
Harry Potter and The Kingdom of Magic

John gets reincarnated in the world of Harry Potter. He is well aware of the plot but because of his existence various variables are created, can he find his way to the end? He is also determined to enjoy his life but can he do it? And what is the Kingdom of Magic? Join my discord by the link: https://discord.gg/qhExQTnTg5 Restarting...

Krishna_9373 · Bücher und Literatur
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The Three Wishes

John was reading Harry Potter fanfic when he heard the thunders and lightning in the sky. He was disappointed because the story had stopped right after the death of Voldemort. He had read almost 100 fanfics based on Harry Potter some complete, some incomplete while few dropped. He was frustrated by the fact that after the death of Voldemort, very few writers would continue the book.

He was also disappointed by a few plots in the fanfic as they would show Dumbledore as an ambiguous person who had a dark side while I agree with a few points, they showed how he did not check Harry's condition for 11 years. Well, he was not an author but an avid reader so he never criticized the authors as they would feel hurt and would stop writing (that's what he thought). Still, with a grumpy face, he got up and started working on the project that the company had given him.

He was a 28-year-old bachelor who had graduated from Harvard University in Finances and completed the external degree in computer science from Oxford University. He was an introvert which led to a lack of friends and no girlfriend. He was currently working in a Microsoft company. He was working on a new project that would revolutionize the world.

After completing the day's goal, he shut down the computer, and when he was switching off the button, a bolt of current passed from him to the ground.


John opened his eyes and found himself on a bench facing a beautiful fairy.

John: Where am I? Am I dead? Who are you?

Messenger: You have a lot of questions even though you've read so many fanfics and novels on reincarnation and transmigration. As for your questions, you are in the reincarnation plane and yes you are dead and will be given a chance to reincarnate in the world of Harry Potter. As for my identity, I am the messenger of the Goddess of Reincarnation.

John: Ok, But can I get my wishes or some golden finger before reincarnation?

Messenger: Yes, and you would get three wishes, and depending on those wishes you would get your life style that means the more powerful the wish is the less good your lifestyle. So state your wishes and I would interpret and reduce some if it goes beyond a certain limit.

John: Would I get my memory of my previous life retained?

Messenger: Yes, but everything here happening now would be forgotten except the three wishes and the lifestyle.

John: My first wish is to get a Grimoire of rituals with every ritual in it that can be created according to my will. The second wish is to be born in a house of pure blood with an innate talent. And my last wish is to get a system.

Messenger: Well, you have asked a lot, your second and third wishes do not cross the limit but the first one has so I will put a limit to it. You would get the Grimoire at the age of 7 and the rituals that you create would be ranked and accordingly, its materials would be determined. For example, the higher the ranked ritual rarer the materials required. And according to your wishes, your lifestyle is determined to be low, but since I put on some limitations, it would change to average. Your family would be part of 28 Sacred families but would be in mid-level status-wise. Beware because of your existence there may be some extra things than what in reality has to be.

John: Thank you for your help.

~St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries~

Matron: Come on Mrs. Carrow just a little push and the baby will be out.

Jessy Carrow: Yes, Matron I am trying my best.

Waaaah! Waah! Cried the baby

(John: Where am I? Why are my hands so small? Who is she?)

Matron: Congratulations Mrs. Carrow a cute boy has been born.

Jessy Carrow took John in her hand.

Jessy: You've got the eyes of your grandfather, so your name will be John which used to be his.

(John: It turns out that I am born in Carrow Family although there is no mention of this family in the books I read but still it was mentioned in one of the fanfic and it seemed to belong to the grey faction.)

Matron put me down and my father had just pushed open the door of the ward. He was happy to see me. He then discussed with my mother about our safety as Death Eaters were still there and he believed that Harry was not born yet i.e., Dark Lord was not yet fallen as it was still April month and Harry would be born in July. They decided to put Fidelius Charm on our home and made his dad our secret keeper.

He finished with the procedures and then we went to the castle in the carriages which were driven by Thestrals. John was able to see them, he thought it might be because of the reincarnation as he witnessed his death.

Hi everyone I am writing this novel for the sake of myself so there will be mistakes but if someone wants to take the initiative to proofread my novel then they can comment on their email and I will contact them. The Discord server link will as well be provided very soon

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