
How Very Generous of You to Bring Me Lunch

"I will have to bill you for some of the day's events" GripHook said as he and Harry walked down the hall to the waiting giant. "No problem" Harry replied wanting to leave the bank as he had a lot on his mind. GripHook walked Harry over to Hagrid, "May your blade stay true and your enemies fear your name." Harry said as GripHook finished the goodbye "May we fight together for wealth, women and glory."

"Hey Hagrid, did you know my family?" Harry asked as they strolled out of Gringotts. "I reckon must of the people 'ere knew your family." Hagrid replied as he pointed down the street that was beginning to get crowded. "Why would all of these people know my family?" Harry wondered as they passed by Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour. "Let's stop in here, the goblins carts always making me dizzy." Hagrid said as they walked to a table outside the parlour.

"Why am I the last of my family, as the goblin told me, and what do you know of this scar?" Harry asked pointing to his forehead. "That scar Harry is the reason for you being the last of your family." Hagrid said as he leaned towards Harry, whispering. "You see, shortly after you 'ere born, your family was attacked by a dark wizard. The dark wizard was a powerful one, terrorizing our land and such, your parents, good people, always stood against him. When he-who-must-not-be-named attacked your family, your parents tried to protect ya, but he was just too powerful. But you Harry, somehow defeated him. Only you and he knows what happened in your room that night, but one thing is for certain, you stopped him, ending his reign on the world. Just about all wizarding world knows about that day. Harry, I reckon you are one of the most famous people in our world. People started calling you the-boy-who-lived as no one else survived the killing curse but you. That scar on your head is the proof of what happened, everyone 'ere could recognize that scar a mile away. " Hagrid leaned back in his seat and opened a menu trying to decide what to order as Harry was trying to put all the pieces of what Hagrid said together. "Hagrid, was the dark wizards name Tom Riddle?" Harry wondered as Hagrid shook his head, "No, enough of this spoiling our mood, we supposed to be having fun." Hagrid said as a waiter walked over to their table and began taking their orders.

Harry and Hagrid got out of their seats and began heading to the shops to gather the school supplies on the list. The streets now becoming more filled with Witches and Wizards as the morning was beginning to fade. Harry started patting the hair on his forehead down, making sure his scar was covered. They soon arrived at their first store Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. "Alright Harry, in you go" Hagrid said as he stood outside the shop, unable to enter because of his size.

Harry walked into the shop seeing clothing, threads, cloth and needles all moving together in harmony. Harry stepped up to the counter as he waited for the plump, well dressed witch to finish her task. "Here for your school robes" she asked seeing the boy's age. "Yes, three black dress robes" Harry stated as he followed her into a dressing room. As a tape measure came alive from out of her pocket a piece of parchment and quill hovered behind her. "Name" she asked as the quill was recording the tape measurements around Harrys chest. "Harry Potter" he said as he watched the tape measure still for a quick second. "Welcome back to the wizarding world Mr. Potter" she said as she introduced herself "I am the owner of this establishment Madam Malkin" as she reached out her hand and Harry took it and brushed his lips against her knuckles, "A pleasure Madam Malkin" Harry said.

As they headed from shop to shop and more items got crossed off the list. They only had two more places to go. Harry needed a wand and school books. As Harry hauled his first year school books up onto the counter, he vowed to himself to comeback and peruse the shops aisles, as his eyes caught many book titles that he would soon purchase. Harry was most surprised at how many books were about him, how we slayed a dragon at the age of four, saved a princess at the age of 5. But the book that surprised him the most, was the one where he met merlin at age 8 and they together saved the world. "15 galleons 12 sickles" the cashier said as Harry reached into the bottomless money bag and thought of an amount of gold as 16 gallons appeared in his hand, as he handed the gallons to the cashier he headed out the store.

Harry and Hagrid walked up to a shabby shop with gold letters peeling off the side as they were just able to make out the sign, Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C. Harry entered the store as Hagrid said he needed to finish up some last minute errands. Harry noticed the dark stuffy shelves as he looked around for the owner. "I wondered when I would be seeing you Mr. Potter" Harry heard a voice that sent shivers up his body. Harry turned around and saw an older man looking at him, the older man headed deep into the shop opening and closing boxes as he went. "Seems only yesterday that your mother and father were in here buying their first wands" The shopkeeper said as he grabbed a wand from a box. "Here we are" he handed the wand to Harry, as Harry waved the wand in his hand, as boxes flew off the shelves, scattering around the store. "Apparently not" the wand owner said grabbing the wand from Harrys hand as he headed back deeper into the shop.

"Perhaps this I wonder" Mr. Ollivander said to himself, picking up a wand as walked back to Harry. Handing Harry the wand Mr. Ollivander whispered "curious, very curious. I remember every wand I've ever sold, Mr Potter. Every single wand. And it just so happens that the phoenix, whose tail feather resides in that wand, gave another feather. Just one other. It is curious that you aren't destined for this wand, when its brother gave you that scare." He said pointing at Harry's forehead.

As they tried wand after wand as Mr. Ollivander went through his entire store. "Tricky customer" He said to Harry as he pulled a box filled with different woods from underneath the counter. "Grab the wood that calls to you" he said as Harry put his hands in the box, closing his eyes. His hand felt warmer as it brushed up against a piece of wood, Harry pulled it out and handed it to Mr. Ollivander. "The puzzle continues" The shop owner said as he looked at the piece of wood. "Follow me to the back" Mr. Ollivander said as he walked into the backroom. Harry entered the room and saw supplies overflowing from the shelves. "Walk around and pick anything you fancy" Mr. Ollivander said as he watched Harry go through his wares in the backroom. Harry finally stopped, as he looked at a basket filled with different feathers. Something was calling at to him, as he searched through the box he found it. A black feather the color of the darkest of nights. "A wand made of Yew and a feather of a thestral, interesting" Mr. Ollivander hummed to himself in thought. "Yew is reputed to endow its possessor with the power of life and death, while thestrals can only be seen when one has experienced death." Mr. Ollivander said as he measured Harrys dominate arm. "The wand will be ready tomorrow, off you go, I have much work to do now." He said pushing Harry through the store and out the door.

Harry stood outside the door to Ollivanders as he saw Hagrid walking up to him carrying a beautiful snow white owl. "I've missed a lot of birthdays Harry, this is to make up for the ones I missed." Hagrid said, handing the owl to Harry. "Owls are allowed as pets in Hogwarts, I thought you might need a friend." Hagrid said as Harry gave him a hug, "He is beautiful Hagrid thank you." Harry said as they walked to the leaky cauldron and said goodbye.

Harry walked up to Tom the bartender "I need a few nights here, and I would appreciate it if you didn't let anyone know I was here." Harry handed over the gallons and took the key to his room, lugging his purchases up the steps to the room he rented. Harry entered his room casting wandless magic locking the room with all the spells he knew. He set his purchases on the floor while he put the owl in the cage on the table next to his bed. He opened his trunk and released the cooped up snake. As Draven looked around the room at the new scenery he spotted the owl sitting in its cage. "Speaker, how every generous of you to bring me lunch to feast on." The snake hissed as he slithered towards the cage. Harry picked up Draven and begun a long conversation stating the owl was a friend not food.

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