

Introduction: Twist of Fate


"It always seems impossible until it's done."

This quotation from Nelson Mandela rang in my mind as I read the mail that the Admission Committee of Harvard has sent me. I was almost lost of breath, and everything was still wistful even after reading the letter for the nth time. It was as if being the Speedy Reader of the class when I was in preparatory school was not enough because I still couldn't completely digest what this letter contains for me.

"Okay, Candice, one more time." I convinced myself. "Your research about telomeres was one of the best researches in the 2019 Research Colloquium, you were given an award for that, and this shouldn't be a surprise for you!" I sighed. My brows furrowed at my brain for being completely disobliging of my current dilemma.

Actually, I know what this letter is all about, it's just that my mind was just not ready to accept it. This letter was just a dream when I won first place in the Grade 5 Junior Inventor Exhibit but now it's bizarre that a dream that formed in my mind from years ago, could actually become real enough to hold it in your hand or look at it through a monitor.

Swallowing hard, I read the letter again and to be really honest I'm starting to get annoyed with myself. Why couldn't I process this thing? Why couldn't my brain get it?! But they said only 1 had passed out of 100 students in our school who applied for admission in Harvard.

How about Eddie Long? What about my friends whom I reviewed with?

As if on cue, my phone rang and I saw Jenny, my best friend's name flashed on the monitor. I quickly picked it up and my eardrums almost exploded when I was greeted with a loud, excited squeal. "Tell me," she said after "you passed, didn't you?" It was almost as if she was calculating her words, they carefully went out from her mouth like she was sure but still had doubts about what she had claimed.

I heaved a sigh. It took a second for me to answer and so she talked again. "What? You didn't?" There was a hint of disappointment in her voice. "It couldn't possibly be Hillary," she's talking about the genius beauty queen in our school which regularly competes with everything I do, literally everything, "I mean, she is intelligent but not intelligent enough to outwit you or to pass the admission test," she breathed hard, through the phone I know that she's thinking profoundly, "and the only one who could possibly beat you is Eddie Long, but he posted a thread in twitter complaining about his results, even reproving Harvard for what he said 'lack of sensibility and taste—"

"I passed." I cut her off, but I didn't think she heard me because she kept on blabbering stuff about Eddie Long's ridiculous twitter thread.

"—I mean could you believe the audacity of that guy? Blaming Harvard for his ineffectiveness, I knew from the first day that that geek wouldn't be able to take a blow. It's obvious, with his high chin and intimidating eyebrows."

"Jenny," I called once more, in this manner she stopped talking.


"I received a letter from the Admission Committee of Harvard..." Those words almost flew with the air. A small smile escaped from my lips as I began to realize—and as my brain started to incorporate every thought in my head, that I had truly passed the admission exam of one of the most prominent Universities in the world.

I heard her breathing in the background and I could almost imagine her face being filled with shock as she tries to sink every word in. It took a moment for her to answer back and so I took advantage and without ado, read the mail out loud.

"Harvard University, Cambridge, MA." I trailed off. "Dear Ms. Candice Stuart Larsen," I paused, letting the dramatic effect of the greeting creep in me. "I am delighted to inform you that the Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid has voted to offer you a place in the Harvard Class of 2020—'

After that I was not able to contain myself and my excitement, I squealed the word '2020' and Jenny being Jenny, squealed with me.

"OH MY GOD!" She shrieked from the other line. "Congratulations!" Her 'congratulations' was then followed by another squeal. I took my phone away from my ear, but still, I could hear her joyful voice; she was squeaking very loudly and through the unseen radio-waves that connected us, her proudness and excitement for me easily entered the small room.

"Gracious, calm down," then I giggled. "I haven't finished the mail!"

"What? Bitch, you were the first one to squeal—it's infectious that's why I squealed with you." She retorted, panting. "And fucking hell, you don't need to read the whole paper for me! Read it in solitude and be delighted!" she preached.

"Amen!" I laughed. "My parents would be so proud."

"Yes, darling, they'd be inviting me over for dinner and I'll have another chance to eat free Asian cuisines again."

I chuckled at her remarks, we talked a bit before we both beat it.

