
The Knock Heard Around the World

Harry mulled over the enclosed attachment to his letter, rereading the list of items that he needed. 'It says what I need, but not where to get them.' Harry thought as the Dursleys were stilled huddled together. "Petunia, while you were out shopping you didn't happen to run into any dress robes or gloves made of dragon hide?" Harry hopefully asked. "Dragons don't exist, do they?" Dudley blurted out with a mix of awe and trepidation at the thoughts of dragons being real. Harry lifted his right leg and pointed at his shoe, "My dragon hide boots beg to differ" he said as held the letter in his hand and headed back into the spare room he was using.

"I have a roughly a week till the first of September comes, I don't know where to get the items needed for school and I don't know how to get there," Harry spoke out loud trying to sound out his problem. "I can't be the only one who doesn't know where to go, what about magicals born to non magicals, I can't imagine they would have any better ideas than I do." He continued as he floated a small spinning coin on his hand that Harry found in the kitchen. Slowly the day turned into the night and Harry wasn't any closer to his solutions. He tucked himself into bed, tossing and turning as he tried to go to sleep.

"Enter Hagrid" Dumbledore said from his desk as his wards alerted him of the half giant standing outside the door. Hagrid bending down as walked up the narrow passageway, his sides scrapping against both sides of the wall. Hagrid entered the room and straightened his body, walking towards the other end of the desk, looking at a chair much too small for him to sit on. Dumbledore with a wave from his wand expanded the seat and Hagrid gratefully nodded and sat down. "How are you doing Hagrid?" Dumbledore asked with a twinkle in his eye. "You know how it is, animals running amuck, Thestrals never listen to a b'oody thing I say." Dumbledore nodding at Hagrid's grievance and slowly and clearly started to speak, so Hagrid would remember everything he would say. "Sorry to add on Hagrid but I need a favor. You see, I need you to pick up the stone from the vault and bring it here for safekeeping." Dumbledore said looking in Hagrid's eyes making sure he understood. "You think the stone is not safe, well only place safer than Gringotts is 'ere" Hagrid said, nodding his head agreeing with himself. "Yes, while you are going, stop by and bring little Harry to get his school supplies, I'm sure you would love to see him." Dumbledore said as Hagrid stood up "I would love to see 'Arry, I still remember riding with him bundled in blankets" Hagrid said reminiscing as he started walking out the room.

As the night turned into dawn and the birds started to wake, a loud knock woke the house on Privet Drive in the county of Surrey. As the house started to wake, another knock reverberated through the walls, telling the occupants of the house that the guest was growing impatient. The three Dursley's and Harry walked down the stairs as Vernon kept giving Harry an eyeful, knowing that it was his fault. The four people closed in on the door as the last knock caused the door to creak and the walls to shudder. "Hold on a bloody minute, you are about to break down the door." Vernon yelled rushing and opening the door. Vernon came face to belly with a man larger than life. Vernon slowly looked up from his belly to the man's shoulders and finally to his face. Quickly Vernon grabbed the mans shirt and tried pulling him into the house and out of the neighbors prying eyes. Hagrid walked into the house staring straight at Harry never noticing or feeling Vernon pulling on his shirt. " 'Arry" Hagrid bellowed before Vernon could shut the door behind him. Hagrids voice echoed off the walls as he took a giant step pushing Petunia and Dudley away and grabbing Harry into a hug. "Haven't seen you since you were a baby." Hagrid said squeezing the life out of Harry.

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