
Hachiman's Erotic Life | Cote × Oregairu

When you realize the reality... "Hmm... haa... Hikigaya-senpai... Ah..." "Senpai~... the way you fell was too divine... hmm..." Nanase and Isshiki's breasts were sandwiched on either side of my head, and I was holding both of their nipples in my mouth... "Ah...sorry, Hachiman." "I took it off...I'm sorry..." Hiyori and Masumi took off my sea pants and rubbed my feet... "Wow! What is this?! Is it this big?!" "Amasawa-san. I'll let you go too, so please let me go now." ________________ Brief description - Well, it's just what you think. Things are going to get out of hands in the 2nd year! Hikigaya Hachiman was admitted into Class - 1D after his dark junior high school days, where he was bullied almost everyday. No copyright ©️ infringement intended. You can support this novel by adding it to your library, or donate power stones/golden tickets/gifts.

Kiyotaka1620 · Anime und Comics
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168 Chs

Chapter 95

"No, Sakayanagi-chan is cute, but she's disgusting."


My head goes blank when I hear Yamauchi's mutter.

However, it all happened in an instant, and anger quickly grew inside me.

(Arisu is disgusting? He says a lot of ridiculous things...!)

It's true that Arisu's movements are slow compared to normal people, but she was born with a weak body, so her movements were slow, and there was nothing she could do about it.

This was well known at this school, and even the Katsuragi faction, who were hostile to Arisu, saw it as inevitable that Arisu would not participate in the sports festival or desert island exam.

Despite this, Yamauchi spoke confidently and in a light tone where Arisu could hear.

Objectively, Yamauchi's attitude is crap, and subjectively, he insulted my lover.

When I realized this, murderous intent overflowed inside me. Of course, I won't kill you because I would be a criminal if I killed you...

(Okay, I've decided. I'll expel you from school, following in the footsteps of Kushida.)

I decided to destroy Yamauchi. I was originally planning to expel students other than Class A, but I decided to remove Yamauchi.

"Are you okay?"

As I was thinking about that, Ayanokoji spoke to me.

"What do you mean you're okay?"

"No, there are a lot of blue streaks on your forehead, and there's murderous intent in your eyes, right?"

It looked like I had anger on my face. I'm usually good at putting on a poker face, but for me to show my anger, it seems like I'm even more angry than I thought.

I take a deep breath and try to keep my anger inside.

"Bad, bad. Be careful from now on."

After answering that, I headed towards Arisu's place, and Arisu looked a little embarrassed.

"Oh, I showed Hachiman-kun and Ayanokoji-kun something unseemly."

"I don't think it's particularly ugly, so don't worry about it."

"I'll scold Yamauchi a little later."

"It wasn't intentional either, and I only fell once."

Arisu replied to Ayanokoji's words, but her eyes weren't smiling at all. She probably thinks that since she's been knocked down once, she has the right to make him fall too.

However, it is easy to imagine that Arisu intends to cause him to fall and cause him so much damage that he cannot stand up, not in a physical sense.

"So you'll excuse me"

Arisu says that and starts to leave, but stops midway and looks at Ayanokoji.

"Now that I think about it, I had something to talk to Ayakoji-kun."

"Should I leave?"

"No problem"

Arisu says so, "Class C is famous for being a close-knit class, and that's probably because Ichinose-san has earned the trust of her friends. However, I wonder if they trust her too much."

Judging from the content, it's probably the story of crushing Ichinose that she talked about before.

When deciding on the small group, they omitted Class C, which has Ichinose, and will probably focus on Ichinose from this time onwards.

Even as I thought about this, Arisu's story continued.

"A while ago, there was a rumor that Ichinose-san had a large amount of points in her possession. Even though she wasn't gambling like Hachiman-kun or rigging anyone, there were so many points that even the school was involved. I was also surprised to see that she has such points. Perhaps Ichinose-san plays a role like the safekeeper of the class?''

"Well, only the students of class C understand that. What's the point of telling me such a story?"

I agree. I don't think Ayanokoji will do anything...well, since it's about Ayanokoji, he might be trying to make it seem like he's not interested and think of a way to use Ichinose as a pawn.

"What I'm trying to say is whether it's okay to entrust their private points to someone like her. If I'm going to use the points I've accumulated, it's basically to use them to gain an advantage in special exams or to save my classmates. However, If Ichinose-san were to use it for self-pleasure, the school would suspect it to be fraud."

