

The All seeing eyes of god are aritifact that the celestial being Riga El Menuhyut chose humans who will see the truth of the world. Though largely a mystery, the eyes are a prime artifact, even to the creatures of the Alterworld, and are incredibly valuable. Thus, many people will attempt to obtain them, no matter what it takes. Eve, one of the holders of the eyes is tired and used to the bizzare event here in Hellsalem's Lot. A city who borderline between human world and spirit world. She was tired from running away from many people who wanted plucked her eyes which means her death and Eve has a lucky day that she was sucked into another world called Treyvat were Gods still walked with humans. Watch Eve discover the truth of this world.

Fuyusaki · Videospiele
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6 Chs

Ch 2

In a early morning.

Eve stopped to looking at the night sky that changed to dawn, do her usual routine at the guest room that Diluc insisted yesterday she should stay here for a while.

The head maid showed her the guest room that looked very homey to her and the bed looked fluffy but Eve was uncomfortable to sleep in such a fancy bed than she used to.

'Well it doesn't matter to me that I don't know how to sleep because the night sky is so strange here...' The white haired girl thought as she looked into the mirror and fixed her bandages.

Then she changed her red cloak into a black one with a red wing on the left shoulder side and a sun word that her father gifted her on christmas to matched his outfit as a santa then Eve went outside as she jumped down out of the window. (The Santa Karna cloak to be honest)

As she landed on her feet to the ground Eve looked around at the field of grapevines and noticed from the distance on the east coast are monsters who camped here near the manor that made her feel uneasy that made her feel the rush to eliminate them but someone voiced her behind her hold her back.

"There you are."

The white haired girl looked behind her as Diluc standing few metre's away from here and looked at her with his tired eyes that seemed Eve wondering If this nobleman stayed up all night outside.

"Good morning Diluc." She greeted him while Eve doesn't looked away from the creatures that camped near the Winery and the fiery haired man looked a bit curioused then look at the same direction and recognized that the monsters are camping here again.

Diluc sighed. "Annoying little pests to think they are here again..." Then he looked at her as she walked further the camp and wears her shiny red boxer glove to beat the crap out of them, "Eve? What are you doing without a weapon? It's too dangerous! Come back here! I will take care of them!" The red haired man yelled at her and tries to stop Eve but he is tired to move, only watched her.

She continues to walk as the white haired girl said to him while she clench her fists the creatures noticed her and rushed at the girl who smelled some divinity on her to attack, "Even without a boxing bag. The man's fists are truely infinite and even those goblin like creature some used it to I presume and don't worry I am far capable as you think."

Then the goblins and Ice slimes tries to attacked her while the shaman goblin summons rain however her movements are faster than them that Diluc barely see her punch as light red and light green beam flames danced on the air as Eve punched them with his wided eyes.

Diluc is amazed how fast the bandaged eyed girl threw hard punches to the pests that disappears faster than he was usually doing it on town but narrowed his eyes that she doesn't wear a vision on her that he assumed she is an outlander who came in Teyvat and she called the Hilichurls 'goblin' a term he never heard of.

'However, she save Moco back then and for exchange for reward history books though most people would ask mora than some books but I would not suprised now why she would ask but now what gain would she have to attack the monsters? I don't know her intention and wonder why she hide her eyes covered in bandages...'

Unknown to the man, a little girl in red stood beside him watched also the whole spectacle and was also awed how the bandaged eyed older girl punched with pretty flames that surrounded her.

As she finished the last enemy looked at him and noticed someone small, a child who looked at her with her excited red eyes which Diluc didn't noticed her yet.

Eve recalled her distance memory about Nursery onee-san also wear pigtails when she was in her human form while the girl's hair is short though and light blonde hair.

'I miss Chaldea...'

Then the girl run after her that the red haired man noticed her now in surprise and knows who it is.

"Klee?! Watch out Eve!"

The energetic girl called Klee jumped in her arms as if she wanted to hug Eve who was frozen at this girl's action and her arms automatically warped at her welcomed hugs leaving a wided eyed Diluc who was also surprised at Klee's action.

The child smiled up her as she began speaks to her while Klee still clings to her, "You were so awesome stranger! I was amazed how you beat the monsters with your fist that's shoots fire beams at them! I want know how you do that, please teach me pretty please!"

Then paused and added. "I forgot to ask your name, ms. Sun. Can I also know your name?"

Eve blinked and looked at Diluc that also curious about her fighting style and also wanted know a thing about her then looked at Klee who waited for a response of her.

"...Well when you are older I can teach you maybe since I am not sure how I am going to teach you because I learned it from father and my family so I must apologies. My name is Eve. Eve Fujimaru."

The all seeing eyes of god holder introduced herself to the elf-like child who looked a bit sad but it was short time and gave her a bright smile at her while Diluc has an headache what and why the child is here but know that she caused trouble with her obsessed bombs.

