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Lesen Sie den Roman HAPPY ME FOREVER des Autors Ahiamadia_Helena, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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The Afton family and five night at freddy's

Hayley Afton is the twin sister of Elizabeth Afton the younger sister of Michael Afton the older sister of Chris Afton daughter of William Afton and Mrs Afton Hayley die after her younger brother die her and eliz and their mum went to funtime luna and circus baby pizza world for their little cousin birthday that day her cousin went bye Funtime Luna and she was about to take hayley cousin so hayley not wanna him to die she ran and jumped in the way of him and Funtime Luna took her everyone said she went missing that day but really she was dead and was the leader of the funtime's.. This is not real this is just a story.... funtime luna and circus baby pizza is just what i made up funtime luna that is the luna of the funtimes is the animatronic i'm am she is not are part of the real five night's she is just what i made up in the real five night's circus baby is the leader of the funtimes but this is my made up world where in the five night's funtime luna aka me is the leader of the funtimes and the pizza is called funtime luna and circus baby pizza world aka sister location is not in five night at freddy's one but i maybe put them in part four or part three with the toy animatronic.. dark luna is my other animatronic made up not in the real five nights at freddy's one... this is my Au where I'm an Afton I have a Au where I'm a Emily and that story will becoming soon!! just An au not my real au

hayleylovesfairy · Teenager
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24 Chs

Exponential Regeneration

Michael Vanhelsin wakes up everyday to monotonous repetition of the cycle, the daily grind. Today he wakes up to a change. The introduction of magic. What was once fantasy has come to reality, but not all is good. For everything good, there has to be something bad to balance it. Introduce the Elves, you get the Dark Elves. To be more accurate, the Corrupted Elves. Introduce the Dwarves, you get the Corrupted Dwarves. You get the gist of it. Turns out, every Human on Earth has awakened a skill unique to them, unique to their individual personality and habits. Michael, he wakes up with the potential to do everything he ever wanted to do. Now to see if he can put it to good use. (A/N) Terrible at giving general descriptions. This synopsis is not good, not clean nd generally crap. Oh and, I tend to lose interest in doing things really quickly, hence my motivation to write will also be equally shitty. Enjoy it while I am still writing it I guess. I may change the age rating if either people complain enough about it, or if I decide that profanity and other "vulgar" stuff are too hardcore for the selected rating. Really, words are words. The kids will find out sooner or later anyway, and even if they did, most would be smart enough to try not to use it in front of the parents. The innocence will only last so long, and the longer it lasts, the greater the pain will be if they do something with the heart involved. Ah hell, what are you still doing reading this? Go read those chapters.

Dewranko · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Btari: Lelungan Ing Ati

"Keluarlah, tidak perlu untukmu bersembunyi dari Ndara," ujar Btari dengan nada yang monoton. Hanya angin yang berhembus pelan yang menjawab pesannya. Namun, Btari yakin mata itu masih mengawasinya dari dekat, dia tidak mungkin keliru. Btari menghela napas, kepalanya sedikit menunduk dengan tangan yang menyelipkan anak rambut ke belakang telinga. "Raden Wijaya atau saya sekarang harus memanggilmu Senopati Nararya Sanggramawijaya?" Ada kekehan yang lolos dari Bibir Btari saat tak ada sahutan yang menjawabnya. Gadis itu menjilat bibirnya sekilas. "Keluarlah, mari kita bicarakan beberapa hal. Bukankah akan menyenangkan untuk berbincang bersama Ndara?" Ada senyum puas yang tak coba Btari sembunyikan. Pria itu berdiri di depannya dengan postur tegak. Jubahnya berkibar pelan tertiup angin. "Ah, bagaimana saya harus memberi hormat?" Btari masih duduk di kursinya. Menatap pada pria itu tanpa rasa bersalah. "Tak perlu repot." [] Btari Jayanti Kusuma, putri bungsu Paduka Bhattra i Andaru. Seperti namanya yang berarti seorang bunga yang indah dan cantik seperti bidadari, Btari memang merupakan gadis yang menawan dan berbakat. Sebagai putri dari seorang Bhre, tentu tidak ada yang berani membuatnya dalam kesulitan. Diusianya yang belum genap 14, dia menerima lamaran dari Sri Maharaja Kertanegara. Hanya 12 purnama kebebasan yang dimilikinya sebelum menjadi salah satu selir Raja Tumapel. Bersamaan dengan itu, dia memiliki seorang penguntit, yang selalu mengawasinya. Btari baru mengetahui kebenaran orang itu saat pesta perayaan usianya yang ke 14. Mungkinkah ia bisa melarikan diri dari Sri Maharaja dengan orang ini? Story by Biru, 2021 Cover by google

Dedew298_ · Geschichte
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2 Chs

The Wings Of Destiny

In the remote village on the outskirts of a mystical kingdom, a young farmboy named [Protagonist's Name] has spent his humble life tending to fields and caring for livestock. Content with the simple rhythms of rural life, [Protagonist's Name] never imagined that his destiny held more than the comforting embrace of his village. Everything changes when an unexpected turn of events alters the course of his life forever. From a tear in the fabric of reality, a magical portal materializes, delivering a mysterious dragon egg into Adam's s unsuspecting hands. The village, filled with awe and trepidation, watches as the egg hatches, revealing a tiny dragon hatchling. With the newly formed bond between [Protagonist's Name] and the enchanting creature, his once-predictable existence is transformed into a world of exhilarating uncertainty. While some villagers fear the presence of the dragon and seek to harm it, [Protagonist's Name] finds himself burdened with an impossible choice. Caught between the instinctive desire to protect his newfound companion and the knowledge that defying the hunters may endanger both their lives, [Protagonist's Name] embarks on a journey that will challenge every notion he held about his own identity. As he navigates treacherous landscapes and encounters beings of extraordinary power, [Protagonist's Name] grapples with fundamental questions of fate, duty, and self-discovery. Will he embrace his newfound role as one of the fabled dragon riders of legend, soaring through the skies alongside his wondrous companion? Or will he choose the seemingly safer path, relinquishing his extraordinary destiny to return to the simplicity of his former life as a normal farmboy? As the world teeters on the precipice of conflict and ancient prophecies rise to the surface, [Protagonist's Name] must trust his instincts, battle his own doubts, and ultimately decide the fate of both himself and the magical kingdom. The choices he makes will shape not only his own destiny but also the destiny of those he holds dear, yielding unforeseen consequences that will forever alter the course of this captivating tale of adventure, bravery, and the transformative power of choice.

Akintondeabdrahmon · Fantasie
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