanna practiced with Susan. The hall filled with the sound of incantations and the occasional clatter of wands hitting the floor as students practiced disarming each other.

Despite a few initial missteps, the New Marauders quickly got the hang of it. Harry's Expelliarmus was particularly strong, sending Neville's wand flying across the room. "Sorry, Neville!" Harry called, retrieving the wand and handing it back with a grin.

"No problem," Neville replied, grinning back. "I think I almost got it that time."

As the lesson continued, the students grew more confident in their abilities, their excitement only growing with each successful spell. Professor Flitwick beamed with pride at their progress. "Excellent work, everyone. Keep practicing, and soon you'll be ready for more advanced duelling techniques."

The first lesson of the Duelling Club ended on a high note, with the students buzzing with newfound skills and enthusiasm. As they left the Great Hall, the New Marauders couldn't help but talk excitedly about what they had learned and what challenges lay ahead.

"That was amazing," Lana said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I can't wait to learn more spells."

Hermione nodded, her face flushed with exhilaration. "And Flitwick is such a great teacher. His tips really helped with my stance."

Neville, still a bit shaky but smiling, added, "I never thought I'd be able to do something like this. Thanks for the help, everyone."

Zatanna grinned, her wand twirling expertly in her fingers. "This is just the beginning. Imagine what we'll be able to do by the end of the year!"

As they walked back to their common rooms, the New Marauders couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie and determination. They had not only learned valuable skills but had also strengthened their bonds as friends and allies. The excitement of the Duelling Club's first lesson was just the start of their magical journey together.

Harry walked into his dorm room, feeling the fatigue of the day settling in. As he sat down on his bed, he noticed a faint glow coming from his communication bracelet. Excitement sparked in his eyes as he tapped the bracelet to check the messages.

A holographic image of his dad, James, and his godfather, Sirius, appeared, their expressions a mix of amusement and curiosity.

"Hey, Harry!" James began, a wide grin on his face. "We just heard about the Howler from Nicholas Flamel. Quite the prankster, isn't he? We thought you'd appreciate hearing about it."

Sirius chimed in, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Sounds like Dumbledore got a taste of his own medicine. We're dying to know your take on all this. Got any good stories to share?"

Harry couldn't help but smile as he listened to their message. He quickly recorded a response, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "Hey, Dad! Hey, Sirius! You'll never believe what happened. The whole school is buzzing about it. I'll tell you everything the next time we chat. Miss you guys!"

As the message was sent, Harry felt a sense of connection and warmth, knowing his family was always just a bracelet message away.


Meanwhile, in his office at Hogwarts, Dumbledore sat quietly, his thoughts consumed by the recent events. The Howler had been a harsh reminder of his mistakes, and he was now more determined than ever to make things right. The echoes of Nicholas Flamel's words still lingered in his mind, a stark reminder of the gravity of his decisions and the potential repercussions.

As he pondered his next steps, Fawkes, his loyal phoenix, flew over and gently dropped a letter on his desk. The elegant handwriting on the envelope was immediately recognizable. With a mixture of anticipation and apprehension, Dumbledore opened the envelope, his eyes scanning the words within:

Dear Albus,

We received your letter and appreciate your concerns. We believe it's time we had a proper discussion about the events that have transpired. Please come to our home at your earliest convenience. There is much we need to discuss and resolve.

Warm regards,

Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel

Dumbledore sighed, feeling a complex blend of relief and anxiety. This invitation was both an opportunity and a challenge—a chance to mend fences and clarify misunderstandings, but it also meant facing the Flamels' justified criticism head-on. He knew that the Flamels, with their centuries of wisdom and experience, would not hold back in their critique, and he braced himself for a difficult conversation.

Determined to find a way forward that would ensure the safety of everyone involved, Dumbledore began to prepare for his visit. He carefully selected a few important documents, hoping to present a comprehensive view of the situation. He also gathered his thoughts, considering how best to explain his decisions and the reasoning behind them. 

The journey to the Flamels' home was filled with introspection. As he traveled, Dumbledore reflected on the recent events, the security breaches at Hogwarts. He recognized the need for a more robust security plan and greater transparency with his allies.

Upon arriving at the Flamels' residence, Dumbledore was greeted by the sight of an old, yet well-preserved, chateau nestled amidst lush gardens. The timeless beauty of the place seemed to mirror the enduring vitality of its inhabitants. As he approached the entrance, the door opened, revealing Nicholas and Perenelle, their expressions a blend of warmth and concern.

"Albus," Nicholas greeted, his tone cordial but firm. "Thank you for coming. We have much to discuss."

Perenelle nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting both wisdom and worry. "Let's not waste any time. Please, come inside."

Dumbledore entered the chateau, feeling the weight of the moment. He was ready to face the Flamels, to listen to their concerns, and to find a way forward. This was not just about the Philosopher's Stone—it was about ensuring the safety and future of Hogwarts and all who dwelled within its walls. As they sat down to talk, Dumbledore hoped that this conversation would be the beginning of a new chapter, one where mistakes were acknowledged, and true collaboration could flourish.


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