
Guild Master Management

Issac Rupeltz is half American and half-Filipino man that lives his life as a designer of dungeon and dragons map and locations, due to a traffic accident he died that day, and later on, he finds himself that he was on the middle of nowhere, the grassland with bountiful soils and trees, when the dragon suddenly flies mid-air, he later now knows that he was on the magical world.

Acegin_ · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Chapter 1: The Grasslands

Author: This is an English novel; I hope you have a wonderful day when you read this.

*Swoosh* the sound of wind sfx

*Moves his hands to cover his face*

 Isaac able to feel that there's a gentle wind touching his face, He slowly opened his eyes and found himself lying down on the tree, he was confused and his head hurt so much, gently moves up and the migraines suddenly attacked, he grabbed his head remembered everything, he was driving at work with the mini's and map that he works for in the dungeon and dragons, but suddenly a traffic accident occurs when a flying car suddenly hit his car, the migraines just suddenly get intense when he wanted to remember it so he just stop and decided to look at his surroundings, he finds himself in the grasslands and this tree is the only tree in the grassland,

*Standing up*

 He feels that his legs are wiggling noodles, and all of the strength in his body is like an old man in his 70s but he was only 23 when he died, when he completely stands up, the panel shows up to him, because of the sudden appearance it scared him and stumbled to some root tree and fell.

*argh* he said

 "What the!?" he looked at the panel and it said only one thing, " Who are you? You're not supposed to be here?" he was so shocked at what he read, he stood up again and tried to poke the window panel, then the panel itself sends a message and said," Don't poke the panel or else your finger will cut off"

 He immediately hesitated and just said to the panel," Where the hell am I?" Then the panel sent a shocking emoji, and said to him," Oh! That's right! you're a lost soul, that escaped from the boundary between worlds,"

 Then the migraine suddenly hit and he said," What the!? Again! What's happening to me!?" When he is about to lose consciousness he can read on the panel," Your soul and body are now adapting to this world, but welcome to the world of Gila, Lost Soul" 

*He Collapses*

*Somewhere in the God realm*

 Someone is rushing at the front door and suddenly barges in, she suddenly kneels and begs for forgiveness," My lord, I'm so sorry that I let a trespasser, invade your favorite world" She inhales and exhales to smoking pipe, and respond," Don't Be, I am also bored of what will I going to add in this world because this world of mine is doom to be destroyed after all,"

 The attendant asked," My lord, is it because of the difficulty that you bestowed on that world?" Then she just smoked again and said," Yeah, that world is supposed to be a guinea pig world after all, I just try the worst difficulty in that world, for entertainment but you give me something good, due to his past life that I see on his head, I believe he's skilled in managing am I correct?" The attendant suddenly released her notepad and began to report," Yes, my lord, he was a dungeon and map designer in his past world, I believe he can be great in management" 

*Inhale and Exhale in the pipe*

*Smoke all around*

 The attendant saw a world in the smoke and said," Fun" The attendant suddenly saw this and looked at Her Majesty, she was smiling because the pipe of prophecy said that it would be fun then interesting, " Alright then let me give this to him, I think this will be a wonderful gift to him, and you had him some several tasks to manage that forsaken world, I wanted to win the deal to the other constellation you see" 

 The attendant stood up and replied," Yes, Your Majesty" Then the attendant ran again and headed to the office, while the majesty smoked in the pipe again and said," Don't let me regret it, Isaac" 

*Back to Isaac*

*he wakes up again*

 The migraine is gone, and he thinks it was only a dream, but he feels the grass again, he sees that it is already evening, so he stands up and looks for shelter to survive in the dark, and he discovers the tree itself has a hallow like a figure, he gets inside of it, and sleep for the night. 

*sunrise comes*

 He wakes up due to the piercing beam of the sun, he sees that he survived the night when the panel suddenly shows up again, the panel shows up with words attached, he reads the description of the panel and it says," Lost soul, for you to go back to your world, you need to obey this mission that I'll assign to you do you agree" 

 He immediately agreed because he wanted to go back, then the following on the panel," The Supreme Being Tessa, The Goddess of Entertainment, the one who created this world decided to let you live to her beloved creation, for you to return you need to pick this three categories of the mission.