She's grunting and I could only imagine her punching the air because of victory. "Eddie Long would be so jealous, and furious, surely his balls will fall off his pants!" She naughtily stated.

"Language, and why do you hate Eddie so much?"

"Oh, shut up, Candice, Eddie's been trying to take you down since you've won the Junior Inventor Exhibit, and about my language, you're not a kid anymore." She said then she slowed down, "Really bitch, I'm hella proud of you."

"Thank you, Jen." I said and we bid our goodbyes.

I didn't want to ask why she did not pass, because that would be very rude of me, and I do not want to ruin her proud moment.

I raised my eyebrows as I imagined what tomorrow would be like at school if I ever see Eddie or Hillary, I am sure their glares would be threatening and envious. I could just imagine what tomorrow may bring for the three of us; I'm sure of the childish confrontation, the uncompromising intimidation and the you'll never beat me speech.

I threw my phone carefully on my bed and then it was a little celebration for me. I uncontrollably squealed, squeaked and shrieked because of the outpouring excitement in my heart.

"I passed Harvard, lalala..." I chanted while I was jumping on my bed. "I passed Harvard... yeah!"

I was making silly dance steps; I was banging my head side by side and back and forth. I was touching my feet and shaking my shoulders. Then I realized I was doing the macarena dance move. It took a minute for me to stop but even though my mind decided to stop my body was still grooving in the imaginary beat in my head.

I passed Harvard, lalala.

One more jump and I dropped my body on the bed, I felt my phone on my back and so I reached for it. I dialed my parent's number and was surprise to hear an unfamiliar voice from the line.

"Hello?" It was a man with a sharp British accent.

"Uhh..." I hesitated. I checked my phone's screen making sure I rang the right number and it was right. It's my dad's. "Is...Jacob Larsen—"

"How are you related to the victim?"

"What do you mean?" My voice broke. It was a surprise that I was able to blurt those words out even when my whole body stiffed up when I heard the word victim. I tried to remember how someone could be a victim, but my mind was almost shutting down. I felt this undeniable fear in my chest, I couldn't digest for a moment whatever it is that my father had done that he's being called a victim by this stranger, but I knew in my heart that this was not good news.

"I'm sorry ma'am but the owner of this number is involved in a head-on collision—"

"What!?" I exclaimed. I needed my mind to cooperate but my body was shaking so bad.

"Ma'am how are you related to the victim—"

"He is my father!" I cried out loud. At this moment, I lost it. My knees started trembling intensely and the fear in my chest had grown into an immense pain, crawling up to my eyes, they started swelling and a wave of uncontrollable tears started to fall down. Another upsurge of indescribable pain formed in my chest, this time creeping up to my throat, and suddenly it was so hard to speak.

"Ma'am please calm down—"

"Where is he? Where did you bring him?" My voice was letting me down. It was cracking, and fading out.

"Ma'am, listen, they were brought into the Emergency area of Sta. Maria Medical City—"

"What do you mean 'they'!?" Both pain and fear combined easily crept into my entire body, it was overtaking my whole being. I was sobbing aloud out of the negative emotions that keep coming out, wave after wave. It was unstoppable, there was hammering in my heart and I rushed downstairs completely careless of my appearance.

"Just... just come here ma'am and we'll explain everything to you."

"Do you..." I breathed hard. "Do you have the slightest idea of how you are making me feel?" I asked, then there was silence. I heard an apologetic sigh in the background and so I decided to turn the call off.

I quickly looked at my wrist watch, it was 10 o'clock in the evening. I clenched my knuckles and, in my head, I was praying for everything to be alright. A cold breeze suddenly swept through my face and I started shivering. The roads were quiet and I was lucky to spot a pair of headlights and a taxi sign on the roof. "Taxi!" I yelled; it took a lot of strength to call it. I was shivering even when there was no wind.

My heart started beating loudly.

The car stopped in front of me and I immediately slid in the backseat.

"Where to ma'am?" The driver asks, he's looking from the rear view mirror.

