
Harry Potter : Ancient Magic

[A Harry Potter fanfiction] Adam is someone who possesses the memories of his other life, now he is in the world of Harry Potter, and is the heir to an ancient and wealthy family. His quest for power and affinity with magic will intertwine with the plot of the main story. Will he go against dumbledore? Unravel the ancient secrets of Hogwarts? Follow Adam as he pursues his own dreams and influence in the world. DISCLAIMER : I do not own any characters other than my OCs. The cover photo is not mine either.

Guryon · Bücher und Literatur
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10 Chs

First Steps

I was lying in the tub, the water was relaxing my body, it was a really great feeling, I didn't remember that taking a bath was so good.

In that relaxing moment I began to make plans for my future. It may sound like an unrealistic dream, but I would accept nothing less; I had been given this opportunity and I would not waste it.

I wanted to master magic, in a unique way, to have my name written in history, not alongside the greats, like Dumbledore, Flamel, Voldemort or Grindelwald, but above them.

Because I knew the magical world from a perspective outside of the characters, I knew that the world was filled with other magical cultures, with unique teachings and philosophies, and distinct ways of seeing magic, and using it.

One of my plans was to study all these cultures and their magic, and to make my own understanding of Magic. But there was one step I had to take first.

I focused my gaze on the brush under the sink, and wished it would move. I felt my face heat up with blood from holding my breath, and I gasped for breath. Still nothing happened.

I was being naive, wanting to control magic so quickly. But I didn't give up, it was only one failure, I knew there would be many more ahead.

After I finished my shower, I went to my room and put on some clean clothes. I knew that the sooner I learned to control the magic in my body, the better my gains would be, childhood was always a great time to start something.

I was sitting under the carpet with some objects in front of me. There was a pencil, a small ball and a glass.

With legs crossed and eyes fixed on the objects, my vision alternated between them. I chose my first target.

The pencil was lighter, so that's what I focused on the most. However, I didn't know if the material could influence it, so I kept trying with the other two.

For the next few days my life was reduced to this, I would wake up, take a shower, eat, and spend the rest of the day in front of objects. The only thing that changed was the location, sometimes I stayed in the bedroom, sometimes in the living room or even in the backyard.

There was nothing else a four-year-old child should do. Because I had a satisfactory level of language study, I was free of these classes, but there were still etiquette classes, where I learned how to behave in different places, from eating to walking. Charlie was my teacher, which made everything easier.

The classes were only once a week, so I didn't waste much time. Besides it was interesting to learn these things, it was something new to me so I liked it.

It wasn't until a fortnight after my first blanket event that I got another result.

I was in my room staring at the pencil, unblinking, but nothing was happening.

Move lapis idiot'' I shouted.

Then I was paralyzed, the pencil had moved, it had been pushed several inches away.

'' I got it '' I smiled as I realized what had happened, so I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself and understand what the key point was. The answer was screaming in my head, it was the will, the emotion.

In the moment of anger, I let my feelings flow, and this influenced my magic. With that in mind, I started trying to externalize my feelings, during practice.

At first it was difficult, but less than a week later, I was able to control the pencil of my own volition. It was not an accident, or a moment of outburst, it was under my will.

I was really happy, my eyes got moist and a silly smile didn't leave my face, this was a big step for me, it was the real beginning of my journey into magic.

From that day on, I began to focus on this ideology, of using feelings when trying magic.

Time was like a dream, it passed by without us realizing it. Soon it was a year since I recovered my memories. In that time, I haven't stopped doing magic one day.

Just after a week of my first controlled magic. I managed to stabilize my power and was able to control small objects whenever I wanted. At first it was tiring, and it increased my hunger.

But this was good, because I learned something new, whenever I exhausted myself magically, and recovered, either by sleeping or resting, my power increased the next day. so I understood that the source of magic in my body was like a muscle, and by exercising it to exhaustion, it recovered better than before.

With each passing day I improved my control and familiarity with this power. The control was essential, it allowed me to force my will on something with more ease and objectivity. Soon the size of the objects increased, and so did their numbers.

I went from just making them go up and down, or push and pull, to making them spin, or speed up, or whatever movement I wanted. The magic was becoming an extension of my will, becoming more and more a part of me.

Now I could do simultaneous things, and even leave eye contact without ending the magic, I could make something come to me without even looking at it as long as it wasn't too far away.

Time for a new step' I muttered. I understood that I needed to increase my training, but I lacked theoretical knowledge.

I left the room, and looked for Uncle Charlie, who was in the living room having tea and going through some documents.

"Uncle," I said approaching me, "there's something I want to show you.

At first I would go all over the house trying to get the pencil to move, but after I started getting more solid stuff, I stopped being exposed and started staying in my room more. I preferred it that way, as I had less chance of being interrupted.

Because of my seclusion during training I knew that Charlie had no idea of my current level.

Charlie dropped the documents and turned to me, waiting for me to show him what I wanted.

I saw his face show confusion for a moment, before it changed to shock. All around me, all the lighter items in the room were floating, without colliding, they were clearly controlled perfectly. After I felt that enough was enough, I returned them all to their places of origin, not even an inch apart.

"Merlin's beautiful beards" he said still in his coke, "that's... magic without a wand".

His words pointed to the heart of the matter. Such magical control for a child was something absurd, but the biggest point of this was that it was all done without using a wand.

I knew that he needed a moment to absorb, so I waited.

"How did you do that?" he asked, still incredulous

'' training.'' I said, but saw him frown and continued explaining.'' ever since my first magic accident, I have been trying to control my magic, well this is the result after more than a year of daily training.''

A five year old, with that level of control and no wand ...'' he murmured thoughtfully. then a smile broke out on his face he looked at me with red eyes.'' that's amazing Adam, your parents would be proud. i am proud''

I nodded in agreement. I knew very well what my results meant.

Charlie wanted to know more about what I could do, so I explained how I could already control my magic to a certain extent that I could exert my will on objects.After explaining some more, I decided to address my goal.

"Uncle, I love magic" I said with a serious face, making sure he understood I was serious "I want to be the greatest magician in the world

Charlie was surprised to hear my statement, but he saw my serious face and seemed to understand that it was not just a childish dream.

"That's good," he said, "having big goals forces you to give it your all.

I nodded in response and continued, "Actually, my advancement has stabilized. I feel that I lack theoretical knowledge, so I came to ask for some books.

After I spoke I waited, I didn't know if he would accept, after all there were some homes even of witches, where the child was not allowed to use magic too early.

But to my surprise, he quickly agreed, "All right, tomorrow I will personally bring you some books. In the future you don't have to be afraid to ask for something, remember young master, all this is yours. I am only managing it temporarily, and serving as an advisor if necessary.

I knew that, but I was just a kid, so I understood that I should seek permission to do things.

Now tell me, do you already have a plan for this quest of yours for power?

'''Just an initial plan.''' I said sitting down on the sofa in front of me.''' After I get my initial theoretical base, I was thinking of getting to know other places with other magical cultures.''

'' ohh'' he seemed surprised by my approach.'' interesting way to think, and when are you planning to take this trip ?''

I thought for a while before making a decision. I needed to have something solid, about some kind of magical theory, only then I could understand the points of other cultures. If I threw myself into another magical culture without having any other culture as a base, I might miss something important.

I need to see my progress with the help of the books first, but maybe in two years,'' I said, trying to read their expressions.

'' two years ... '' he muttered.'' well, just let me know first, so I can prepare better.''

I hugged him and ran to my room happily. Now it was time to take my second step, the theoretical world.