
Grandmaster System

In a Wuxia World follow the story of a former bussiness man as he paves his road to ascension. After being betrayed and staying in prison for a whole 8 years Joseph reincarnates in a wuxia world with a system, after his former experiences, Joseph will not trust anyone easily as his nature turns slightly demonic. Author’s note: English is not my first language so please do not mind some grammar errors, indicate them in the comments an I will try to fix them.

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11 Chs

: Enrollment Examinations

Cheng Hua was a little heartbroken as he left his hometown. After all, he knew every person in the village, and they all loved and respected him.

However, that is in the past, and now he is on his journey to acquire strength and become the best.

Cheng Hua took one last look to his village as he turned around and started walking toward the Violet Sky city. After a while, he picked up a carriage and continued his travel.

The whole journey took him three days as the distance between the sect, and his hometown was roughly 150 miles.

It was a fairly uneventful journey as he mostly admired the surroundings on the way.

Now he stood in front of a gigantic door, it was made of pitch black wood and was connected on both sides by some kind of eyecatching red brick walls. At a 50 meter interval, from inside the territory a high tower could be seen overlooking the wall.

As he was looking wide eyed at the sect door, a man wearing a long white robe approached him as he said.

"State your name and purpose for coming."

"Im called Cheng Hua, I am here to take the entrance exam"

The guardsman was slightly perplexed to hear Cheng Hua's words as he looked at him strangely while opening the doors and telling him to go inside and he would see where he is supposed to go.

Cheng Hua ignored the man's strange behavior. As he entered through the gigantic doors he saw a big number of beautiful constructions as he walked to the crowd of people in from of him.

Coming closer he finally heard two young men chatting

"I heard this year's examiner will be Master Zhong, he is infamous for rejecting a whole batch of students once when being in a bad mood."

"No way, It's old man Zhong? Listen to me brother, we should leave while we still can, lest we should get humiliated by him."

"Be careful of your words, if he heard you, you'd be no more that a bag of bones."

Listening to the two talking Cheng Hua got to understand why the guard at the door looked at him in such a way, however to him none of these mattered as he was confident of his abilities.

He checked the other's stats and the highest one he found had 80 total stats points while he himself already had 196.

While he did not oversee them all he was still quite happy of his his higher stats.

After around 2 hours of waiting a middle aged man came on to the podium. As he looked down at the little children that were scared to even look at his face, his gaze met with Cheng Hua's, as they stared at each other old man Zhong was quite surprised to meet a child with such fearlessness and resolve.

However, he knew that it might not be necessarily a good thing as there were numerous villains in their sect that possessed such a character.

At the same time Cheng Hua also sized the man up, he used appraisal on him and such were the results:


TITLE: Seeker of truth

RACE: Human

NAME: Zhong Xing

HEALTH: 3920 / 3920

MANA: 7000 / 7000

STATUS: Poisoned

Strength: 381

Agility: 400

Vitality: 392

Dexterity: 402

Intelligence: 700

Wisdom: 623


The results were way too much for Cheng Hua to comprehend, he never expected a teacher in this sect to be this powerful.

He imagined that someone with such stats was at least the sect grand master, not a mere teacher.

What made him even more flabbergasted was the poisoned status, what could have hurt someone of such strength?

As this question passed through his head, Teacher Zhong looked away from him as he said to the people that were full of fear:

"I shall not beat around the bush, you are all here to take the entrance exam of the Coiling Snake sect, although we have no requirement for your social status, we place a special importance on your strength. We shall now begin the ceremony, get on the podium one by one, and place your hand on this cristal, it will determine whether you are qualified to join our sect."

As he said that, he sat down on a chair in the middle of the podium as he shook his hand a gleaming orb appeared out of nowhere as he placed it on the table in front of him and yelled:


The kids were still shocked by seeing an orb appear out of thin air, however Cheng Hua already knew how that happened as he was not even one bit shocked, someone of this person's strength should definitely possess an interspacial ring.

Hearing the teacher's shout, the kid closest to the podium climbed the pair of stairs as he walked to the table, then he placed his hand on the orb and it glowed with a blue tint for a second before turning back to normal, then a screen appeared in mid air.

