
Group Chat Para Dewa

Autor: Byz_Bayana
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What is Group Chat Para Dewa

Lesen Sie den Roman Group Chat Para Dewa des Autors Byz_Bayana, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Goo Adalah seorang siswa populer di sekolahnya banyak banyak siswi siswi yang menginginkan nya dan mengidolakan nya. Tiba tiba Goo mendapatkan pesan aneh di handphone nya yang mengubahnya bisa menjadi...


Goo Adalah seorang siswa populer di sekolahnya banyak banyak siswi siswi yang menginginkan nya dan mengidolakan nya. Tiba tiba Goo mendapatkan pesan aneh di handphone nya yang mengubahnya bisa menjadi dewa dan memiliki kekuatan untuk menghancurkan alam semesta dia bertemu dengan dewa kera(Sun Wukong) Dan menjadi saudara dan menjadikan Dewi bulan(change) wanita nya. ikuti gimana petualangan Goo untuk menjadi dewa

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You! Yes, You! Let's Go on an Adventure!

###.youtube.com/watch?v=wbJLQIDB_e0 Let's go on an adventure; Just take my hand and you will see. Let's go on an adventure; One just for you and me. We can pretend that we sail till the end of the ocean blue. Following a map, 'til we find the final clue. Let's go on an adventure; Just take my hand and you will see. Let's go on an adventure; One just for you and me. Way out in space, I imagine there's a place. We could fly up to the stars. Maybe meet an electric man from Moon. Let's go on an adventure; Just pretend and you will see. Let's go on an adventure; One just for you and me. It's more fun when we share The dreams we have inside There's just so much to do Let adventure be your guide! Let's go on an adventure; Just pretend and you will see. Let's go on an adventure; One just for you and me. (P.S. Heya, first-time author here, I'm writing this just for fun but I will put a disclaimer here that there will be no crossovers with other franchises at all... so no system, no out of setting powers like sharingan or such and DEFINETLY no characters from other settings other than One Piece. OC will probably be tied in as I do not intend for the mc to join any existing crews. I will try to reason why these characters did not exist in canon and tie them in the plot of One Piece as smoothly as I can. There will probably be no romance so no harem too. I will try to follow the spirit of One Piece world to the fullest so there will be no nsfw scenes that are not there for comedy purposes nor would there be any explicit grim stuff. For example: slavery is ok but rape and pillaging are either only barely implied or there are an offhand mentions here and there.)

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Will of An Absolute

What exactly makes a person qualified to stand at the peak? It is Talent? Wealth? Backing? Intelligence? Techniques? Luck? These are what people normally think that makes you able to strive to be the strongest, but reality is far from that. What you need is Will. The will to be the strongest no matter what hardships you face. The will to uphold your promises and suffer the consequences. The will to isolate yourself from your peers. The will to catch up to the others even when you're left so far behind. ____________________________________________________ (Joke Synopsis) Final boss: "Foolish mortal, daring to court my woman. You little insect!!" Most beautiful woman that somehow fell in love with mc: "Run away *insert name* forget me and have a peaceful life with your 1983993 other wives yet I still somehow love you!" Mc: "Don't worry about me. There is no danger for I have the Legendary Heaven Defying Ultimate Superior Void Emperor God immortal Armor aka Plot Amor! " Final boss while being sucked into the plot amor and formed into energy for mc: "IMPOSSIBLE HOW CAN YOU HAVE THAT LEGENDARY ARMOR I'VE BEEN SEARCHING FOR AGES! Jokes aside I don't have a regular release schedule so yeah sorry about that. You're more than welcome to criticize the novel so I can further improve on it in the future. But I also don't deal with criticism very well so please be gentle on the words lmao. First time making a novel without basing it on other novel's worlds or story. And lastly I hope you enjoy this story. Thank you readerss!!!!!!! Tags will be updated in the future if necessary.

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