
Harry Potter: A New Path

Darkness was all Harry has ever known, first, it was the cupboard, now an underground lab. As Hydra slowly but surely eradicated all his mental barriers a strange blue box became the salvation for the older twin. !AU,!Marvel Crossover,!Twin to BWL,!Alive Potters.

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51 Chs

The Gala! Part-1

{Slytherin Dormitory, Hogwarts, Scotland}

{12:24 PM, 30th Oct 1991}

Life was not good for one named Harry Potter.

Or Hector Jackson for that matter, Harry had gotten used and finally settled into school life, although he sometimes wished he could just clone himself and sent a fake double to all these boring classes, he still felt relatively good about his year thus far, he wasn't going for assassination missions every other week, he didn't have to train anymore to keep up appearances as he would never forget any of his training due to this system thing.

No, what he didn't like was this letter that just arrived in the morning, he liked the Tonks, they were good people, what he didn't like was to be forced to do things that he didn't like, this gala for example.

'''Hello Hector,

I know you asked to not be contacted when you are at Hogwarts but you know the Britain magical society is very small and the expulsion of Evan Selwyn and his friends is a widely gossiped topic, I know we aren't your parents and we know that you don't like being restrained but we would like if you spend the Halloween with us. Edward would be at Hogwarts to pick you up and help you select a dress robe for the gala tonight. Tonks threatened me not to tell you but she misses you. See you tonight.

Andromeda Tonks (née Black)'''

Harry sighed and changed into a pair of jeans that he bought last summer and a plain white t-shirt with white sneakers as he made his way out of his room, he laughed internally at the Slytherin students trying and failing to hide the disgusting looks they were giving him, he liked playing with the house, it was one of the many forms of entertainment that he had created for himself during his short stay in Hogwarts.

"Do you know any gala that happens to be tonight?" Harry asked Daphne as soon as he saw her.

"Yes, the Potter Family Gala, it is the only gala that happens tonight, no other family actually dares to do anything on Halloween anymore," Daphne said, Harry gave her a questioning look so she continued, "Charlus potter wasn't the heir to house potter, his older twin Harry Potter was, he died during the night Charlus Potter defeated the Dark Lord, or at least that's the official story, anyway, there are many theories about how Charlus Potter survived the killing curse and the most leading one was proposed by Madam. Diane Royer, claimed that the other potter twin sacrificed his life thus saving Charlus Potter from the unstoppable curse, anyway, nothing was ever confirmed as the Potters are a reclusive family, they just hold two galas every year and outside of the Winzeamot that's where you can find them." Daphne stopped as she noticed my blank face, I have gotten used to dropping my gamer's mind thus I had some sort of expression on my face, whether it be one of casual amusement or plain curiosity, so seeing my blank face after so long must have startled her.

She paused for a bit before continuing, "Even though nothing was ever confirmed the speculations continue to stay because of this very gala, the Greengrass are among the few neutral families to be invited so I'll see you there I guess," Daphne finished as various questions emerged in her mind. She had been trying to find something about the enigmatic boy for quite some time now but this was the first piece of news that had drawn any sort of reaction from Hector.

Harry on the other hand was frowning internally, many of his thoughts were clashing as he tried to process all the information that he had received till now, "When was the gala first held?" Harry asked Daphne.

"The first Potter Family Halloween gala took place in 1982, but it was a small affair, only a small group of families took part in the very first few iterations of the gala but in 1987 the gala was opened to all of the light families and some of the neutrals, from then on the gala became famous as reporters started streaming in, a grieving family does make for good publicity..." Daphne explained the whole story and then in the end tried to make fun of the Potters discretely hoping for some reaction but Hector's face never fluctuated.

'I give up, for now, he won't give anything away right now, although I should keep a close eye on him during the gala maybe then he would slip up and reveal something...' Daphne thought as they came to the Great Hall, her expression soon changed again as she noticed Edward Tonks waiting by the door, and then he waved in their direction.

"Hector, let's go we need to get the dress robes or we will be late for the gala," as the muggleborn wizard took Hector away, Daphne watched both of them leave, another piece of the puzzle named Hector Jackson appeared in front of her which she didn't know what to do with.


{Potter Manor, Untraceable, Somewhere in Ireland}

{08:00 PM, 30th Sept 1991}

The fireplace of Potter manor flashed green for a moment as Harry calmly stepped out of it, he took a moment to stabilize as three more people took place next to him one by one, the room in which they had just arrived was like a muggle living room, bare the T.V, the room had a couple of couches, a rug underneath covering almost half of the room. But Harry's gaze was fixed on the couple who were greeting guests, there were a couple of people ahead of him so he patiently waited and gazed at the redhead woman that had appeared to have manifested straight out of his memories, although she looked just slightly older.

"Ready to meet everyone, Hector?" Tonks said from beside him and Harry stopped staring and looked at his cousin.

'huh, maybe it was fate after all...'

"Yeah, let's go" his face going into a blank mask again Harry stepped foot into the Potter manor, for the first time after a decade...


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