
Grim: The Despised Saint of Life

He was merely an orphan that lived in isolation due to being a bringer of misfortune. Lost and distraught unto his fate, he cried and despaired alone. But he met her and the moment he reached out to her hand, his life began to enter the season of spring. The memories they made was reminiscent of the heat of summer. Intense and unforgettable, the blinding ray of light made him forget who he once was. She held his hand and it brought warmth to his palm. Yet that's also why, the moment she let go of his hand everything was lost and his hand cooled down. The season of beautiful lush green leaves, was dyed in red enveloped his eyes. "Live...! Don't... ever give up... on your... life...!" Years passed and he continue to brave the icy storm of winter that froze his heart from within. Will this season ever pass? When all hope was lost he was given a chance. {I believe I could grant you a wish.} He was tasked to save another world. Together with the 5 Miracles he delved into world of swords and magic. Where angels, demons and dragons where no longer a fantasy. There was a puppet that sought for redemption. There was also a fool who seek for acknowledgement. A sinner who wished for forgiveness. And a weakling who desired to be the hero. However there he was, A crazy nobody who just wished to remember. The face of the one that held out her hand when he needed. ............... .......... ..... I wish to relive those moments that made my heart skip a beat, so I take up this quest. I wish to see that face cloaked in my memories, so I held this holy staff. I wish to see that smile that brightened my world, so I wore this cursed ring. I wish to remember that name, so I chose to fight. Even if the world grew to hate me, I wouldn't care. Even if the world abandon me, I won't give up. Angels may sing in sorrow, demons may howl in anger and dragons may roar in fear. This is no legend of a great hero nor a mythical ascension to godhood. This is merely a struggle of a crazy guy, who wish to escape the cruelty of fate.

Ori_Gin_Lazywriter · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Spring has long passed

Spring has ended and summer has passed as the leaves began to fall and sway in the wind.

The dawn of light has come and painted the world in a reddish hue. In a particular corner, the light of dawn peeked out behind the curtains of the dimly lit room.

Click~ tap~ tap~

This miniature world of darkness with only a small light from the computer screen was a haven for a certain someone.

Tap~ click~ click~

Ever since the day that day happened, his life grew increasingly darker. The hope that that person affirmed as genuine was nothing but a lie after all.

And so he seeked for salvation, in his small world of darkness, he escaped the harsh and cruel truth of reality.

Ring~ Ring~

The monontonic ring of his phone resounded beside his mouse. The hand that gripped the mouse was released and it reached out towards the phone.

"Hmm.., who could this be?..."

Kageyama Akashi's hoarse voice resounded in the room as he picked up the phone. He answered the phone with an unknown number and placed it near his ears.

"Hello..." Akashi answered with his hoarse throat as he turned his body to grabbed a bottle of water near him.

"Hi, good afternoon Kageyama Akashi-kun this is your homeroom teacher Okashima Tohru."

A call from a teacher. One might feel quite an amount of tension if such a situation occur to them but Akashi does not appear to be nervous in some way.

"Ah.. Tohru-sensei what's the matter?"

"Um.. it's like this Akashi-kun, the second term is about to start but... We still haven't computed your grades because um... you still have not passed the 5 exams... But don't worry other than those 5, the school will not disturb you for some unnecessary things... So... Um..." The homeroom teacher on the phone's voice quivered as he try to enounciate each and every word with caution.

"I get it. I'll go after class."

Akashi spoke with calm and interrupting the teachers unnecessary blabber. The teacher was then left speechless in the phone as he tried to gather his courage to speak but hesitatingly affirmed his reply.

"Uh.. then could you go to the student council office after class."


With that, Akashi dropped the call and leaned his body in the desk. He stared at the computer screen in front of him as he muttered a few words.

"Student council office huh,.. what a pain."

He placed his hand on the keyboard as he began to play with a lacksaidal expression in his face.

Only the memories that that person left behind remained as there was nothing but him in his world. Now he's back to what he once was, so why let him taste it. The savor of happiness that he indulged himself was now long gone.

The spring that gave him life has ended and the summer that made him those memories is about to pass. Autumn is coming.

Where leaves fall and the life of spring is vanishing, where the surroundings began to gradually cool down.

So how will he brave the winter that is about to come to him. The much more harsher and colder season that stained the world with snow and ice.

Will his spring come. After he endure this agonizing winter that will gradually kill him from inside.

* * * * *

Step~ step~

Kageyama Akashi entered the gates of the school with heavy footsteps. People frequently glance at him as Akashi passed by them.

"Hey isn't that Akashi?"

"No way, the rumored Akashi? For real?!"

"Who would have thought I get see the fabled The 'Dead'. What a shitty luck."

"Come on, let's fucking get out of here!"

Akashi walked the hallway hearing those words crystal clear in his ears. He didn't bother refuting their words, after all he's appearance truly is unsightly. Literally.