"Klee... Why are you here? Don't tell me-"

Klee cut the red haired man off while she looks innocent but didn't work as she looks nervous.

"U-uh, I want to try out the new bombs yesterday that I worked on and wanted to test it out but Klee was caught by Master Jean again then told me that I should stay with Diluc since she was busy like a grown-up she is."

Eve looked confused why a child make bombs during her early age and was impressive to use on open area with no people then looked at Diluc for an explanation.

He sighed, 'Klee is a knight of favonious here in Mondstadt while she is still young. Her mother taught Klee about bombs and gunpowder during her young age. The knights need an eye of her because her love explosion caused trouble everywhere."

Then Diluc muttered under his breath that the white haired girl still heard him. "How is the knights' still useless to watch over a child but its Alice child what we talking about."

'Huh... A mini berserker like Paul Bunyan who loves to cut the trees for the people...'

A smile perked up on Eve's face that Klee still looked at her and thought her smile is like a sun despite her white skin it's really pretty and was curious about Eve's eyes as Klee's hand want to reach on her face but the light blond child's stomach rumbled loud that everyone were silent only the wind breezed on the field.

Eve chuckled and Diluc grunted as acknowledge that Klee is now hungry and the child covered her face at the white haired warrior's shoulder in embarrassed.

"We should get inside to the manor to eat some breakfast which Klee I presumed skipped it and also discussed where I should put you to work here, Miss Fujimaru."

The man told her while Klee whined about she wanted to play with her new toys until Rei says something that made her happy.

"We sure we do, and please call me Eve like yesterday without the miss please I am still 16. Thank you very much. Also can I use the kitchen please? I haven't cooked for a long time and wanted to adjust this world as I can. When I am done making breakfast, Klee how about I will tell you about some excited stories that I travelled with my family so far?"

"Really? Awesome!" Klee let Eve go and sprinted to the manor while they are still behind her as they made back to the Winery.

After Adeline let Eve cook the breakfast with an approval from Diluc and Klee watched the white haired girl make food she didn't recognized.

"Eve what are you cooking?" She asked Eve that still watched the flatbreads to be cook in the pan and flipped on the plate also watched the breakfast soup

"Curry chickpeas soup with flatbreads." The bandaged eyed girl answered her question.

Klee tittle in confused what this 'Curry chickpeas soup with flatbreads' dish actually is and what it tasted like when Eve heard her thoughts gave her a sample out of the soup with a little piece of flatbread.

The child in red tasted the sample and her eyes were wide as if her mouth exploded various flavours that the light blond girl barely descripted this wonderful taste that she never had in her live and the red haired man watched curious at her what this soup taste like as he leaned at the wall then mused this peaceful event.

"Delicious! My mouth just exploded on this wonderful taste! Eve- No Mama Eve can I please have some more?" Klee asked at her that Diluc frozen as she called her 'Mama Eve' on this short meeting and the white haired girl chuckled at the hyperactive child.

'It seems I am going to be like archer Emiya it seems...'

"Sure but we should eat together because it taste much better." She told her then Klee rushed out to the kitchen to the table as she carries the basket of bread and Diluc helped her to carry the pot.

Klee was waiting impatient about them as they started to eat the soup. Diluc sat beside Eve as she munched the soup and Klee eating carefully the soup in enjoyment then he looked at his plate of this strange soup he never heard of. He slurped a bit to taste of this soup and the nobleman was surprised that this simple soup is tastier as it looked like.

"This outlander's food is very tasty." He said while Klee looked at him with her wide eyes and look at Eve.

"You came from another world Mama Eve?" The child gaped at her and Diluc cursed mentally he spoked out loud then also looked at her in worry that Klee founded out from his mouth.

Eve sighed and nodded as responds while the child looked at her with big eyes then cheerfully said.

"You said you telling me about stories about your family and your worlds that you travelled so far? That's awesome! Albedo never told me about his home and was rather focused on uh... alchemy because some his memories are stolen by a powerful person."

She really wanted to hug this child of innocent but Eve looked wary at the red haired man, "So how did you found out that I came not from this world Diluc?"

Diluc cannot blame her reaction about he knows that Eve is not from Teyvat and showed her his vision, "That because you used your pyro without an visions that would we also called 'God's eye' and that you are not familiar in Teyvat means you are not from here."

Eve looked down to her empty plate as Klee and Diluc looked worried about her then she shacked her head as she recalled that Chaldea and Libra needed a cool head about this strange situation.

"You know what? I don't care what your guys thinking right now and also Diluc," She turned her head at him, "I still need to know what my task is."

The fiery red haired man coughed a bit and thought what task she was suited for then had an idea.

"How about this, you task every day is telling children and adults stories in Mondstadt in daylight while on evening defeat every monsters outside as you can is that enough of you?"

She nodded then Klee jumped down and grabbed her hand as the child shoved her out of the manor to be her guide in Mondstadt, while Diluc sighed and followed them to leaving the empty plates to the maids.


