
Haikyuu: The Undying Will

Just another Haikyuu fan-fiction. Drop by a little if you can.

Azezzz · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs


"Talent is useless without hard work."

I am quite fond of the quote itself and would like to believe in such a beautiful notion that emphasize greatly on the importance of 'Hard work'. However, often, reality is not that simple.

"Everyone is born equal."

Objectively, this is only true to some extent. But, in all honesty, I only see it as nothing but falsehood. The moment we are born, we are granted with either blessings or curses of life. It is merely a lie created boost the morality and invoke hope within humans who been granted with a curse they never have desired for, humans such as myself.

Talent is not entirely useless, and its significance is much grander than what most make it out to be. It does not desperately need 'hard work' just to be awaken. Sometime it just need 'work'. It is like a multiplier built into our system when we are born.

A person with absolute talent who does a mediocre amount of work can rival a talentless person with absolute hard work.

I don't mean to say hard work is not blessing itself; but, it can be stated that talent is just a much overwhelmingly better type of blessing.

Ah damn, did I just discover an inequality even in the system of blessings?

"What an unfairly cruel world we live in." I find myself sighing in the face of reality once again.

What if a person with absolute talent also harbor the blessing of hard work. I always shudder unconsciously at the thought of such monsters roaming on this earth.

In conclusion, I do not believe that humans are born equal.


I will never believe in the notion that such inequality can not be overcome.

"Everyone is not born equal. But, what truly sets the difference is the amount struggle one is willing to put in to achieve a greater height."

I just have to work harder. Become stronger. Then, I'll bring those monsters down to their knees.