"Sta. Maria Medical Hospital, quickly." My voice was undoubtedly broken. The car started moving. I began to search my contacts and called Jenny once again. She picked up in a matter of seconds.

"Hello, bitch, what's up—"

"Jenny..." And after that I cried my heart out. I couldn't say anything, I was just sitting there, weeping and worried about my family, and hoping that they are safe.

"What happened...?" I heard her worried voice from the other line but speaking was too much.

"H-Hospital..." I struggled to complete that word. "M-Mom and dad," and then I cried harder.

I was completely unmindful of what the driver may think of me, I tried to cover my mouth but the loud sniffle from me kept escaping from my palm.

"What do you mean? What hospital—"

I hung up and tossed the phone away. I covered my face with my palms and I sobbed much harder this time.

What luck?

One moment I was happy to be accepted in Harvard then in another moment, you learn your parents are in a hospital because of an accident.

"Oh, God, please..."

The ride from my house to the hospital felt like a lifetime. My frustration is taking the best of me. I was lost with the thoughts of my parents. I couldn't think straight, they're the only ones I could think about.

My phone is ringing but I am not able to notice or answer it, even the loud honking of vehicles seems to not exist, all I could hear is my heart beating hard in my chest.

The car halted and outside I saw the bright sign of Sta. Maria Hospital, I quickly reached for my pocket and fetched money from it. "How much should I pay—"

The driver cut me off. "No, ma'am, it's okay. Use it for the bills, if that could help, go to your family now."

Tears quickly formed in my eyes as a pair of sympathetic eyes met my gaze. "Go on," he added.

I nodded quickly. "Thank you," I said as I got out of the cab. The cab immediately drove away for a moment. I followed it then I quickly turned around for my parents. I could see two police cars scattered in the parking lot and the media just outside of the hospital.

I approached one policeman who's leaning on one of the police cars. "Excuse me, someone called me and told me that my parents were involved in an—"

"That's me, Ms. Larsen." He quickly answered. "Follow me," he said and so I did, some policemen were behind us too.

We went inside the hospital. And they quickly covered me with a towel as we approached the media.

"Sir, what happened?"

"Sir, is she related to the victims?"

"Ma'am, can I interview you?"

A person held my arms and tried to pull me but one of the police officers quickly grabbed his arms and threw them away.

"Piss off, will you?!" The policeman shouted. But that didn't stop them, they kept shoving themselves to us, until the officers had no choice but to close the hospital doors. "Goddamn, heartless," one muttered.

I was crying silently and I was not paying attention to my surroundings until I saw the ICU sign, I started to tremble. "Oh, God." I unconsciously gripped a policeman's shirt, because I was about to fall on my knees. "Oh, God." I cried.

Someone held both of my arms and helped me. "Be strong, ma'am."

I was shaking my head when we went inside a room and my tears immediately fell when I saw my father, with different hoses connected to him. He was breathing hard as if he was struggling. I quickly ran to him and cried. "Dad!"

"I am here, I am here." I reminded him. His eyes were half open and his fingers moved slightly. "Dad, fight for me... I passed Harvard, daddy. I passed." I sobbed while looking at my dad. His face was bruised and wounded. I could feel my heart breaking inside my chest, I was being torn apart by the sight of my father. "Dad... please." I cried. "Please...fight."

His breathing calmed down, I was just looking at him, then as if a 'calm before the storm' he started to convulse. In my panic, I stood up and hugged him. "What is happening!?" I shouted. "Doctors! Call the doctors please!" I cried for help.

The door flung open and I saw the widening eyes of a police officer in the sight of my father. "Doctors!" I yelled. I didn't know which emotion to put first, they were mixed and it's making me confused.

"Nurse!" I heard the policeman shouting. "We need help!"

In a flash, a pair of strong arms were lifting me away from my dad and the sight of him convulsing broke me entirely. "Dad!" I screamed. "Daddy!"

"We need her out."

"Ms. Larsen, calm down—"

"No! Let me go, my father needs me..." I resisted aggressively. "Please don't take me away from him, please. I'm begging you; my dad needs me!" I wailed. "Daddy!"