It was Cheng Hua's time to be shocked now, on the screen had 2 panels: cultivation level and Body Affinities.

Cheng Hua was extremely interested in the orb as he inspected it


NAME: Orb of talents

DESCRIPTION: A magical enchanted orb that shows the cultivation stage and affinity with nature's elements of the person holding it currently, only applicable if cultivation level is below Body Tempering 3rd stage


Cheng Hua was quite interested about this orb, he decided that he would definetely buy one in the future.

It was at this moment that a thought struck him:

<I will definitely estabilish a sect in the future, having a lot of minions and being respected, hehe not bad indeed.>

The more he thought about it, the more Cheng Hua liked the idea of being a Sect Leader, and so he set another long term goal for his future.

One by one all children took the orb test, until it was Cheng Hua's turn.

He walked up the stage and put his hand on the orb.

At that moment they orb blinked blue for a second before displaying a status window


Cultivation level: Body Tempering 2nd stage

Body affinities: Fire


Seeing the majestic window everyone stood with their mouths open, even old man Zhong did not expect to see someone who already entered the second stage of body tempering before the entrance ceremony.

Normally someone with such strength should be in the second year of discipleship, around the middle of the outer disciples, while being close to joining the top students.

But this kid had such might even before joining their sect, it was something incomprehensible.

Giving another look to Cheng Hua, he said

"Kiddo, you are quite special and attracted my attention, you are accepted in our sect, while also being the best of this batch, I shall grant you the opportunity to request of me any one thing you require.

As he heard those words, Cheng Hua hesitated no more as he immediately kneeled and said:

"Master Zhong, please accept me as your disciple!"

Hearing such a request, master Zhong did not know what to do, he only had 5 disciples, futhermore he was still injured from before. Honestly even though this child had a lot of potential he did not care that much about him.

But to be honest, he had great talent, and if he won't pull him in now, after someone recruits him and grows him a little, he will be resentful of the fact that he rejected such a genius child.

Having come to this conclusion, Master Zhong stood up and said

"Very good, you shall be my 6th disciple"

"Now the enrollment exam has been finished, whoever failed please leave the territory as soon as possible, otherwise do not blame us for the consequences."

"As for you little kid, follow me, lets go to a quieter place"

Cheng Hua looked in a happy manner at the window that poped up when he touched the orb


Due to exterior involvement, the system has gained new functions


Cheng Hua was satisfied and felt curious of what could have been added to his interface, he followed his new master.

They passed through numerous big country yards as Cheng Hua admired them on the way, they finally stopped in front of a circular tower built out of green wood, as he was looking at his master, waiting for him to explain why they were here, he talked.

"This is my residence, remember it well."

"Do not come searching for my help unless in dire need"

"And remember, be respectful to your seniors"

As he said that, Master Zhong threw a book to Cheng Hua as he entered the green house.

Cheng Hua decided to inspect the book later, after he settles down in his new room.

Traveling all the way back to the entrance and asking some people on the way, he found the information desk,where he was registered as a new outer disciple, given a uniform, and a room key.

Cheng Hua headed for the residential area as represented on the map he was given.

As he entered his seemingly normal house he saw a long corridor with 2 doors on each side, a total of 4 rooms, each with their according number, Cheng Hua quickly headed to room 103.

As he entered the room he was quite shocked to see that his living conditions improved by only having normal walls when compared to the time he lived in Autumn Snow town.

Speaking of which, he was curious to see how his family was doing, he also had to send them the good news, so he sat at the desk and wrote a letter, then leaving the house he left it at the information desk as it was to be sent some time later.

Then Cheng Hua headed home, laid on the bed and checked his status window



RACE: Human

NAME: Cheng Hua

HEALTH: 230 / 230

MANA: 4000 / 4000

Cultivation level: Body Tempering 2nd stage

Elemental affinity: Fire

STATUS: Normal

Strength: 29

Agility: 65

Vitality: 23

Dexterity: 28

Intelligence: 400

Wisdom: 160


Cheng Hua was quite happy to see the slight change in the system, now he would know the cultivation level of the targets of [appraisal].

Then he took the book he got from Master Zhong as he prepared to inspect it.