Well, I guess so. It's obvious that this school is worried about fraud. When I earn points, I have a teacher attend or sign a contract to avoid suspicion of fraud.

"I don't think Ichinose would use the points for herself though."

"Yes, at least you won't have any doubts now. But what about after the exam is over and you go back to school?"

I don't know about Ichinose's secret, but if it becomes public, there will be someone who has doubts about the C-class's point tactics...what kind of weakness is that?

"I'm looking forward to February. Thank you for taking the time to talk with me."

"I'll send you there."

Arisu shakes her head when I make such a suggestion, thinking that she might have been injured when she bumped into Yamauchi.

"I'll be fine just with that consideration... see you tomorrow."


After Arisu kissed me one last time, she slowly walked towards the branch where the girls were staying while being cheered by the girls.

"…As expected from God."

When I was about to go back to my room after seeing Arisu off, Ayanokoji said something like that with his usual expressionless face.

"Leave me alone. You should also ask Horikita, Karuizawa, or Sato to do it for you!"

"...Why those three?" This creep didn't even deny it this time.

So, he was really cheating on Horikita?!

"I've known Horikita is dating you for a long time, and you are also sleeping with Karuizawa and Sato seem to be interested in you."

"...Hikigaya, I assure you that Horikita and I never dated, besides she doesn't have those feelings for me, and Kei and I don't have that kind of relationship, and I dumped Sato at Christmas.''

What? They never dated?! No way, I will believe that!

But since even Horikita slept with Sudo, so there's nothing I can say about it.

And I had a vague idea that Sato was interested in Ayanokoji, but I never expected that this creep would dump her, knowing how perverted his nature is.

But I guess it's natural to be rejected.

Ayanokoji basically judges people based on whether they are of benefit to him or not.

Regarding Karuizawa, there is something interesting about her because she did not succumb to Ryuen's torture, but Sato is a small fry even among D-class.

She has little utility value from Ayanokoji's point of view, and it makes sense to dump her.

(This guy has been calling Karuizawa by name before he knows it, but is this also a calculation?)

If that's the case, it's extremely scary.

I've done a lot of things since I entered this school, but this creep, who uses even the kindness shown towards him as a weapon, is far more dangerous.

It was good because he didn't make any flashy moves or show his anger, but if he used violence like Ryuen, the bossy Horikita might have been turned into mincemeat within one semester.

"Well, whatever it is, if you have a girlfriend, you'll be happy every day."

Maybe that's why he cheated on Horikita? Because she couldn't make him feel happy? But is it really her fault, if this robot has no emotions?

Whatever, Ever since my girlfriends became my fiancé, I can't help but feel happy and happy every day.


"I see. I don't know anything about love, but it's something I don't know and I want to learn someday."

I feel a chill from Ayanokoji's words.

She said she wants to learn about her love life now, but the moment the word "learning" comes out, my head blows.

If you want to fall in love, it's normal to fall in love with someone you've fallen in love with, and there's no point in falling in love with someone you don't like.

Furthermore, if you look at Ayanokoji's expression, it is his usual expressionless expression.

Judging from this, nothing will change for Ayanokoji even if he learns about love.

If he wants to fall in love, there should be some color in his eyes.

Moreover, it is obvious that reference books are necessary for learning.

Who Ayanokoji chooses as his textbook may have an impact on future class conflicts.

Even though I was scared by Ayanokoji's words, all I could do was exhale.

Just like I thought, this guy is the creepiest person I ever met.

2 hours later...

"Good... Shall we go?"

Thirty minutes have passed since the lights went out, so I leave the room without making a sound, walk quietly down the hallway, and eventually leave the school building and head for the kitchen.

At that time, I saw someone talking in the center of the ground.

However, one of them immediately went towards the branch building, and the other one approached me, so I hurriedly hid in the shadows.

While I was holding my breath, a boy passed by. I don't recognize him, so he must be my senior.

And I think he's probably a 3rd year A or B student. Since Pres Nagumo has been in control for the past two years, it's obvious that it would be troublesome if I found out about these secret discussions.

And 3rd year C and D have no hope of reversal and there is no need for secret talks.

While I was thinking about this, I confirmed that the boy had entered the school building and headed towards the kitchen, walking quickly and trying not to make any noise.