And then there was the loud straight beep of a machine, in front of me, I saw the doctors performing CPR on my father but he was not responding. I couldn't understand what they were talking about. They were using a defibrillator and my dad was bending hard in response. Everything was blurring out because of my tears. I could hear someone screaming, but I am not sure if it was me.

Nothing was sinking in.

Then they stopped, and suddenly I knew. I knew what's about to happen but I could not accept it.

"Time of death, 23:11." Someone announced but I shook my head.

"No...," it came out as a whisper. I closed my eyes, hoping that once I opened them again, I'd be greeted by the sun because I was just dreaming. "Please wake me up, this is not true." I muttered. My tears have dried up, but the lump in my chest won't go away. "Please..."

"I'm sorry, Ms. Larsen." A policeman whispered. "I'm sorry."

Then, I lost it. My knees gave out and I fell on the floor, crying, wailing and uncontrollably screaming because of the unbearable pain in my chest. I saw it clearly, they covered my dad with a white fabric and I knew, he's gone. My father's gone. My daddy's gone.

"Where's my mother?" I asked the policeman weakly.

"She's..." he paused and sighed, "She's declared dead on arrival." And then there was nothing.

Introduction: Twist of Fate


The moment I drove off the hospital is also the moment the rain started pouring. It was raining so hard that there was almost zero visibility out there. "Damn it." I cursed.

I remembered the woman crying on the backseat, she was sobbing and curling herself up and I couldn't help but feel sympathy for her. Her loud sobs were an indication of something tragic, and the fact that she was going to the hospital meant something really bad happened. I clutched the steering wheel as I remembered my stomach churning out of pity when I saw her trembling. She was a mess.

I am kind of guilty for not consoling her, but I don't think she needs my consolation, and besides, I also have some consolation to make for myself.

I parked the taxi in the parking space of our manor. I glanced at the backseat and I facepalmed when I saw the woman's phone resting on one corner. "Oh, right." I mumbled frustrated. I reached for it, and put it in my pocket. I'll bring it back to her.

I saw my chauffeur slash the real owner of this taxi looking pale and depressed; once he saw his car his face brightened up, he quickly went to me. I opened the door and smiled weakly at him. "Young master, your father is furious."

I bobbed my head in surprise and tapped his shoulder. He was holding an umbrella for me so I pushed his hand away and went out. I started to get wet because of the rain. "Young master, you're dripping wet because of the rain please take this umbrella—"

"Edgar, you probably need it more than I do. If I get soaked, I'll be fine, if you get soaked, you'll have a fever and eventually die. You're old." I joked and pat his shoulder. "Anyway, what a warm welcome." I winked at him and he chuckled. "Got yah!" I punched him jokingly and started to run inside the house.

"Young master!"

I wasn't running fast enough for me to not notice different luxurious cars of my brothers parked on the lot, too. I closed my eyes tightly and breathed hard.

"Damn it."

I was about to ring the bell on the entrance when it suddenly flung open before me and swiftly, a clenched fist met my face and I was dizzy on the ground.

"Shit!" I cursed, I immediately felt my head throbbing because of the punch.

"You still got the nerve to step on my house!?" My father's voice boomed under the pouring rain. "The admission was so easy and yet you failed!" he roared.

I was out in the rain and he was standing inside the house, near the door. Well, I am safe here, there's no way he was going to get out and beat me. That's so not him.

I tried standing up, immediately Edgar held my hand and helped me. "Edgar, please." I said and he immediately let me go, causing me to fall back down again. "Damn it, Edgar!"

"I'm sorry young master—I thought you wanted me to let go—"

I signaled him to hush and so he did. I looked at my father and he was standing so tall, his whole figure showed up when lightning suddenly flashed from the sky and the sound of thunder came along with it.


"Do not call me father, you're an idiot!" He bellowed.

I was taken aback at his statement. I held my chest dramatically and signaled him to stop. "Take it easy, old man!" I muttered incredulously. "You're hurting my feelings—"

"You're a shame to this family, Dylan!" he said. And so, I zipped my mouth. Well, being called an idiot is bearable but being called a shame is another thing.

I faked a laugh and shook my head. "Okay." I bluntly retorted.

