
Grim's Fables

Every happy tale has it's shadows. Every good, it's own version of evil. These are those evil's. Those monsters and those stories that haunt your every waking moment. From GrimsCorner comes a collection of horrifying and thrilling fables about monsters, demons, ghosts, and ghouls, all in the forms of short stories.

GrimsCorner · Horror
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The Butcher

In a desolate town, deep in the heart of the forest, lived a man who was shrouded in mystery. He was known to the locals as the "Butcher," a man who had earned his gruesome nickname from the blood-stained apron that he always wore.

The townspeople whispered of his savagery, of the screams that echoed through the forest at night, and the terrible deeds that he had committed in the name of his dark obsession. But despite the warnings, there were some who were drawn to the Butcher's twisted ways. They were captivated by the stories of his brutality and stupidly longed to witness his savagery firsthand.

One night, a fateful one indeed, a group of idiots who called themselves thrill-seekers decided to pay the Butcher a visit. They made their way to his cabin, deep in the heart of the forest, and knocked on the door.

The Butcher answered, his eyes cold and calculating. He was exactly as the fools dreamed he would look like. His blood-stained apron exactly as dirty and ill-scented as they imagined. The Butcher looked down upon them with his cold gaze, wondering all the different ways he was going to show these band of dummies a good time. Eventually, he beckoned them inside, and they eagerly followed, their hearts racing with excitement.

But as they entered the cabin, the thrill of this idiotic adventure soon turned to terror. The walls of this wooden, recluse cabin were lined with tools of torture, all stained and dripping with the blood of his past victims. The air was repulsive, staining the boys' nostrils with a stench of death.

The boys contemplated turning back and running away, but they soon came to find that once they had entered this temple of darkness...there was no going back. The door was locked shut. The Butcher led them to a room at the back of the cabin, his breath heavy and shallow, and as they entered, they saw a sight that would haunt them for the rest of their short lives.

The room was filled with bodies, their flesh ripped apart and their blood splattered across the walls, the ceiling and the floor. The Butcher turned to the boys and grinned, his eyes wild with madness.

"You wanted to see my work," he said, pulling out different tools of violence from behind his back. "Now you shall witness it firsthand."

And with that, he lunged at them, his tools of torture glinting in the dim light.

The group fought back, but it was no use. The Butcher was too strong, too skilled in his sadistic ways. One by one, they fell to his blade, their screams echoing through the forest. And as the night wore on, the Butcher continued his gruesome work, relishing in the terror that he had wrought upon his victims.

In the end, there was nothing left but the Butcher and his twisted obsession. And as the dawn broke over the forest, the townspeople knew that they had been right to fear him, for he was a monster, consumed by the darkness that lurked within.