When I arrived at the kitchen, the clouds cleared at the same time, revealing the moon and brightening the kitchen slightly.


"You've finally arrived, Hachiman-kun."

Hiyori, who was standing in the kitchen, looked at me with a smile on her face.

Hiyori is smiling with a smile that everyone who sees it will fall in love with, and her beautiful hair becomes even more beautiful in the light of the moon.

If there is a goddess, it might be Hiyori in front of me.

I slowly approached Hiyori, dumbfounded, and before I knew it, I was hugging Hiyori and devouring her beautiful lips.


On a night with a beautiful moon, the sound of saliva echoing in the kitchen of a school in the mountains.

There are two people making the sound, Hiyori Shiina and her boyfriend Hikigaya Hachiman creating lewd sounds by kissing.

(Hachiman-kun is proactive...I'm happy)

Hiyori was feeling happy even though she was tangled with her tongue.

Usually, Hachiman is passive, but this time, Hachiman hugged her and kissed her.

Hiyori thought that Hachiman was feeling loved when he aggressively attacked her, which made Hiyori happy.

That's why Hiyori tries to respond to Hachiman's love by intertwining their tongues even more violently.


Although their tongues intertwine for a while, they eventually become short of breath and stop kissing Hiyori.

At that time, a bridge of saliva was created, and the saliva mixed with each other's leaks from her lips.

If you look at Hiyori, she'll be looking up at you with a sad expression on her face and saliva dripping from her mouth.

In addition to being beautiful, it's also erotic, and my rationality is on edge.

Yesterday's Masumi was also bad, but it was a good match.

"Hachiman-kun... you're very proactive. Did something happen?"

"I can't help it. I found you attractive in the moonlight, so I just couldn't help it."

Illuminated by the moon, Hiyori was so beautiful that she could be called the goddess of the moon.

A man who doesn't fall in love with Hiyori is definitely a homosexual.

"Hehe... I'm glad to hear that from you, Hachiman-kun. You can be more proactive, okay?"

Hiyori says this with a seductive smile on her face. At the same time, I approached Hiyori again and put my hand on the zipper of her jersey.

Hiyori, on the other hand, understands what I'm trying to do and nods with a blush on her cheeks, so I pull down the zipper and take off her jersey.

This exposed the gym clothes she was wearing under her jersey. Gym clothes make the lines of your body clear and give you an erotic feel.

When I look at Hiyori like that, she pokes me in the cheek, her cheeks still red.

"Hachiman-kun. The way you look at me is naughty, isn't it?"

"Did you not like it?"

"I don't mind... If you want to continue, please do."

Needless to say. During the training camp, there is no time to spend with the three other people except for dinner.

Additionally, it was normal for me to spend time with the three of them all during the winter break that just happened, so it was pretty tough to be separated all of a sudden.

Therefore, I decided to continue.

Yesterday, I did even more to Masumi than I did today.

"Hehe Hurray Hiyori!"

Speaking of that, Hiyori cheers, so I put my hands on Hiyori's gym clothes and take them off.

At the same time, Hiyori's body wrapped in a pure white bra is exposed.

The lace on the white bra represents beauty, and the pink ribbon in the center represents cuteness, making it very attractive.

Then she pulled down her pants, revealing the same type of shorts as her bra.

I put the jersey I took off on the bench in the kitchen and looked at Hiyori. I find myself getting more excited than usual, perhaps because it's an outdoor experience full of thrills.

"I don't recognize those bra and underwear."

I live with Hiyori and the others, and we sleep and take baths together, so I'm used to seeing their private clothes and underwear, but this is the first time I've seen the underwear Hiyori is wearing.

"I bought it recently. Maybe because Hachiman-kun fondled my breasts every day, they got bigger."

"Maybe you don't like it?"

"I won't let you rub me if I don't want to. In fact, if Hachiman-kun is happy with my body, then I'll be satisfied. Why don't you take off my underwear?"

"It's okay to just wear underwear."

"Really? Then I'll take your clothes off too."

When Hiyori says this, she approaches me in her underwear and takes off my jersey, then gym clothes, pants, and undershirt, and finally I was only in boxer shorts.

At the same time, we hug each other. It's cold when the winter night wind blows, but the warmth of the sun makes it bearable.

"It feels good to feel Hachiman-kun's warmth directly..."

"Thank you. Holding Hiyori makes me feel less tired."