 The first category - Guild Creation, he thinks carefully before he picks he says to his mind," Guild Creation? Are you kidding me, a management mission?" then he read the second category - which is becoming a prophet and spreading religion, He whispered to his mind again," Now this mission wanted me to become Jesus or Moises and such" then he read the third category - is saving the world and becoming a hero," He just smirk and said," Now the third one is the one that I always read in some sort of novels"

*Isaac thinks very carefully*

*Inside thoughts*

 "If I choose the Guild Creation route, then it will become a management game that I saw in other games, if I choose to become a prophet then I'll become like other prophets in my world, like Jesus and the 12 apostles, when I choose the hero route then it will just become like the hero will save the world at what cost? sanity? damn this is hard, if I wanted to live and come back home I need the most safety and I insured that I'll come back home, well Guild creation is great it will only be mental and also some strategy, so I'll choose this" 

 "I'll choose the Guild creation" Then the panel suddenly turned red, and said to him," Wise choice" Then the panel suddenly distorted after a few minutes, and he was shocked that if he chose something more dangerous route, then the distortion has finished and the panel said," Thank you for choosing the Guild Creation, with a hell difficulty, congratulation for the first achievement - Guild Master, the following bonuses of skill will be shown - "

 When the panel is just in the middle of the speech he grabs it and says," What the Fuck did you say! Hell difficulty!? Are you fucking kidding me!? Why Guild Master!?" Then he was zapped by the panel and said," It's your fate lost soul, let me finish first or I'll just reset your brain and start again" 

*Sits immediately*

 He's just silent and begins to listen to the panel," The skill that has been given to you by the supreme being Tessa, is the following, 1. Creation of Subordinates and Guild Buildings, you can create a subordinate for manpower and buildings for shelter but only inside of the guild, 2. Help and Question, When he looks at your memories this is the same as the help desk in the mall that you always roam to and ask for help similar to customer service, 3. Online Shopping, I'm not going to explain this because it's already common sense. If you want to know the full details of the skills? Say help" 

 Then he said," Help" Then the panel began to explain what he wanted to hear," The panel just left a sigh and insulted him and said," You're a dumb soul, aren't you? alright, I'll explain this to you nice and slow, First is the creation of subordinates and Guild Buildings, this skill is utilized like a management skill, you can create subordinates for manpower using sacrifices, also the buildings you create need a sacrifice some resource to be created, but only inside of the guild building because this building is the same as a mall on your memories that has so many stalls inside,

 Be warned, the more features that it will have the more sacrifice it needs, what sacrifice? it needed a soul, and a freshly killed body it can be an animal and such, for the creation of buildings you can edit the buildings in the editing mode, and the supreme being Tessa able to see one of your memories so that you can design the building interior and exterior, it also need materials to do, like if you decided all wood then you need wood for materials.

 Second, the Help and Question, is only limited to 5 questions and 5 help every month it will be reset if the question and help only can be answered, this is also like the customer service in your world if you want to ask questions and want help, lastly, the online shopping, the supreme being Tessa has a glimpse that you loved to online shop, so she gives it to you as a bonus, so be thankful for her majestic pity to you, This skill able to buy something unordinary, because you can buy and sell materials to other worlds, is there anything to clarify?

 He asked the panel and said," Is there any monster in this area?" The panel said to him," Yes, but beware use your wits and survivability, because only inside of the designated guild will you create that you're invincible or unkillable, but you still don't have even a Guild Buildings so you're like a newborn cub, so supreme being Tessa give this to you for you to survive" 

*a floating gift box suddenly shows up*

 He opened the gift box and it only contained, a ration for 1 week, water for 1 week, an axe, and a few pieces of medical equipment, the panel said to him," Your first mission in this area is to establish a domain, basically the area where the guild building will be held, the reward will be a portal to Easy difficulty", He asked the panel," What do you mean portal to easy difficulty?" The panel said to him," The portal to the overflowing world that has this kind of difficulty, basically you need to cull them down like weeds in your backyard, this is your main quest but the side quest is to build 1 building and 1 create subordinate, we will reward you the item box skill, failed to that is only one thing, Death!" then the panel suddenly disappear, Then he said to the panel," Fuck You!!" 

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