my portable player is zed age:19 nationally:American hobby:create problems or forces in a sim app on his PC and create a story out of it Gods perspective* [BORING.... why was this reality made there is nothing in it but a group of apes studying there self's trying to see purpose hah idea I'll just make someone make me something fun so....right the only one here damn portable lottery di your thing] POV Zed M×C=k÷3 (this is annoying I wish) impact and lights out to dream land Dream land filled with information installing SYSTEM*** host in critical condition sacrificing part of module to reconstruct host*** failure to merge switching*** warning host soul fractured trying****WARNING host soul is devouring system*Counter measures activate*** '-' host soul has been devoured.** forge human frame for system to create clone of host soul using SYSTEM GOD POV ['●~● That wasn't supposed to happen well he's dead. It was interesting I think I'll create another reality and leave this one] SYSTEM/ZED2 POV construction complete force assembly created to creators last preference titles: [First abandoned by god] [First New progeny] Lv:1 Name:Zeten Gender: Male(unstable DNA) Age:19 race:Symbiote(mutated)58%/Human(mutated)42% class:Nerd ________________ str:6 +14 | +0| +0 dex:7 +6 | +0| +0 con:11 +17 | +0| +0 int:16 +0 | +0| +0 wis:17 +0| +0| +0 chr:8 +4| +0| +0 SHOP +fiction +Non-fiction +roulette path of god: 0% path of demon:0% path of power:0% current goal: solidify existence reward:2 bronze tickets and 1 silver ticket
I will write about and use a lot of things and I own or speak for or about NOTHING. New to this and will try to create a good story love it if your suggestions in review will be nice refresher