"You disgust me. It's a disgrace to be called your father," he stated. I frowned and combed my fingers through my hair. "You keep playing around, Dylan, what do you want to do with your life?" he asked, as if he didn't know it yet.

As if the embarrassment from my father was not enough, from behind my three older brothers took a step forward and eyed me with disgust.

"Useless." Gerald mumbled while he was holding a glass of white wine in his hand. I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Pathetic." Geronimo muttered.

"Oh, give him a chance." Geoffrey said while looking at his other twins as if they were stupid. He looked back at me and winked. I made a face but still mouthed my gratitude.

"You had Trina's beautiful face, and you also inherited her stupidity." My father started, I gasped when I heard his awful statement. "If I only knew a son from her would be this dumb then maybe I shouldn't have sex with her—"

"Father." Geoffrey warned while his gaze was still on me. "You didn't have to say that," he added.

Gerald let out an insulting laugh. "You keep on defending this useless thing, Geoff," he stated, "He's not worth it. When do you plan to work your life out, Dylan? Do you want to be a burden for your whole useless existence?"

"We have to give him a chance—"

"We've done that for ages—but all he wants to do is to fool around." Geronimo butted in.

"He was not fooling around, have you seen the films he directed? His cinematography, his photography—"

"Worthless piece of crap." My father's voice echoed. "He is investing himself with these worthless hobbies of his—"

"They are not worthless." I couldn't help myself.

"Shut up!" my father commanded. "You do not impress me!" he said. "Have you seen what our forefathers invested in? They've invested in Science and Technology—advancements, internet connections, and your brothers have invented a way to bring perpetual motion into life and you are fooling around with your camera?!"

Then suddenly, the rain started to fall. I sighed and shook my head. "Maybe it's just not for me—"

"No, it's either you're dumb or this family is not for you."

My breathing went rigid. "I'm sorry."

"That is not enough."

"I've tried father, I went to review centers for the exam..."

"Then you haven't tried enough."

"Geronimo, will you please shut up?" I wasn't able to control my temper when he interrupted us again. "You are as dumb as me. If not for your other twins' success then you'll also be called a dumbass by that old man next to you." I said as a matter of fact.

His face hardened and he clenched his fist. "You're wrong," he mumbled, "but I wouldn't want to waste my time explaining to you."

"Exactly what a dumbass would say." I answered back.

"It was so easy to pass Harvard, Dylan." Gerald spoke. I did not reply, of course, they have a mind of a genius. I have a mind of an artist, and it's just totally different—and the Hearst, my family, they do not care about artists like me, they only care about Science.

"When you were young, you were so good at mixing colors." My father broke the silence. "You figured things out very quickly, you remember them and you paint them on a wet canvas. One time you drew my face so correctly it was bizarre, it sent shivers down my spine—I was thinking of the accuracy of every angle on my face, the curves, the wrinkles, the lashes and the eyes. You remembered them all with just one look," he paused and looked at me directly, out of shame; I looked away. "I thought there was a genius within you, that out of all my sons you are the most brilliant. That out of all, Miguel Delfino Hearst's offspring you'd be the most unconventional." He said. "I have hoped, Dylan, for years and years, I have hoped."

I looked down on my knees, and a painful lump started to form in my chest.

"And through all those years, you've failed me." After that he turned his back at me, then the triplets followed him leaving me feeling downhearted underneath the dark sky.

His last words hit me hard, they swallowed me whole. I looked at my side and I found Edgar looking at me with sympathy, he was still holding his umbrella. "Man, don't look at me like that." I said. "And, put down that umbrella, it's not raining." I forced a smile.

He came near me, and suddenly I was covered under his umbrella. "I don't need it, but I think you need covering, young master. You can cry, your father's gone and the heavens won't see. I got you covered." He smiled down at me.

With disbelief I looked at him, and then I wasn't able to help it, a tear escaped my eyes and underneath the dark sky, I cried silently. It didn't bother me; the heavens won't see, I am covered.

"I've tried for years, you know." I told Edgar while we were driving downtown. I needed fresh air, I needed a drive. "I can't do Mathematics, Ed—it's not for me, moreover, Science."

