
Chapter 3 Mom says, Girls should know how to protect themselves

"Why did you jump from the second floor?" Li Fengchang asked calmly.

Little Mi Shen tilted her head, answering seriously, "The third young miss stabbed me, and I had nowhere to hide, so I jumped out the window."

Li Fengchang's eyes narrowed slightly as he stared at Mi Shen for a long time. He was very clear about the nature of the Li Family's children, whether it was those of his generation or the youngest generation now; he had personally experienced their overbearing and arrogant ways. He had moved out to live on his own precisely because he couldn't get along with them!

Although the Li Family was well-off, the house was chaotic due to the large number of people, and he found living outside more peaceful and comfortable.

Thinking about it, did his experiences and those of this little girl share a hint of commonality as people fallen from grace?

Seeing that he didn't speak for a while, Little Mi Shen pursed her rosy lips slightly, "The second young miss tried to scare me with a cockroach, but she didn't expect that I'm not afraid of cockroaches at all. It wasn't me who hit her nose; it was when I grabbed the cockroach and threw it at her that she bumped into a cabinet herself."

Li Fengchang didn't speak.

Little Mi Shen was silent for a moment and then continued, "I burned the fourth young miss's hair, but that was because she was trying to burn mine."

Li Fengchang: "So?"

"Mom said that girls should know how to protect themselves." Her answer was serious, her sweet and glutinous voice like a piece of soft candy, melting all the way into the heart.

Li Fengchang raised an eyebrow.

"May I go rest now?" Little Mi Shen yawned, her small face showing fatigue.

During the few days she stayed at the Li Family's old house, she hadn't had a single peaceful night's sleep. Now, she just wanted to find a place to sleep well.

Li Fengchang stared at her for a while and then responded lightly, "Mhm."


After taking a shower, Li Fengchang lay on his bed but found sleep elusive.

Perhaps it was because suddenly there was one more person in the house?

Turning over once again, the clock on the bedside table showed it was already one in the morning, yet he felt not the slightest hint of sleepiness, instead feeling a bit thirsty.

Deciding to get up, he threw on a shirt, opened his door, and headed downstairs.

The wall light cast a faint glow, and as Li Fengchang walked down the stairs, he immediately noticed the small figure curled up on the sofa.

Why sleep here?

Li Fengchang frowned slightly and approached.

Little Mi Shen had fallen into a deep sleep, hugging a pillow with a peaceful and serene expression on her small face. However, her delicate brows were slightly furrowed, and under the dim light, her long, thick eyelashes trembled gently; her nostrils flared as if moistened by something.

Li Fengchang grew curious and bent down to look closer before he realized that Mi Shen's cheeks were wet with tears.

Li Fengchang felt a momentary astonishment.

In her sleep, Little Mi Shen suddenly sobbed, murmuring unconsciously, "Daddy... Mommy..."

Li Fengchang's tall figure stood in front of the sofa, motionless for quite some time.

He put her to bed and covered her with a blanket before leaving, finally at ease.
