
Guardian of Faith

Book Title: Guardian of Faith

Author: Ahce Darato Torres

Pen name: Rirry Qi

Date Published: (coming soon)

Book Status: Ongoing

Book series no. 2



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No part of this book should be reproduced, distributed, and transmitted in any form;

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This book should not be translated in other languages and published in other sites without prior knowledge and proof of permission from the author, Ahce Darato Torres.


1. Direct quoting a few lines from the book for critical/ literary reviews;

2. Direct quoting a few lines with right credits to the author/ references, and;

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This is a work of fiction.

1. Names

2. Characters - portrayals, description and detailed characterization

3. Business Ideals - products, details mentioned and process description

4. Settings - locales, imagery of scenes and scenic visualization

5. Events - celebration, ritual events, incidents/ accidents

6. Story Plot Sequencing - Chapter Conceptualization

Are either a product of the writer's unfathomable imagination and/ or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual entities (a person; living or dead/ mythical creatures, animals, and supernatural beings) and all of the things included above are purely coincidental.


Story Description:

Her name was written in ancient historical books, depicted as the most dangerous existence who marveled the martial-arts world. She who possessed immortal cultivation, boundless treasures, infinite space and unparalleled endowment. Cresencia, the guardian of death, witnessed the remarkable evolution of the world. But in her eyes death was mirrored; torment, betrayal, misery, resentment, sacrifice, and condemnation filled the galaxies with mystery.

Her sentiments were chained in blinding darkness. She knew from the start that her duty was only to summon souls of the dead, repenting evils and desultory spirits. As she walked through planes she accidentally saved an innocent child and this simple act of kindness freed her from the time curse. One day she woke up as a mortal being bound to experience human desires and discover the secrets of finding happiness.


Co-author(s): None

Editor(s): None

Translator(s): None

Country: Philippines

Region X: Cagayan de Oro City


Writer's Social Media accounts (you can follow, DM, or support me through and negotiate about the book);

| Facebook: Rirry Qi (Ahce) |

| Instagram: Ahce Darato Torres | @rirryqi_ahce |

| Tumblr: Ahce Darato Torres Blogs | @rirryqiahce |

| Twitter: Ahce Darato Torres | @RirryQ |


| Letter to the Readers |

Dear Readers,

Greetings to my beloved readers. I just want to thank all of you for giving this book a chance to be heard. It has been a while since we started The Guardian series and now we're about to venture the second book.

I am very pleased to know that all of you joined me and Cresencia in our little guardian adventure.

I wish all of you a successful year.

Love lots,