"Well, your father might have believed in you so much."

"No, Ed—he did not."

"Then why is he so disappointed?"

"Because—" I thought for a while.

"Because he believed in you." He said and I held the steering wheel tightly.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I didn't feel it."

After that we drove in silence, I turned the radio on as we passed by the city lights. I was lost in the scenery, I suddenly felt I was inside a film or something. I matched the car speed to the tune of the song and it felt surreal. The city lights were not just lighting anymore, they suddenly felt like stars on land. The building's silhouettes suddenly became the dark night sky and the lights from their windows suddenly were twinkling.

"Isn't that beautiful?" I asked when I saw a broken stoplight, the red light was blinking and the green and yellow once didn't seem to work. I thought it was aesthetically pleasing, under the gloom of the night, along the empty streets and silently passing cars. The slow blinking of that stop light seemed to harmonize with the quietness of the evening.

I looked at Edgar and he was frowning at the stop light. "Pretty much could cause traffic, goodness, that should be fixed," he said and I rolled my eyes at him.

They just don't get me.

I drove off to my girlfriend's apartment. I halted and looked at Edgar. "Here I am, Ed. I don't want to stay at my flat—I feel lonely." I said.

He looked at me and nodded his head. "Alright, young master. Just call me if you need anything." He reminded me and I smiled at him.

"Thank you, Ed."

I slid off his car and he shifted from the passengers to the driver's seat. "G'night, man!"

He started the car and drove off.

I started taking the stairs to Maddie's apartment and as I got closer, I heard soft moans from inside. I was suddenly taken aback.

"Oh, Jackson—so good." That was Maddie's voice.

"Mads..." Jackson, moaned.

"This is my reward, you passed Harvard." -Maddie.

I caught my breath.

"Why? Your man didn't?"

"He's too busy working on his paintings, films and some crap..." she suddenly panted. "Oh!"

"Man, tell him he's going nowhere—"

I closed my eyes and clenched my fist. God damn it. I was planning on confronting them, on punching Jackson's face and shouting at Maddie, but that is just not convenient. Besides, they were right. I shouldn't let my anger overpower me. I am better than this.

I quickly yet quietly launched off the stairs. I almost slipped when I reached the last step but I was too serious to flop. "Shit." I breathed.

The wet road patterned with my steps; my heart was feeling so heavy. "So many things could happen in a moment." I mumbled.

I was about to go inside an old pub by the street but I was rattled when I felt a vibration inside my pocket. "Holy shit!" I exclaimed in surprise.

I quickly fetch the phone. I bobbed my head backwards as I realized that it was the lady passenger's phone and not mine! "Goodness!" I muffled out of annoyance.

Jenny calling

I breathed hard and answered the call. "Hello?" I said.

"Hello? Hello? Who are you, where is Candice?" A hysterical cry from the other line greeted me.

"Well, hello—"

"Oh god, a man! Are you her lover?"

"What? No!" I denied.

"Then where is she!?" she exclaimed.

"I don't know, I mean I do but—"

"What did you do to her!?"

"Calm down!" I hysterically said. "She's in Sta. Maria Medical City—"

"What happened?!"

"I do not know!" I retorted.

"Oh goodness." She breathed. "Why do you have her phone?"

"She got in my taxi; I drove her off!"

"Oh, please could you fetch me—take me where she is?"

"I don't have my taxi—but you could go there, tell the driver you're off to Sta. Maria Med City, they know it."

"Alright, okay—"

"I'll meet you there, I have to take her phone back, she forgot it." I said.

"Alright, oh goodness, thank you." She said and hung up.

I sighed and looked up at the bright sign of the pub. "Well, change of plans." I muttered.

I am momentarily looking at Candice's phone on the way to the hospital. It needs a password but the screen was her (I recognized), a man and woman, which I presume to be her parents. She was wearing a toga and she got medals of all sizes worn on her neck, some sashes, a bunch of trophies and certificates. As if the medals were too much for her, her parents had to wear the other medals and they had to hold other trophies for her. They were smiling widely, Candice's eyes almost seemed like nothing but a curvy line. She has slanted eyes which I think she got from her mother and a hint of an American feature, which I think she inherited from her father.