I can feel the softness of Hiyori's body more than before, and I feel really tired. I'm going to be tired starting tomorrow, so I really want to enjoy Hiyori's body and make sure she's in the best possible condition.

"Me too... Hachiman-kun."

Hiyori looks at me with a lustrous gaze after one section...

"Don't hold back...it's fine, okay? If you wish, Hachiman-kun...please make a mess of me."

In an instant, my rationality was blown away.

1 hour later...

"I'm really sorry"

"No...I'm the one who invited you, so don't worry about it."

In the kitchen, we bow to each other without any clothes on. Well, I guess it's both.

(But playing outdoors is more exciting than I thought)

During the act, Hiyori hid in the shadows and I kissed Hiyori as much as possible to prevent her voice from leaking out, and although she was sensitive to the signs around her, she was nervous about whether a third party would find out.

There was quite a thrill in the act.

If I get caught, I'll become even more famous, but if I don't, I'll feel great. It's definitely high risk, high return.

"Let's change clothes earlier than that."

It wasn't a problem since the act was intense, but it was obvious that being naked for a long time on a January night was physically damaging.

"Ah, that's right. Then I'll finally dress you."

After Hiyori said that, she grabbed my boxer shorts and made me put them on. I'm so embarrassed...

Although I put aside the fact that we had been skin-to-skin before, I surrendered to Hiyori and put on my gym clothes.

At the same time, Hiyori moves away from me and looks up at me.

"I've finished changing. It's Hachiman-kun's turn next."

When she said that, I swallowed my embarrassment and picked up Hiyori's shorts, slowly putting them on.

It's obvious that it would be dangerous if a third party saw it.

I pulled up Hiyori's shorts and helped her put them on, paying close attention to make sure there were no people around.

Then, after holding the bra in my hands, I went behind Hiyori and fastened the hooks.


At the same time, Hiyori lets out a sigh. I was shocked by Hiyori's erotic breath, so I moved her body so that we were facing each other and gently hugged her.

"what's wrong?"

"It's too bad. I suddenly felt like being spoiled."

"Hehe, then I can't help it."

As if Hiyori can't help it, she smiles full of compassion, wraps her arms around my back, and hugs me back.

I've hugged her many times already, but she never seems to get tired of it and makes me feel happy.

If it's true, I'd like to stay like this for another two hours, but unfortunately it's early tomorrow, so I have to finish it soon.

I put a lid on my regretful feelings and quickly moved away from Hiyori, grabbed her jersey and helped her change into her clothes.

"Okay. Let's go back now."

"That's right. I think I'll catch a cold if I stay too long."

Well, I was naked for almost an hour.

Well, yesterday's encounter with Masumi was okay, so it's probably okay.

We held hands and walked towards the school building. Slow down so we can be together for a little while.

But eventually the time will come to say goodbye.

We finally arrive at the main building where the boys are staying. Hiyori is not allowed to enter the main building, so we say goodbye here.

"Well then, Hiyori. See you tomorrow."

"Yes...Ah, I have a request for you, Hachiman-kun. Could you lend me your jersey for the night?"

"I don't mind."

While saying this, I took off my jersey and handed it to Hiyori, who happily hugged my jersey.

"Thank you. See you tomorrow..."


Hiyori kisses me softly on the lips, then hugs my jersey as she walks in the direction of the branch building.

After confirming that Hiyori was out of sight, I entered the school building and walked towards my room, being careful not to make any noise, but luckily I managed to get into my room without meeting anyone.

Then I go to bed, cover my body with the futon, and close my eyes, but the passionate act I had with Hiyori still haunts my mind, and I can't shake the feeling of happiness.

"Well, it might be good on occasion. If I have the chance, I'd like to do it again."

After muttering that, I relaxed my lips and waited patiently for the sleepiness to set in, and before I knew it, morning had arrived.

"Huh...now, I'm going to sleep too."

Hiyori holds her breath as she enters her room. Sleeping sounds could be heard from all directions in the room, and there was no sign of anyone awake.

Of course, Arisu and Masumi, who saw Hiyori off, are no exception.

She took off her own jersey and put on Hachiman's jersey. When she wears it, she feels as if she is surrounded by Hachiman, and she realizes that she feels happy.

"...Good night, Hachiman-kun. I love you..."

Hiyori muttered as she looked in the direction of the main building and slowly closed her eyes.

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