"Welcome to Mondstadt, The city of freedom, dandelions & wine!" Klee announced to Eve while she still holds the older girl and dragged her into the city. The knights greeted them as they recognized Klee and Diluc that they guided the traveler this city.

"Come on, come on! We needed to go to the cathedral up there! Your gonna be suprised at this view!" Then the light blond haired girl let her hand go and sprinted up to the church while leaving Diluc and Eve behind.

Eve looked around at the city as she follow the child and the fiery red haired man sighed as they needed to climb the stairs.

'This sure looks like a mixture of france and germany here...' She thought while a boy with aqua eyes with a thoughtful look watched here as the white haired girl stepped in this world and something about her make him thinking he would followed them quietly to the cathedral.

Sometimes later a golden haired boy wearing in black clothes as stepped the city with his small travel guide Paimon and the town guide Amber a knight of this city sensed something familiar but its not his lost sister then also go to the cathedral.

As the three plus the bard finally made to the cathedral. Klee waved cheerfully to girl around her age to come to join in.

Nora rather wanted to play alone but she was also curious what kind of story that this white skinned girl is gonna tell and noticed the bard that usually comes here to tell the old tales as he also curious what she gonna do.

Eve clapped her hands gain their attention as she begin to tell the story that they never forget.

"This is a real story... of love and hope." The white haired girl paused then continued while Diluc listened carefully along with bard who sense her to be human and parts of a god.

"This is also a story of a distant World," started Eve. "A future where life can be modified by humans hand. A future where people playing Gods have become a norm.

A future where people have realized that they're no longer alone in this world."

No one spoke a word.

Klee and Nora listened with their wided eyes while Diluc and the bard breathed heavily followed by a calm tanned man who dresses in blue that came shortly as he saw the red haired man and the small child.

"One day, a man who have conquered a battle of lifetime decided to counter-attack the doomed end. By using his connection, money, and his title as a survivor from the said battle, he build an organization. An organization whose purpose solely to preserve humanity and protect it from any anomaly that threatened its existence.

The organization called Chaldea Sercurity Organization.

But that's not enough. They need someone. Someone who is kind and sincere at heart, yet in the same time untainted by the impurity of the world.

Yet, how? How can they find someone like that?

Yes, they making them as 'God' has become a norm, it's not weird if they decided to 'make' them from scratch rather than finding the required people." She told them but there was this story of Love and hope she spoken off? Maybe its just the beginning of this story.

"A life that had golden heart and pure intention, yet not knowing about the world at all.

A gentle, lovely life that felt indebted with the humanity, simply because they are the one who created her. Because they allowed her to live, even though she can't give them anything. She believed to the deepest of her heart that was fated to fight since young, and died before her dream came true.

But its not her ending yet nor was for everyone else who fighting for mankinds future that stood behind her afterall she still is the shielder who stood to the front to protect humanity and her senpai aka. my mother Gudako Fujimaru until Mash Kyrelight stopped breathing."

Eve smiled at them with countless meaning of her smile and noticed from the distance a boy with long braided hair jumped down as he used the wings to glided down to the market that relief her a bit then also looked the boy with glowing blue hair on his braided tips who looked at her to continued her story sense him that he has the same aura like a god but continued.

"My mother and Mash went several singularity that does not exist within Chaldea's recorded history basically in to the past. After all they cannot contact to their present time because it was cut off and she was the only one who bear humanity on her shoulder not only her. the remaining Staff surrived the sabotage that enemy placed on them..."


"...This was the first part of this story and see you guys tomorrow to their next part." Eve waved at them as they leaving crying over a tyrant who was like a red rose and the people cannot wait tomorrow.

Klee was amazed how Eve's mother still struggles to save mankind in her world but no one remembers their effort and was sad about that but she at least will remember this wonderfull story.

Diluc didn't know how hard Eve struggels to tell everyone the story however she doing it that everyone will remember here in teyvat and grew a new respect to her, while the tanned man was moved of her tales and wanted to know about the mysterious white haired girl in shining black/red cloak and the bandage that covered her beautiful eyes he wanted to show her eyes.

The bard was quiet about how this outlander's world still struggles to save their world and humanity there was 'nope not gonna be happen we still suriving like we humans are', also wanted to know about her to who shrouded in mystery around her.

Then Chaos came as a dragon-like bird summons storms and heavy winds around Mondstadt then the golden haired traveler was sucked up there that the bard dissapeared to help him for helping Dvalin at the future.

While Eve protected Klee with her body, Diluc and the tanned man with eye patch nodded each other then helped the girls to evacuated to the headquarter of favonius.

Unknown to Klee, Diluc and the tanned man called Kaeya that introduced her with his charming soft voice at the plaza.

Eve's eyes glowed through her bandage as she witness a boy that looked familiar to her fighting a dragon who caused the storms in this city.