
Harry Potter and Dreams Lost

The Universe was born once. Actually, it was born a lot of times. An infinite amount one could say. Enough times to fit a metaphorical infinitely empty egg. The Multiverse was born a single time...maybe, but that's all a moot point if a bored Eldritch amalgamation is a little too bored. Luckily, a cyborg named Thomas found her a little replica world for her to play in. Let's just hope not too many creatures go extinct. /* A non-serious Harry Potter fanfiction. No set upload schedule as of yet. Almost all characters belong to J.K. Rowling, except a few Oc's Might be harem(TBD), and if I can figure out tags Please don't sue me. */

RunningOnJava · Bücher und Literatur
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25 Chs

I'd rather not say some explicatives [A/N]

I had hope. Hope that this heavily biased website would hold on some hope for me. Some hope that I would be able to use it without much hassle. It appears I am to be wrong. Webnovel, for some unknown reason, has stopped people from seeing chapters past 10 if people don't have the app. As such, I will continue posting on here, but also on other websites (Probably Scr*bble Hub)

Links to be provided: https://www.scribbléhub.com/sériés/561864/harry-pottér-and-dréams-lost/

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