



"All Right!"

Sakura's fist slammed into the back of Kaguya's head as Naruto and Sasuke gabbed onto her shoulders casting their Jutsu.

"Six Paths Planetary Devastation" Naruto and Sasuke screamed in unison sealing Kaguya away.

"To think that I the originator of chakra would be defeated by pieces of my own chakra, again . . . WHY" Kaguya screamed in her mind!

Naruto and Sasuke pulled their hands back revealing that the marks the sage of six paths left on their hands were now gone and had appeared on Kaguya's 3rd eye.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Back in the Ninja world far away from where the climactic battle was taking place Hagoromo was floating in the air above the destroyed battlegrounds. Sensing a change he looked down at his hands and saw the Full and Crescent Moon symbols slowly reappear on his hands.

"Hmm? They've done it" he smirked to himself "Now all that's left is to bring you all back."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The pink ground shattered to pieces before flying towards Kaguya like meteors as her Giant Truth Seeker Orb crumbled behind her. She screamed in agony as her body started to transform into that of the Ten Tails. Nine of her tails then started to stretch from her body as if to escape and took on the forms of all the Tailed Beasts she had absorbed.

With a sickening snap they broke from her body and fell to the ground as the freed Bijuu.

Kaguya now in the form of the Gedo statue after losing the Tailed Beasts struggled to get free of the rocks that were pinning her in the air. As she struggled the last remaining tail turned into a disgusting rabbit like monster that thrashed around before spitting Madara out sending him flying into the distance.

The rocks around her grew in number, more and more until her head was completely covered and she was trapped inside.

Laying on the ground not far away was Black Zetsu, he was hiding in his mothers sleeve along with her severed left arm.

"I guess it can't be helped" he sighed to himself as he looked up at the moon forming above him. "I'll just have to start over and work on Mother's next resurrection."

"That reminds me" Naruto spoke as landed in front of Zetsu with a big smile "you don't like being separated from your mom, right?"

"D-damn you" Black Zetsu stammered out in panic.

"I haven't forgotten you. Hiding in the shadows and creeping around all this time" Naruto said while giving him an evil eye.

Naruto grabbed Black Zetsu and ripped him off of the black receivers that trapped him in place and threw him up towards the seal.

Zetsu screamed as he was pelted by rocks and buried along with his mother.

"It's over" He though completely giving up all hope.

"No it's not over yet my child" a soothing voice spoke inside of his mind.

"Mother" he squealed in delight "is that you!?"

"Yes Zetsu my son it's me."

"Mama I'm so sorry I failed you, I should have killed those brats long ago. If I had done that none of this would ev-"

"Quiet Zetsu we don't have much time we haven't lost yet."

"What do you mean?"

"Even though the seal is suppressing me I can still use my abilities before the seal is completed, which will give us a short window of time to teleport you to another World."

"So you can free me!"

"Yes the seal is focused on suppressing me and you are only being held by it's leftover power. If I use the tiny bit of Ten Tails chakra that I still have inside me it should be enough to let you escape."

"That's great Mother once you free me I'll go into hiding again and start a new plan to free you, no matter how long it takes!"

"No that won't work we have less that 15 seconds before the seal is complete. if I move you to anywhere nearby by while those two brats are so close to me they will sense it and go to kill you."

"T-then what are we going to do."

"Instead of simply sending you to another dimension like the Lava one or to back to the Ninja world I'm going to rip open space itself and send you to a completely different world."

"A different world!?"

"Yes a different world. I have no idea where you will end up or what it will be like there, I can only make sure you land somewhere with life so you will have to be careful."

"I understand Mother I won't fail you this time" Zetsu said with determination.

"Good I believe in you now go."

Before Zetsu could get another word in he felt a strange pressure all over his body before everything went black.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hagoromo returned back to the pure lands and silently watched Naruto and Sasuke finish their battle. He couldn't help but smile a little when he saw that Naruto's ideals and optimism won out over Sasuke's brutality. He was finaly ready to stop watching over the world and to truly move on to the afterlife.

Before he passed on though he wanted to take one last look at the world he watched grow for over a millennia. It might be broke and full of violence and hatred but, it was his world and there were truly amazing people living their who were fighting to make it a better place. While he was enjoying his peace he felt something strange a small ripple in the fabric of space. It was extremely faint but, being someone near the level of a god he was extremely sensitive.

In his 1,000 years he had never felt anything like this. So before he moved on he decided he needed to find it's source.

Following the ripples Hagoromo quickly found where it came from and when he did he could help but frown. They led him right back to Kaguya's new seal, worried he carefully checked every inch before he calmed down after making sure Kaguya didn't escape. However that only made him frown more if his mother was still trapped then where did those ripples come from?

After investigating a little longer he discovered what actually happed. before the seal was complete his mother managed to send Zetsu out.

"This isn't good" He thought to himself. He used up the majority of his chakra to appear in the mortal world and share his power with Naruto and Sasuke during the war. He didn't have enough left to go back and let them know that Zetsu escaped.

Taking a second to calm down Hagoromo found his next course of action. Before he could make a plan he needed to find out where Zetsu was sent. Following through the small crack in space that Zetsu left he arrived at the void between worlds.

Hagoromo was shocked he didn't actually think his mother would send Zetsu out into the void.

Even though his world already contained many different dimensions it wasn't everything. The Ninja world was like a group of bubbles floating in a bathtub with their universe only being a small part of the larger whole. Hagoromo activated his Rinnegan and found the direction the Zetsu sped off in.

It was extremely easy to follow his because he still had his corporeal body which was why he cracked space while leaving the universe.

The only way to travel between worlds was by using the power of a god and Hagoromo's Rinnegan was exacly such a power. After flying through the void for several years he finally came to the world where Zetsu was sent.

Following Zetsu's trail led him to a planet in the largest dimension of this universe. He was led to a small island country on the planed but, then the trail stopped.

He looked around assessing this new world and how much of a threat Zetsu could pose by being allowed to roam free here. This world had humans just like his old one, however from what he could see they were all ordinary mortals with no chakra or special abilities at all.

Hagoromo wasn't sure how he felt about that, a world with no power meant that Zetsu would find it very hard to find a way back to his world let alone revive Kaguya. However that also meant that he would have free rain to do whatever he wanted in this world with no one being able to stop him.

Before he could continue with his thoughts he felt a strange burst of energy. Curious he followed it to its source.

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