I remembered her sobbing about her parents from the backseat and I felt fear for her—imagining what could've happened.

"Here we are sir," the taxi halted. "That's about 5 bucks."

My eyes widened at the driver. "5 bucks? Man, you should calm the freak down!" I exclaimed.

He frowned at me, "Hey buddy, it's almost 12 in the evening—I should've been sleeping soundly with my family, you owe me," he added. I grimaced and half heartedly handed him 5 bucks.

"Hope it'll make you rich!" I spat as I closed the door. "Right, I've spent 5 bucks just by bringing this phone to its owner—and I didn't even let her pay, yes good day."

'And probably by tomorrow all my accounts will be frozen, with dad being my dad.'

I went in and the media was still piled up at the entrance. I quietly entered and proceeded to the information desk; in there I found a ginger-head girl making crazy gestures with her hand.

"Larsen? Candice? Slanted eyes, Korean yet American?" she hysterically expressed.

The nurse looked at her, confused. "I am not sure ma'am what's the case of your friend?"

"I do not know, someone said she was here—"

I butted in. "Ms. Candice, I am not sure if her parents met with an accident—that's what I heard."

They both looked at me. I faced the ginger-head girl and nodded. "I believe you are Jenny; I am the taxi driver." Then I showed Jenny's phone.

"Sure, you're not." The nurse said to me, I looked at her surprised.

"More of an action star—"

I nodded awkwardly at her statements. "You're really going to say that after I've just said that—" I glanced at Jenny, "Our friend's parents met with an accident? How professional of you." I said sarcastically.

"Oh, sir I'm sorry."

"Where is she?"

"The ICU sir," she pointed to the hall, "It's not going well for her parents."

Before I could even say a word, Jenny rushed into that hall and so I followed her. "T-thanks!" I said to the nurse. She followed me but all I could do was track down Jenny.

"Candice!" I heard her exclaim. "Oh goodness!" and then her voice broke and she started crying. I slowed down while I was looking at them.

Candice Larsen looked more Asian in person, or maybe it was because of her swollen eyes and her unstoppable cry. Jenny hugged her then they both cried in each other's arms. I was slowly breathing as I looked at them. Eventually, the accident didn't end well. I found a seat and rested there quietly as I listened to their sobs in the hallway. I felt a pang of pity in my heart as I looked at Candice curled up in Jenny's arms, her hair was a mess and she was wearing pajamas and a wrong pair of slippers.

It took a while before the both of them calmed down, Jenny was sitting quietly beside Candice while she was rubbing her back. In this manner, I decided to interrupt.

"Hey," I called out. Candice seemed oblivious of her surroundings, however, Jenny looked at me and smiled weakly. "I am sorry." I voiced out.

Jenny nodded; I was just dumbly standing there looking at both of them. I was about to say something when two police officers appeared and asked if they could invite Candice in.

"Do I really need to?" her voice was almost fading out. The police officer pursed his lips and apologetically looked at Candice.

"Yes, Ms. Larsen, they've taken them to the morgue."

I heard Candice's muffled cries as the officer guided him to God knows where.

"Can I come?" Jenny asked, standing up.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am, just the closest relative for now," the other police officer said. Jenny nodded hesitantly.

Candice went away with the officers and from here I saw how weak she was. She was trembling, and barely could take another step.

I placed my hands in my pocket as I went to Jenny and sat beside her. "So..." I trailed off "What happened?"

Jenny looked at me and pursed her lips. "Her parents met with an accident," her voice broke, "They weren't able to make it," she caught her face with her palms then she sobbed. I didn't know what to do so I just sat silently while waiting for her to stop crying. I rubbed her back if that's any consolation. She looked up at me and she spoke. "You know, she was so excited, she topped the entrance exam in Harvard." She said and I gasped. "She was really excited to tell her parents—" she wiped her tears, "But then this happened." Then she cried again.

"I'm sorry." That was everything I could say.

And in my head, I was thinking:

How can many things happen in a moment?