Messy hair, lifeless eyes with dark bags underneath coupled with his sickly pale complexion. He's back hunch greatly with his knees bend as he walk with wobbly footsteps.

Definitely the epitome of a negative appearance. If one were to to ask for more specifications, then it's best to describe him as a zombie in flesh.

With his hands in his crumpled pants he made his way to the student council office.

Akashi faced the door of the student council office and with a deep breath and turned the knob. As he entered the room what greeted his eyes were two good looking guys. One in a slightly elevated podium and one in a chair at the right with a laptop on his desk.

The guy in podium has a fairly good complexion of neither too dark or too light. The guy has a relatively muscular build but not to burly as he sign a bunch of papers in his hands. He had this wise and mature but sly vibe in him.

On the other hand the guy in the chair has this stiff and strict face him that looks very serious compliments his fair looks and eyeglasses. His build is average but the way his hands press keys non-stop gave him some highly intellectual vibe.


"Sit for the time being. The others have not arrived yet."

Before he could speak a word, the guy in podium glanced at him and gestured with his hands towards the chair in the left.

Without a word , Akashi proceeded towards the chair and sat there for minutes before he heard a slight disturbance outside the door.

Akashi could hear some audible sound of some shouting outside. He suddenly heard the guy in the glasses sigh and grumbled some words.

"Seriously if that guy slams open the door again, I'll.."


"Yo pres!"

A guy slammed the door open in a brisky fashion as he spread his arms side as he greeted the student council president.

"Tone it down."

"A primitive monkey will never understand your words, pres. Save your breath."

The guy in the glasses said as he subtly raised his glasses without looking towards the newcomer.

"Huh? What did you say?!"

The guy who entered had a relatively small stature of about 164 cm but the way he waltzed towards his seat looks very intimidating.

The guy has this oval shaped face with his pale white skin which in contrast to Akashi is much more pleasing to look in the eye. The guy has this long eye-lashes and and silk white hair. His face may induce envy from a lot of girls but this guy was a very intimidating person as he gave a domineering aura around him.

The intimidating guy strode towards his seat in the right and plopped down with his back leaned on the chair and feet raised up high on the desk.

He raised his head to look around the room and eventually his gaze landed towards Akashi as he raised his eyebrows. After a second or two he turned his eyes to the seat beside Akashi and asked the class pres.

"The hell?! Where's Ryu? That Riajuu getting chummy with his harem recently... Tsk."

(A.N.: Riajuu is japanese slang commonly used by otakus in referring to guys with a good life.)

Akashi who held a phone in his hands as he tapped his finger played quietly a game. Akashi remain quiet the whole time as he focused his eyes on the phone without blinking.

Just as Akashi neared his high score, a commotion suddenly rang out and jolted Akashi as he tapped wrongly and losed the game.


A quiet inaudible sound came out of Akashi as he turned his eyes towards the door. The door gently opened and what greeted his eyes was an overly handsome guy with a girl latched in his arm.


Akashi heared the intimidating guy tsked in his seat.

A blonde and well styled hair with a perfect sharped jaw and sharp eyed guy made some gestures towards the pretty girl in his arms.

The guy has this lean toned build as he cupped an apology to the girl with a smile in his face. The girl blushed upon seeing that smile and nodded with a faint smile as she walked away with a blissful smile in his face.

"Even my secretary couldn't resist that guy charm..*sigh* just when will this guy stop."

The student council presidemt said as the ikemen guy entered the room with a nice smile in his face and walked towards Akashi's seat.

(A.N.: Ikemen is a japanese abreviation of handsome and cool guys.)

"Eh?! Is that Floppy Birdie?! what a high score! My name's Shouko Ryunosuke mind if I seat beside you?"

Akashi stared at the ikemen guy in silence however the intimidating guy was instead flustered as he thought.

'W-wow his ikemen zone is now on use, will his invincible charisma moved this guy as well?'

The intimidating guy thought of it but shook his head as he stared pitifully at the ikemen guy.

Akashi quietly turned his eyes back on his phone as he starts a new game and ignored the ikemen guy.

The ikemen guy scratched his head awkwardly as he walked towards his seat and gazed around the room.

"Now, now Prodigy sit down, I'll start the examination a few minutes later." student council president said as he gestured with his hand towards the seat near the ikemen guy.

"Ayo~ King! Also long time no see Boss, Genius!"

The ikemen said as he greeted the intimidating guy and the guy in the glasses. Then his eyes turned towards Akashi as his eyes plastered this annoying sincere and nice smile.

"And nice to finally meet you, Kageyama Akashi, the 'Dead'"

Hi Readers of Grim: The Despised Saint of Life, I am Ori Gin Lazywriter and I would like to thank you those who have started to read this humble novel of mine. Feel free to criticize my work as you deem fit but please attach some explanations as to why it is so to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

Take you for the support..

Ori_Gin_Lazywritercreators' thoughts