
Why can't I register?

Located on the South West of Central continent is one of 5 major cities in central continent known for it's massive wall towering at 10 meters tall and covered the entirety of the city which boast a large size of 142 024 square kilometers. Named as Silver Turtle City due to it's massive silver walls it is known as the being the city that is managed by a private organization called Lux Corporation.

As a major city, having a World Defense Academy is a must and every citizen in the city is required to attend the academy after reaching the legal age of 18. 9th September is the opening day for the new intake and same as the previous 3 intake, the academy ground is crowded but not full of people.

There are a total of 8 main entrance to the dome shaped academy named White Tortoise after the major city and each of the entrance hold 5 lines for people to register. Admission is free and allowance would be given to those who attend. It is one of the reason why people go crazy to enter it but a certain line seemed to draw people's attention.

Whispers could be heard, people started to poke their friends and pointed at a certain guy dressed luxuriously. A hint of smile could be seen on that aged man. He is Gray Lux, the founder and director of Lux Corporation. It would take a man living in the caves for over 2 decades to not know who this man was.

"Ah people sure are staring. Is it admiration i hear from them? *Sigh* I tried to dress moderately but it seems that i still draw attention from everyone."

"Puppet.. Are you that dense? Of course they are staring. You are the only old person here lining up to register. Everyone else seems to be in their teens. I bet they are wondering why a teacher would line up with them. Idiot."

"*Shesh* You are jealous aren't you Soul? It's okay. I know you want to be like me."

"You're a lost cause."

I bet he's just jealous that I'm the one in control of this vessel. But I admit it, we won't get this far if it wasn't for Soul. Infiltrating this world is so hard not to mention being reborn here and being accepted by the world as a native. I couldn't have done it without him. Now that we got to this point, everything is going to go as we wish.

Taking out my fancy pocket watch I noted the time is now 8.27. Whew can't they just start already. I'm starting to fall asleep. Take a deep breath. Look at the surroundings. Everyone is staring at me. I can't fall asleep now it would damage my flawless reputation.

*Ding Ding Ding*

"Attention! We will now begin the registration. As you know we will take in only a 100 000 people per year and looking at the lines I can assure you everyone will be taken. Please check whether your I.D is with you. It is mandatory to verify your identity. We will also draw a vial of your blood to examine the amount of radiation you have. The more the better. Now start!"

Finally it started. I thought i came here early by arriving just before 8.00 but it seems there are a lot of people who came even earlier. *Sigh* I'll just have to endure this.

After what seemed to be an eternity to me, I have reached the front. Then the registrar in this line motioned to me.

"Name and I.D please."

I handed my ordinary looking I.D card to him while saying my name.

"Gray Lux."

The registrar jolted in surprise hearing my name. He then looked up to see my face. Hands trembling, he checked my I.D card.

"N-no way.. Director Lux? Why would you come here?"

"Uh... to enroll in the academy of course. It is mandatory for all the citizen of Silver Turtle to enroll in the crash course of surviving in this dark age right? I am a citizen and i hope to be able to learn something new."

A voice came from behind the big double door of the South West Gate.

"What's holding up the line? A person a minute. Is it so hard a task to verify I.D and drawing blood Mr Alex?"

"N-no.. It's just that I've met a special.. person registering."

"Isn't everyone equal beneath the law? What's special about him?"

Someone with a bald head and a big scar came. How rude. I am Gray Lux. Am I not special? Then i saw Mr Alex handed my I.D to that rude guy. Seriously it's just a repeat of what happened to Mr Alex.

"Umm. Forgive me for the rudeness Mr Lux. Please could you come this way and have a seat first. I need to clear up a few things with the higher up."

I then stepped aside and stood still before replying to that rude guy.

"No it's fine. Everyone is the same beneath the law. I'll just stand here while you clear up whatever it is you have trouble with."

Motioning to the guy behind me, I make a slight bow.

"Pardon me everyone for taking quite a while of your time. It appears there is a little problem for me to register. You guys go on ahead."

They guy legit froze on the spot. I didn't know it was possible for a man to shutdown. I haven't entered and i have already learnt a new thing. I wonder what else would I learn here. Oh the guy, I better get that guy to move back.

"Sir are you alright? Please continue your registration or you might hold the line like I did just now and delay the entire thing for others."

Seemingly dazed, he continued the whole registration. I swear his eyes were blank. I continued to stand right there just out of the way for others to register. *Sigh* This will be a long day.

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